

For what remains, your godhead I implore, And trust my son to your protecting pow'r.

If neither Jove's nor Fate's decree withstand, Secure his passage to the Latian land."Then thus the mighty Ruler of the Main:

"What may not Venus hope from Neptune's reign?

My kingdom claims your birth; my late defense Of your indanger'd fleet may claim your confidence.

Nor less by land than sea my deeds declare How much your lov'd Aeneas is my care.

Thee, Xanthus, and thee, Simois, I attest.

Your Trojan troops when proud Achilles press'd, And drove before him headlong on the plain, And dash'd against the walls the trembling train;When floods were fill'd with bodies of the slain;When crimson Xanthus, doubtful of his way, Stood up on ridges to behold the sea;(New heaps came tumbling in, and chok'd his way;)When your Aeneas fought, but fought with odds Of force unequal, and unequal gods;I spread a cloud before the victor's sight, Sustain'd the vanquish'd, and secur'd his flight;Ev'n then secur'd him, when I sought with joy The vow'd destruction of ungrateful Troy.

My will's the same: fair goddess, fear no more, Your fleet shall safely gain the Latian shore;Their lives are giv'n; one destin'd head alone Shall perish, and for multitudes atone."Thus having arm'd with hopes her anxious mind, His finny team Saturnian Neptune join'd, Then adds the foamy bridle to their jaws, And to the loosen'd reins permits the laws.

High on the waves his azure car he guides;Its axles thunder, and the sea subsides, And the smooth ocean rolls her silent tides.

The tempests fly before their father's face, Trains of inferior gods his triumph grace, And monster whales before their master play, And choirs of Tritons crowd the wat'ry way.

The marshal'd pow'rs in equal troops divide To right and left; the gods his better side Inclose, and on the worse the Nymphs and Nereids ride.

Now smiling hope, with sweet vicissitude, Within the hero's mind his joys renew'd.

He calls to raise the masts, the sheets display;The cheerful crew with diligence obey;

They scud before the wind, and sail in open sea.

Ahead of all the master pilot steers;

And, as he leads, the following navy veers.

The steeds of Night had travel'd half the sky, The drowsy rowers on their benches lie, When the soft God of Sleep, with easy flight, Descends, and draws behind a trail of light.

Thou, Palinurus, art his destin'd prey;

To thee alone he takes his fatal way.

Dire dreams to thee, and iron sleep, he bears;And, lighting on thy prow, the form of Phorbas wears.

Then thus the traitor god began his tale:

"The winds, my friend, inspire a pleasing gale;The ships, without thy care, securely sail.

Now steal an hour of sweet repose; and I

Will take the rudder and thy room supply."To whom the yawning pilot, half asleep:

"Me dost thou bid to trust the treach'rous deep, The harlot smiles of her dissembling face, And to her faith commit the Trojan race?

Shall I believe the Siren South again, And, oft betray'd, not know the monster main?"He said: his fasten'd hands the rudder keep, And, fix'd on heav'n, his eyes repel invading sleep.

The god was wroth, and at his temples threw A branch in Lethe dipp'd, and drunk with Stygian dew:

The pilot, vanquish'd by the pow'r divine, Soon clos'd his swimming eyes, and lay supine.

Scarce were his limbs extended at their length, The god, insulting with superior strength, Fell heavy on him, plung'd him in the sea, And, with the stern, the rudder tore away.

Headlong he fell, and, struggling in the main, Cried out for helping hands, but cried in vain.

The victor daemon mounts obscure in air, While the ship sails without the pilot's care.

On Neptune's faith the floating fleet relies;But what the man forsook, the god supplies, And o'er the dang'rous deep secure the navy flies;Glides by the Sirens' cliffs, a shelfy coast, Long infamous for ships and sailors lost, And white with bones.Th' impetuous ocean roars, And rocks rebellow from the sounding shores.

The watchful hero felt the knocks, and found The tossing vessel sail'd on shoaly ground.

Sure of his pilot's loss, he takes himself The helm, and steers aloof, and shuns the shelf.

Inly he griev'd, and, groaning from the breast, Deplor'd his death; and thus his pain express'd:

"For faith repos'd on seas, and on the flatt'ring sky, Thy naked corpse is doom'd on shores unknown to lie."

  • 农女北上:循循善柚


  • 魅惑红颜:妃洛舞


    【原创作者社团『未央』出品】 一个月儿高挂的夜晚却莫名的出现了一种叫做彗星的不明物体。一个满天繁星的夜空却突然劈下一道诡异的雷,直接打中了她,让她直接从现代穿越到了古代,就连买车票的钱都省掉了。一次莫名的穿越,让她尝遍了人世间的情,爱,恨与痛。虽然是以狼狈的的出场方式现身,但却以绝对精彩的方式退场。她的第一愿望是以寻找回家之路为目地,却在无意之间混了个山寨大王,此寨名为‘七星寨’。她的第一志向是以游遍江湖为目标,却在无意之间开了家妓院,此院名为‘情人宫’。小子你给我站住,上老娘的妓院嫖妓居然敢不给钱,是个王爷就给我叼啊!咱也不是吃素的. 小样的,咱出来混的时候,你还在哪里吃奶呢?噢!貌似错了,这些古人好像比咱还多活了好几百年了吧!你是神医?我看更像是捡破烂的吧! 什么鬼才神医?什么在世菩萨,我看是神棍才更贴切吧!简直就是死马当成活马医.小心咱揍的你真的见上帝.哇!鬼啊! 去、去、去,这孩子怎么说话的,你有见过这么帅的鬼吗?我可是京城四大美男之一,什么鬼不鬼的.在几个男人之中玩转的如鱼得水。她虽身在古代,但她还是那个她,那个在现代混黑道的她。
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  • 未来之争:热烈追踪


  • 二刻拍案惊奇


    冯梦龙编的“三言”,是《喻世明言》《警世通言》《醒世恒言》三部小说集的总称。《喻世明言》亦称《古今小说》,但“古今小说”实为“三言”的通称。 “三言”每集40篇,共120篇。分别刊于天启元年(1621)前后、天启四年(1624)、七年(1624)。这些作品有的是辑录了宋元明以来的旧本,但一般都做了不同程度的修改;也有的是据文言笔记、传奇小说、戏曲、历史故事,乃至社会传闻再创作而成,故“三言”包容了旧本的汇辑和新著的创作,是我国白话短篇小说在说唱艺术的基础上,经过文人的整理加工到文人进行独立创作的开始。
  • TFBOYS之你爱我


  • 重生—我的妩媚

