

He said, after you left, that he perceived you had not yet lost your quickness to take offence, but I know he felt that you showed a just displeasure, and nothing more.""No, I was really angry," I replied."I find the road to perfection lies up-hill, and I slip back so often that sometimes I despair of ever reaching the top.""What does the doctor say about me?" she asked."Does he think me very sick?""I dare say he will tell you exactly what he thinks," I returned, "if you ask him.This is his rule with all his patients.""If I could get rid of this cough I should soon be myself again," she said."Some days I feel quite bright and well.But if it were not for my poor little children, I should not care much how the thing ended.

With the life Charley leads me, I haven't much to look forward to.""'You forget that the children's nurse is in the room," I whispered.

"Oh, I don't mind Charlotte.Charlotte knows he neglects me, don't you, Charlotte ?"Charlotte was discreet enough to pretend not to hear this question, and Amelia went on:

"It began very soon after we were married.He would go round with other girls exactly as he did before; then when I spoke about it he would just laugh in his easy, good-natured way, but pay no attention to my wishes.Then when I grew more in earnest he would say, that as long as he let me alone I ought to let him alone.I thought that when our first baby came that would sober him a little, but be wanted a boy and it turned out to be a girl.And my being unhappy and crying so much, made the poor thing fretful; it kept him awake at night, so he took another room.After that I saw him less than ever, though now and then he would have a little love-fit, when he would promise to be at home more and treat me with more consideration.We had two more little girls-twins; and then a boy.Charley seemed quite fond of him, and did certainly seem improved, though he was still out a great deal with a set of idle young men, smoking, drinking wine, and, I don't know what else.His uncle gave him too much money, and he had nothing to do but to spend it.""You must not tell me any more now," I said."'Wait till you are stronger."The nurse rose and gave her something which seemed to refresh her.Iwent to look at the little girls, who were all pretty, pale-faced creatures, very quiet and mature in their ways.

"I am rested now," said Amelia, "and it does me good to talk to you, because I can see that you are sorry for me.""I am, indeed!" I cried.

"When our little boy was three months old I took this terrible cold and began to cough.Charley at first remonstrated with me for coughing so much; he said it was a habit I had got, and that I ought to cure myself of it.Then the baby began to pine and pine, and the more it wasted the more I wasted.And at last it died."Here the poor child burst out again, and I wiped away her tears as fast as they fell, thankful that she could cry.

"After that," she went on, after awhile, "Charley seemed to lose his last particle of affection for me; he kept away more than ever, and once when I besought him not to neglect me and my children so, he said he was well paid for not keeping up his engagement with you, that you had some strength of character, and-""Amelia," I interrupted, "do not repeat such things.They only pain and mortify me.""Well," she sighed, wearily, "this is what he has at last brought me to.I am sick and broken-hearted, and care very little what becomes of me."There was a long silence.I wanted to ask her if, when earthly refuge failed her, she could not find shelter in the love of Christ.But Ihave what is, I fear, a morbid terror of seeking the confidence of others.I knelt down at last, and kissed the poor faded face.

"Yes, I knew you would feel for me," she said."The only pleasant thought I had when Charley insisted on coming here to live was, that I should see you.""Does your uncle live here, too?" I asked.

"Yes, he came first, and it was that that put it into Charley's head to come.He is very kind to me.""Yes," I said, "and God is kind, too, isn't He ?""Kind to let me get sick and disgust Charley? Now, Katy, how can you talk so?" I replied by repeating two lines from a hymn of which I am very fond:

O Saviour, whose mercy severe in its kindness, Hath chastened my wanderings, and guided my way."'

"I don't much care for hymns," she said."When one is well, and everything goes quite to one's mind, it is nice to go to church and sing with the rest of them.But, sick as I am, it isn't so easy to be religious.""But isn't this the very time to look to Christ for comfort?""What's the use of looking anywhere for comfort?" she said, peevishly."Wait till you are sick and heart-broken yourself, and you'll see that you won't feel much like doing anything but just groan and cry your life out.""I have been sick, and I know what sorrow means, I said."And I am glad that I do.For I have learned Christ in that school, and I know that He can comfort when no one else can.""You always were an odd creature," she replied."I never pretended to understand half you said."I saw that she was tired, and came away.Oh, how I wished that I had been able to make Christ look to her as He did to me all the way home.

  • 湛然圆澄禅师语录


  • 南亭词话


  • Cousin Betty

    Cousin Betty

  • 登越王楼即事


  • 巵林


  • 神魔.仙界


  • 二线生活


    退休是每一个人都必须经历的过 程。面对退休,人们心态不一,行动各异。有的坦然面对,随遇而安;有 的积极接受,发挥余热;有的则是闻退色变,难以承受。感到空虚无聊, 整日愁眉苦脸;还有的留恋“台上”生活,难耐“下台”后的寂寞。 退居二线,这是客观规律。但退二线或退休不是生命的终点,而是人 生新的转折点;不是再没有事可干,而是有许多事情可做;不是陷入孤独 、寂寞的境地,而是进入了新的生活氛围。 退居二线了,我们可以干点自己喜欢的事情,如玩玩文字游戏、打打 电脑游戏、做做老年游戏,再回头看看如游戏的人生,好不快哉。该忘记 的坚决忘记,包括不愉快的人和事,该记住的一定要记住,包括愉快的人 和事。
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  • 特殊契约:校园驭妖行


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  • 超能透视


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  • 复仇萝莉的冷酷骑士


  • 三国群枭传


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