

A week later a party of knights and court gallants, riding across the fields without the walls, checked their horses to look at a struggle which was going on between two parties of boys.One, which was apparently the most powerful, had driven the other off from a heap of rubbish which had been carried without the walls.Each party had a flag attached to a stick, and the boys were armed with clubs such as those carried by the apprentice boys.Many of them carried mimic shields made of wood, and had stuffed their flat caps with wool or shavings, the better to protect their heads from blows.The smaller party had just been driven from the heap, and their leader was urging them to make another effort to regain it.

"That is a gallant-looking lad, and a sturdy, my Lord de Vaux," a boy of about ten years of age said."He bears himself like a young knight, and he has had some hard knocks, for, see, the blood is streaming down his face.

One would scarcely expect to see these varlets of the city playing so roughly.""The citizens have proved themselves sturdy fighters before now, my prince," the other said; "they are ever independent, and hold to their rights even against the king.The contingent which the city sends to the wars bears itself as well as those of any of the barons.""See!" the boy interrupted, "they are going to charge again.Their leader has himself seized the flag and has swung his shield behind him, just as a knight might do if leading the stormers against a place of strength.Let us stop till we see the end of it."With a shout of "Aldgate! Aldgate!" the leader of the assailants dashed forward, followed by his comrades, and with a rush reached the top of the heap.

"Well done!" the young prince exclaimed, clapping his hands."See how he lays about him with that club of his.There, he has knocked down the leader of the defenders as if his club had been a battle-axe.Well done, young sir, well done! But his followers waver.The others are too strong for them.Stand, you cowards, rally round your leader!" and in his enthusiasm the young prince urged his horse forward to the scene of conflict.

But the assailants were mastered; few of them could gain the top of the heap, and those who did so were beaten back from it by the defenders.Heavy blows were exchanged, and blood flowed freely from many of their heads and faces, for in those days boys thought less than they do now of hard knocks, and manliness and courage were considered the first of virtues.Their leader, however, still stood his ground on the crest, though hardly pressed on all sides, and used his club both to strike and parry with a skill which aroused the warmest admiration on the part of the prince.In vain his followers attempted to come to his rescue; each time they struggled up the heap they were beaten back again by those on the crest.

"Yield thee prisoner," the assailants of their leader shouted, and the prince in his excitement echoed the cry.The lad, however, heard or heeded them not.He still kept his flag aloft in his left hand.With a sudden spring he struck down one of his opponents, plucked up their flag from the ground, and then fought his way back through his foes to the edge of the battleground; then a heavy blow struck him on the temple, and, still holding the flags, he rolled senseless to the foot of the heap.The defenders with shouts of triumph were rushing down when the prince urged his horse forward.

"Cease!" he said authoritatively."Enough has been done, my young masters, and the sport is becoming a broil."Hitherto the lads, absorbed in their strife, had paid but little heed to the party of onlookers; but at the word they at once arrested their arms, and, baring their heads, stood still in confusion.

"No harm is done," the prince said, "though your sport is of the roughest;but I fear that your leader is hurt, he moves not; lift his head from the ground." The boy was indeed still insensible."My lords," the prince said to the knights who had now ridden up, "I fear that this boy is badly hurt;he is a gallant lad, and has the spirit of a true knight in him, citizen's son though he be.My Lord de Vaux, will you bid your squire ride at full speed to the Tower and tell Master Roger, the leech, to come here with all haste, and to bring such nostrums as may be needful for restoring the boy to life."The Tower was but half a mile distant, but before Master Roger arrived Walter had already recovered consciousness, and was just sitting up when the leech hurried up to the spot.

"You have arrived too late, Master Roger," the prince said; "but I doubt not that a dose of cordials may yet be of use, for he is still dazed, and the blow he got would have cracked his skull had it been a thin one."The leech poured some cordial from a vial into a small silver cup and held it to the boy's lips.It was potent and nigh took his breath away; but when he had drunk it he struggled to his feet, looking ashamed and confused when he saw himself the centre of attention of so many knights of the court.

"What is thy name, good lad?" the prince asked.

"I am known as Walter Fletcher."

"You are a brave lad," the prince said, "and if you bear you as well as a man as you did but now, I would wish no better to ride beside me in the day of battle.Should the time ever come when you tire of the peaceable life of a citizen and wish to take service in the wars, go to the Tower and ask boldly for the Prince of Wales, and I will enroll you among my own men-at-arms, and I promise you that you shall have your share of fighting as stark as that of the assault of yon heap.Now, my lords, let us ride on;I crave your pardon for having so long detained you."Walter was some days before he could again cross London Bridge to inform his friend Geoffrey of the honour which had befallen him of being addressed by the Prince of Wales.During the interval he was forced to lie abed, and he was soundly rated by Master Giles for again getting into mischief.

  • 颜元集


  • The Double-Dealer

    The Double-Dealer

  • 青龙寺轨记


  • 补续芝园集


  • 正一法文太上外箓仪


  • 剑霞


  • 相思谋,总裁的出逃妻


  • 无限制开发能力


  • 炉石世界


  • 死亡诡面


  • 极品二货


  • 纵横神话时代


  • 傲世炎帝


  • 凤歌当世


    她是穆王朝最花痴跋扈娇惯的将军爱女,因为赌气而打晕了孪生妹妹,冒名顶替去嫁人,却因犯花痴而被人措手打死。 一具身体一颗心一个灵魂,当民国彪悍女子的灵魂占据穆王朝花痴小妞的身体,身边的妖魔鬼怪阴谋陷害通通打倒! 洛芷珩睁开眼,看着眼前那双白嫩小手脸色大变:姑奶奶我变鬼附体了?不管在哪个世界天下,她都绝对奉行她土匪老爹教给她的生存至理名言:闺女,这就是个人吃人的年代,你不够狠就被够狠的吃掉,洋鬼子可不管你是不是良家妇女,善良是最廉价的奢侈品,咱要不起了,不想被欺辱你要狠要坏,打不过就跑,跑不掉就求饶,看见喜欢的抢过来。咱们唯一的底线是做人的道德底线,不夺人所好! 咱要做一个有骨气有底线的好土匪!
  • 英雄联盟之死亡逃杀

