

Geoffrey Ward had kept his word, and had already begun to give the lad lessons in the use of arms.When not engaged otherwise Walter would, almost every afternoon, cross London Bridge and would spend hours in the armourer's forge.Geoffrey's business had grown, for the war had caused a great demand for arms, and he had now six men working in the forge.As soon as the boy could handle a light tool Geoffrey allowed him to work, and although not able to wield the heavy sledge Walter was able to do much of the finer work.Geoffrey encouraged him in this, as, in the first place, the use of the tools greatly strengthened the boy's muscles, and gave him an acquaintance with arms.Moreover, Geoffrey was still a bachelor, and he thought that the boy, whom he as well as Giles had come to love as a son, might, should he not take up the trade of war, prefer the occupation of an armourer to that of a bowmaker, in which case he would take him some day as his partner in the forge.After work was over and the men had gone away, Geoffrey would give the lad instructions in the use of the arms at which he had been at work, and so quick and strong was he that he rapidly acquired their use, and Geoffrey foresaw that he would one day, should his thoughts turn that way, prove a mighty man-at-arms.

It was the knowledge which he acquired from Geoffrey which had much to do with Walter's position among his comrades.The skill and strength which he had acquired in wielding the hammer, and by practice with the sword rendered him a formidable opponent with the sticks, which formed the weapons in the mimic battles, and indeed not a few were the complaints which were brought before Giles Fletcher of bruises and hurts caused by him.

"You are too turbulent, Walter," the bowyer said one day when a haberdasher from the ward of Aldersgate came to complain that his son's head had been badly cut by a blow with a club from Walter Fletcher."You are always getting into trouble, and are becoming the terror of other boys.Why do you not play more quietly? The feuds between the boys of different wards are becoming a serious nuisance, and many injuries have been inflicted.I hear that the matter has been mentioned in the Common Council, and that there is a talk of issuing an order that no boy not yet apprenticed to a trade shall be allowed to carry a club, and that any found doing so shall be publicly whipped.""I don't want to be turbulent," Walter said; "but if the Aldersgate boys will defy us, what are we to do? I don't hit harder than I can help, and if Jonah Harris would leave his head unguarded I could not help hitting it.""I tell you it won't do, Walter," Giles said."You will be getting yourself into sore trouble.You are growing too masterful altogether, and have none of the quiet demeanour and peaceful air which becomes an honest citizen.In another six months you will be apprenticed, and then I hope we shall hear no more of these doings.""My father is talking of apprenticing me, Master Geoffrey," Walter said that evening."I hope that you will, as you were good enough to promise, talk with him about apprenticing me to your craft rather than to his.Ishould never take to the making of bows, though, indeed, I like well to use them; and Will Parker, who is teaching me says that I show rare promise;but it would never be to my taste to stand all day sawing, and smoothing, and polishing.One bow is to me much like another, though my father holds that there are rare differences between them; but it is a nobler craft to work on iron, and next to using arms the most pleasant thing surely is to make them.One can fancy what good blows the sword will give and what hard knocks the armour will turn aside; but some day, Master Geoffrey, when Ihave served my time, I mean to follow the army.There is always work there for armourers to do, and sometimes at a pinch they may even get their share of fighting."Walter did not venture to say that he would prefer to be a man-at-arms, for such a sentiment would be deemed as outrageous in the ears of a quiet city craftsman as would the proposal of the son of such a man nowadays to enlist as a soldier.The armourer smiled; he knew well enough what was in Walter's mind.It had cost Geoffrey himself a hard struggle to settle down to a craft, and deemed it but natural that with the knightly blood flowing in Walter's veins he should long to distinguish himself in the field.He said nothing of this, however, but renewed his promise to speak to Giles Fletcher, deeming that a few years passed in his forge would be the best preparation which Walter could have for a career as a soldier.

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