

When an unknown speaker comes forward with a speech containing good arguments, but only arguments, the chances are that he will only obtain a hearing.A Deputy who is a psychologist of insight, M.Desaubes, has recently traced in the following lines the portrait of the Deputy who lacks prestige:--"When he takes his place in the tribune he draws a document from his portfolio, spreads it out methodically before him, and makes a start with assurance.

"He flatters himself that he will implant in the minds of his audience the conviction by which he is himself animated.He has weighed and reweighed his arguments; he is well primed with figures and proofs; he is certain he will convince his hearers.

In the face of the evidence he is to adduce all resistance would be futile.He begins, confident in the justice of his cause, and relying upon the attention of his colleagues, whose only anxiety, of course, is to subscribe to the truth.

"He speaks, and is at once surprised at the restlessness of the House, and a little annoyed by the noise that is being made.

"How is it silence is not kept? Why this general inattention?

What are those Deputies thinking about who are engaged in conversation? What urgent motive has induced this or that Deputy to quit his seat?

"An expression of uneasiness crosses his face; he frowns and stops.Encouraged by the President, he begins again, raising his voice.He is only listened to all the less.He lends emphasis to his words, and gesticulates: the noise around him increases.

He can no longer hear himself, and again stops; finally, afraid that his silence may provoke the dreaded cry, `The Closure!' he starts off again.The clamour becomes unbearable."When parliamentary assemblies reach a certain pitch of excitement they become identical with ordinary heterogeneous crowds, and their sentiments in consequence present the peculiarity of being always extreme.They will be seen to commit acts of the greatest heroism or the worst excesses.The individual is no longer himself, and so entirely is this the case that he will vote measures most adverse to his personal interests.

The history of the French Revolution shows to what an extent assemblies are capable of losing their self-consciousness, and of obeying suggestions most contrary to their interests.It was an enormous sacrifice for the nobility to renounce its privileges, yet it did so without hesitation on a famous night during the sittings of the Constituant Assembly.By renouncing their inviolability the men of the Convention placed themselves under a perpetual menace of death and yet they took this step, and were not afraid to decimate their own ranks, though perfectly aware that the scaffold to which they were sending their colleagues to-day might be their own fate to-morrow.The truth is they had attained to that completely automatic state which I have described elsewhere, and no consideration would hinder them from yielding to the suggestions by which they were hypnotised.The following passage from the memoirs of one of them, Billaud-Varennes, is absolutely typical on this score: "The decisions with which we have been so reproached," he says, "WERENOT DESIRED BY US TWO DAYS, A SINGLE DAY BEFORE THEY WERE TAKEN:


The same phenomena of unconsciousness were to be witnessed during all the stormy sittings of the Convention.

"They approved and decreed measures," says Taine, "which they held in horror--measures which were not only stupid and foolish, but measures that were crimes--the murder of innocent men, the murder of their friends.The Left, supported by the Right, unanimously and amid loud applause, sent to the scaffold Danton, its natural chief, and the great promoter and leader of the Revolution.Unanimously and amid the greatest applause the Right, supported by the Left, votes the worst decrees of the revolutionary government.Unanimously and amid cries of admiration and enthusiasm, amid demonstrations of passionate sympathy for Collot d'Herbois, Couthon, and Robespierre, the Convention by spontaneous and repeated re-elections keeps in office the homicidal government which the Plain detests because it is homicidal, and the Mountain detests because it is decimated by it.The Plain and the Mountain, the majority and the minority, finish by consenting to help on their own suicide.The 22 Prairial the entire Convention offered itself to the executioner; the 8 Thermidor, during the first quarter of an hour that followed Robespierre's speech, it did the same thing again."This picture may appear sombre.Yet it is accurate.

Parliamentary assemblies, sufficiently excited and hypnotised, offer the same characteristics.They become an unstable flock, obedient to every impulsion.The following description of the Assembly of 1848 is due to M.Spuller, a parliamentarian whose faith in democracy is above suspicion.I reproduce it from the Revue litteraire, and it is thoroughly typical.It offers an example of all the exaggerated sentiments which I have described as characteristic of crowds, and of that excessive changeableness which permits of assemblies passing, from moment to moment, from one set of sentiments to another entirely opposite.

"The Republican party was brought to its perdition by its divisions, its jealousies, its suspicions, and, in turn, its blind confidence and its limitless hopes.Its ingenuousness and candour were only equalled by its universal mistrust.An absence of all sense of legality, of all comprehension of discipline, together with boundless terrors and illusions; the peasant and the child are on a level in these respects.Their calm is as great as their impatience; their ferocity is equal to their docility.This condition is the natural consequence of a temperament that is not formed and of the lack of education.

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