

Now take this earnest of success, for more:

Your scatter'd fleet is join'd upon the shore;The winds are chang'd, your friends from danger free;Or I renounce my skill in augury.

Twelve swans behold in beauteous order move, And stoop with closing pinions from above;Whom late the bird of Jove had driv'n along, And thro' the clouds pursued the scatt'ring throng:

Now, all united in a goodly team, They skim the ground, and seek the quiet stream.

As they, with joy returning, clap their wings, And ride the circuit of the skies in rings;Not otherwise your ships, and ev'ry friend, Already hold the port, or with swift sails descend.

No more advice is needful; but pursue The path before you, and the town in view."Thus having said, she turn'd, and made appear Her neck refulgent, and dishevel'd hair, Which, flowing from her shoulders, reach'd the ground.

And widely spread ambrosial scents around:

In length of train descends her sweeping gown;And, by her graceful walk, the Queen of Love is known.

The prince pursued the parting deity With words like these: "Ah! whither do you fly?

Unkind and cruel! to deceive your son In borrow'd shapes, and his embrace to shun;Never to bless my sight, but thus unknown;And still to speak in accents not your own."Against the goddess these complaints he made, But took the path, and her commands obey'd.

They march, obscure; for Venus kindly shrouds With mists their persons, and involves in clouds, That, thus unseen, their passage none might stay, Or force to tell the causes of their way.

This part perform'd, the goddess flies sublime To visit Paphos and her native clime;Where garlands, ever green and ever fair, With vows are offer'd, and with solemn pray'r:

A hundred altars in her temple smoke;

A thousand bleeding hearts her pow'r invoke.

They climb the next ascent, and, looking down, Now at a nearer distance view the town.

The prince with wonder sees the stately tow'rs, Which late were huts and shepherds' homely bow'rs, The gates and streets; and hears, from ev'ry part, The noise and busy concourse of the mart.

The toiling Tyrians on each other call To ply their labor: some extend the wall;Some build the citadel; the brawny throng Or dig, or push unwieldly stones along.

Some for their dwellings choose a spot of ground, Which, first design'd, with ditches they surround.

Some laws ordain; and some attend the choice Of holy senates, and elect by voice.

Here some design a mole, while others there Lay deep foundations for a theater;From marble quarries mighty columns hew, For ornaments of scenes, and future view.

Such is their toil, and such their busy pains, As exercise the bees in flow'ry plains, When winter past, and summer scarce begun, Invites them forth to labor in the sun;Some lead their youth abroad, while some condense Their liquid store, and some in cells dispense;Some at the gate stand ready to receive The golden burthen, and their friends relieve;All with united force, combine to drive The lazy drones from the laborious hive:

With envy stung, they view each other's deeds;The fragrant work with diligence proceeds.

"Thrice happy you, whose walls already rise!"Aeneas said, and view'd, with lifted eyes, Their lofty tow'rs; then, entiring at the gate, Conceal'd in clouds (prodigious to relate)He mix'd, unmark'd, among the busy throng, Borne by the tide, and pass'd unseen along.

Full in the center of the town there stood, Thick set with trees, a venerable wood.

The Tyrians, landing near this holy ground, And digging here, a prosp'rous omen found:

From under earth a courser's head they drew, Their growth and future fortune to foreshew.

This fated sign their foundress Juno gave, Of a soil fruitful, and a people brave.

Sidonian Dido here with solemn state Did Juno's temple build, and consecrate, Enrich'd with gifts, and with a golden shrine;But more the goddess made the place divine.

On brazen steps the marble threshold rose, And brazen plates the cedar beams inclose:

The rafters are with brazen cov'rings crown'd;The lofty doors on brazen hinges sound.

What first Aeneas this place beheld, Reviv'd his courage, and his fear expell'd.

For while, expecting there the queen, he rais'd His wond'ring eyes, and round the temple gaz'd, Admir'd the fortune of the rising town, The striving artists, and their arts' renown;He saw, in order painted on the wall, Whatever did unhappy Troy befall:

The wars that fame around the world had blown, All to the life, and ev'ry leader known.

There Agamemnon, Priam here, he spies, And fierce Achilles, who both kings defies.

He stopp'd, and weeping said: "O friend! ev'n here The monuments of Trojan woes appear!

Our known disasters fill ev'n foreign lands:

See there, where old unhappy Priam stands!

Ev'n the mute walls relate the warrior's fame, And Trojan griefs the Tyrians' pity claim."He said (his tears a ready passage find), Devouring what he saw so well design'd, And with an empty picture fed his mind:

For there he saw the fainting Grecians yield, And here the trembling Trojans quit the field, Pursued by fierce Achilles thro' the plain, On his high chariot driving o'er the slain.

The tents of Rhesus next his grief renew, By their white sails betray'd to nightly view;And wakeful Diomede, whose cruel sword The sentries slew, nor spar'd their slumb'ring lord, Then took the fiery steeds, ere yet the food Of Troy they taste, or drink the Xanthian flood.

Elsewhere he saw where Troilus defied Achilles, and unequal combat tried;Then, where the boy disarm'd, with loosen'd reins, Was by his horses hurried o'er the plains, Hung by the neck and hair, and dragg'd around:

The hostile spear, yet sticking in his wound, With tracks of blood inscrib'd the dusty ground.

Meantime the Trojan dames, oppress'd with woe, To Pallas' fane in long procession go, In hopes to reconcile their heav'nly foe.

They weep, they beat their breasts, they rend their hair, And rich embroider'd vests for presents bear;But the stern goddess stands unmov'd with pray'r.

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    本套丛书包括《国王皇后的故事》、《王子少年的故事》、《公主千金的故事》、《官员商人的故事》、《庶民百姓的故事》、《能工巧匠的故事》、《女人儿童的故事》、《魔鬼妖怪的故事》、《动物植物的故事》和《生灵怪象的故事》等10册童话故事,其中包括安徒生、格林、豪夫和王尔德的作品,也包括了世界各国许多民间童话故事, 很具有代表性和普遍性。相信这套《世界经典童话故事全集》丛书,能够启迪儿童的心灵、陶冶儿童的情操、培养儿童的情趣、丰富儿童的知识、发展儿童的智力,成为广大父母和少年儿童们的良好读物和收藏品。
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