

Just then the landlord interrupted the conversation, in which there was something of an angry element, by announcing that breakfast was ready.The young sailor offered his hand to his mother with an air of false familiarity that confirmed the suspicions of Corentin, to whom the youth remarked as he went up the stairway: "Citizen, if you are travelling with the female citizen de Verneuil, and she accepts the landlord's proposal, you can come too."Though the words were said in a careless tone and were not inviting, Corentin followed.The young man squeezed the lady's hand when they were five or six steps above him, and said, in a low voice: "Now you see the dangers to which your imprudent enterprises, which have no glory in them, expose us.If we are discovered, how are we to escape?

And what a contemptible role you force me to play!"All three reached a large room on the upper floor.Any one who has travelled in the West will know that the landlord had, on such an occasion, brought forth his best things to do honor to his guests, and prepared the meal with no ordinary luxury.The table was carefully laid.The warmth of a large fire took the dampness from the room.The linen, glass, and china were not too dingy.Corentin saw at once that the landlord had, as they say familiarly, cut himself into quarters to please the strangers."Consequently," thought he, "these people are not what they pretend to be.That young man is clever.I took him for a fool, but I begin to believe him as shrewd as myself."The sailor, his mother, and Corentin awaited Mademoiselle de Verneuil, whom the landlord went to summon.But the handsome traveller did not come.The youth expected that she would make difficulties, and he left the room, humming the popular song, "Guard the nation's safety," and went to that of Mademoiselle de Verneuil, prompted by a keen desire to get the better of her scruples and take her back with him.Perhaps he wanted to solve the doubts which filled his mind; or else to exercise the power which all men like to think they wield over a pretty woman.

"May I be hanged if he's a Republican," thought Corentin, as he saw him go."He moves his shoulders like a courtier.And if that's his mother," he added, mentally, looking at Madame du Gua, "I'm the Pope!

They are Chouans; and I'll make sure of their quality."The door soon opened and the young man entered, holding the hand of Mademoiselle de Verneuil, whom he led to the table with an air of self-conceit that was nevertheless courteous.The devil had not allowed that hour which had elapsed since the lady's arrival to be wasted.With Francine's assistance, Mademoiselle de Verneuil had armed herself with a travelling-dress more dangerous, perhaps, than any ball-room attire.Its simplicity had precisely that attraction which comes of the skill with which a woman, handsome enough to wear no ornaments, reduces her dress to the position of a secondary charm.She wore a green gown, elegantly cut, the jacket of which, braided and frogged, defined her figure in a manner that was hardly suitable for a young girl, allowing her supple waist and rounded bust and graceful motions to be fully seen.She entered the room smiling, with the natural amenity of women who can show a fine set of teeth, transparent as porcelain between rosy lips, and dimpling cheeks as fresh as those of childhood.Having removed the close hood which had almost concealed her head at her first meeting with the young sailor, she could now employ at her ease the various little artifices, apparently so artless, with which a woman shows off the beauties of her face and the grace of her head, and attracts admiration for them.A certain harmony between her manners and her dress made her seem so much younger than she was that Madame du Gua thought herself beyond the mark in supposing her over twenty.The coquetry of her apparel, evidently worn to please, was enough to inspire hope in the young man's breast; but Mademoiselle de Verneuil bowed to him, as she took her place, with a slight inclination of her head and without looking at him, putting him aside with an apparently light-hearted carelessness which disconcerted him.This coolness might have seemed to an observer neither caution nor coquetry, but indifference, natural or feigned.The candid expression on the young lady's face only made it the more impenetrable.She showed no consciousness of her charms, and was apparently gifted with the pretty manners that win all hearts, and had already duped the natural self-conceit of the young sailor.Thus baffled, the youth returned to his own seat with a sort of vexation.

Mademoiselle de Verneuil took Francine, who accompanied her, by the hand and said, in a caressing voice, turning to Madame de Gua:

"Madame, will you have the kindness to allow this young girl, who is more a friend than a servant to me, to sit with us? In these perilous times such devotion as hers can only be repaid by the heart; indeed, that is very nearly all that is left to us."Madame du Gua replied to the last words, which were said half aside, with a rather unceremonious bow that betrayed her annoyance at the beauty of the new-comer.Then she said, in a low voice, to her son:

"'Perilous times,' 'devotion,' 'madame,' 'servant'! that is not Mademoiselle de Verneuil; it is some girl sent here by Fouche."The guests were about to sit down when Mademoiselle de Verneuil noticed Corentin, who was still employed in a close scrutiny of the mother and son, who were showing some annoyance at his glances.

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    为什么这个世界可以不公平成这样?完美的容貌、丰厚的身家、精明的头脑、挺拔的身材…… 几乎全天下所有的好处,都被东方凌一个人占尽了,身为这种超级发光体的“同居人”,为了避免成为女性公敌,她一向低调、低调、再低调,可没想到就在高三最后几个月,她的装不熟策略竟然破功,被他的第N号仰慕者“抓奸在车”,而他更为了保护她,大剌剌的当众发表未婚妻宣言,重重的误会席卷而来。七年后,当他归来,又是什么在等待着他们呢? 他们之间还会有什么为揭开的迷雾吗?他真的……爱她吗?