My dear Sir,--My wife was dangerously unwell for over sixteen years.She was so weak that she could not lift a teaspoon to her mouth.But in a fortunate moment she commenced reading one of your lectures.She got better at once.She gained strength so rapidly that she lifted the cottage piano quite a distance from the floor, and then tipped it over on to her mother-in-law, with whom she had some little trouble.We like your lectures very much.
Please send me a barrel of them.If you should require any more recommendations, you can get any number of them in this place, at two shillings each, the price I charge for this one, and I trust you may be ever happy.
I am, Sir, Yours truly, and so is my wife, R.SPRINGERS.
An American correspondent of a distinguished journal in Yorkshire thus speaks of Mr.WARD'S power as an Orator:--"It was a grand scene, Mr.ARTEMUS WARD standing on the platform, talking; many of the audience sleeping tranquilly in their seats; others leaving the room and not returning;others crying like a child at some of the jokes--all, all formed a most impressive scene, and showed the powers of this remarkable orator.And when he announced that he should never lecture in that town again, the applause was absolutely deafening."....
Doors open at Half-past Seven, commence at Eight.
Conclude at Half-past Nine.
6.5.ANNOUNCEMENT AND PROGRAMME OF THE DODWORTH HALL LECTUREThe Lecture on the Mormons was thus announced to the public of New York, when Artemus Ward first appeared at Dodworth Hall:
The Festivities at Dodworth Hall will be commenced by the pianist, a gentleman who used to board in the same street with Gottschalk.The man who kept the boarding-house remembers it distinctly.The overture will consist of a medley of airs, including the touching new ballads "Dear Sister, is there any Pie in the house" "My Gentle Father, have you any Fine Cut about you?" "Mother, is the Battle o'er and is it safe for me to come home from Canada?" And (by request of several families who haven't heard it) "Tramp, tramp, tramp, the Boys are Marching." While the enraptured ear drinks in the sweet music (we pay our pianist nine dollars a week, and "find him") the eye will be enchained by the magnificent green baize covering of the panorama.This green baize cost 40 cents a yard at Mr.Stewart's store.It was bought in deference to the present popularity of "The Wearing of the Green." We shall keep up to the times if we spend the last dollar our friends have got.
ARTEMUS WARD, his Programme.
2.The Steamer Ariel, en route.
3.San Francisco.
4.The Washoe Silver Region.
5.The Plains.
6.The City of Saints.
7.A Mormon Hotel.
8.Brigham Young's Theatre.
9.The Council-House.
10.The Home of Brigham Young.
11.Heber C.Kimball's Seraglio.
12.The Mormon House of Worship.
13.Foundations of the New Temple.
14.Architect's View of the Temple when finished.
15.The Great Dead Sea of the Desert.
16.The House of Mystery.
17.The Canyon.
18.Mid-Air Sepulture.
19.A Nice Family Party at Brigham Young's.
It requires a large number of Artists to produce this Entertainment.The casual observer can form no idea of the quantity of unfettered genius that is soaring, like a healthy Eagle, round this Hall, in connection with this Entertainment.In fact, the following gifted persons compose the OFFICIAL BUREAU.
Secretary of the Exterior...Mr.E.P.Hingston.
Secretary of the Treasury...Herr Max Field, (Pupil of Signor Thomaso Jacksoni.)Mechanical Director and Professor of Carpentry...Signor G.Wilsoni.
Assistant Crankist...Boy (orphan).
Artists...Messrs.Hilliard & Maeder.
Reserved Chairists...Messrs.Persee & Jerome.
Moppist...Signorina O'Flaherty.
Broomist...Mlle.Topsia de St.Moke.
Hired Man...John.
Fighting Editor...Chevalier McArone.
Dutchman...By a Polish Refugee, named McFinnigin.
Doortendist...Mons.Jacques Ridera.
Gas Man...Artemus Ward.
____________________________________________________This Entertainment will open with music.The soldiers'
Chorus from "Faust." -> First time in this city.<-_____________________________________________________....
Next comes a jocund and discursive preamble, calculated to show what a good education the Lecturer has.