

``What are ye come here for, young men?'' he said, addressing himself to the surprised audience; ``are ye come amongst the most lovely works of God to break his laws? Have ye left the works of man, the houses and the cities that are but clay and dust, like those that built them--and are ye come here among the peaceful hills, and by the quiet waters, that will last whiles aught earthly shall endure, to destroy each other's lives, that will have but an unco short time, by the course of nature, to make up a lang account at the close o't? O sirs! hae ye brothers, sisters, fathers, that hae tended ye, and mothers that hae travailed for ye, friends that hae ca'd ye like a piece o'

their ain heart? and is this the way ye tak to make them childless and brotherless and friendless? Ohon! it's an ill feight whar he that wins has the warst o't.Think on't, bairns.I'm a puir man--but I'm an auld man too--and what my poverty takes awa frae the weight o' my counsel, grey hairs and a truthfu' heart should add it twenty times.Gang hame, gang hame, like gude lads--the French will be ower to harry us ane o' thae days, and ye'll hae feighting eneugh, and maybe auld Edie will hirple out himsell if he can get a feal-dyke to lay his gun ower, and may live to tell you whilk o' ye does the best where there's a good cause afore ye.''

There was something in the undaunted and independent manner, hardy sentiment, and manly rude elocution of the old man, that had its effect upon the party, and particularly on the seconds, whose pride was uninterested in bringing the dispute to a bloody arbitrament, and who, on the contrary, eagerly watched for an opportunity to recommend reconciliation.

``Upon my word, Mr.Lesley,'' said Taffril, ``old Adam speaks like an oracle.Our friends here were very angry yesterday, and of course very foolish;--today they should be cool, or at least we must be so in their behalf.I think the word should be forget and forgive on both sides,--that we should all shake hands, fire these foolish crackers in the air, and go home to sup in a body at the Gr<ae>me's-Arms.''

``I would heartily recommend it,'' said Lesley; ``for, amidst a great deal of heat and irritation on both sides, I confess myself unable to discover any rational ground of quarrel.''

``Gentlemen,'' said M`Intyre, very coldly, ``all this should have been thought of before.In my opinion, persons that have carried this matter so far as we have done, and who should part without carrying it any farther, might go to supper at the Gr<ae>me's-Arms very joyously, but would rise the next morning with reputations as ragged as our friend here, who has obliged us with a rather unnecessary display of his oratory.I speak for myself, that I find myself bound to call upon you to proceed without more delay.''

``And I,'' said Lovel, ``as I never desired any, have also to request these gentlemen to arrange preliminaries as fast as possible.''

``Bairns! bairns!'' cried old Ochiltree; but perceiving he was no longer attended to--``Madmen, I should say--but your blood be on your heads!'' And the old man drew off from the ground, which was now measured out by the seconds, and continued muttering and talking to himself in sullen indignation, mixed with anxiety, and with a strong feeling of painful curiosity.Without paying farther attention to his presence or remonstrances, Mr.Lesley and the Lieutenant made the necessary arrangements for the duel, and it was agreed that both parties should fire when Mr.Lesley dropped his handkerchief The fatal sign was given, and both fired almost in the same moment.Captain M`Intyre's ball grazed the side of his opponent, but did not draw blood.That of Lovel was more true to the aim; M`Intyre reeled and fell.Raising himself on his arm, his first exclamation was, ``It is nothing--it is nothing --give us the other pistols.'' But in an instant he said, in a lower tone, ``I believe I have enough--and what's worse, I fear I deserve it.Mr.Lovel, or whatever your name is, fly and save yourself--Bear all witness, I provoked this matter.'' Then raising himself again on his arm, he added, ``Shake hands, Lovel--I believe you to be a gentleman--forgive my rudeness, and I forgive you my death--My poor sister!''

The surgeon came up to perform his part of the tragedy, and Lovel stood gazing on the evil of which he had been the active, though unwilling cause, with a dizzy and bewildered eye.He was roused from his trance by the grasp of the mendicant.

``Why stand you gazing on your deed?--What's doomed is doomed--what's done is past recalling.But awa, awa, if ye wad save your young blood from a shamefu' death--I see the men out by yonder that are come ower late to part ye--but, out and alack! sune eneugh, and ower sune, to drag ye to prison.''

``He is right--he is right,'' exclaimed Taffril; ``you must not attempt to get on the high-road--get into the wood till night.My brig will be under sail by that time, and at three in the morning, when the tide will serve, I shall have the boat waiting for you at the Mussel-crag.Away-away, for Heaven's sake!''

``O yes! fly, fly!'' repeated the wounded man, his words faltering with convulsive sobs.

``Come with me,'' said the mendicant, almost dragging him off; ``the Captain's plan is the best--I'll carry ye to a place where ye might be concealed in the meantime, were they to seek ye 'wi' sleuth-hounds.''

``Go, go,'' again urged Lieutenant Taffril--``to stay here is mere madness.''

``It was worse madness to have come hither,'' said Lovel, pressing his hand--``But farewell!'' And he followed Ochiltree into the recesses of the wood.

  • 禅苑蒙求拾遗


  • 辽东行部志


  • 读书后


  • A Cumberland Vendetta

    A Cumberland Vendetta

  • 金师子章云间类解


  • 穿越修真文明


  • 帝座之战


  • 小小纪事


  • 忆藏


  • 入魔人


  • 那年的夏天我们很青春


  • 福妻驾到


  • 福妻驾到


  • 御灵骑士


  • 婉婉“到”来

