

The second unnamed person, who seemed to be something between a master of rhetoric and a business agent, was of ordinary height, plump, but active withal.His face had the jovial expression which characterizes those of lawyers and notaries in Paris.

The dress of these four personages revealed a neatness due to the most scrupulous personal care.The same hand, and it was that of Manon, could be seen in every detail.Their coats were perhaps ten years old, but they were preserved, like the coats of vicars, by the occult power of the servant-woman, and the constant care with which they were worn.

These men seemed to wear on their backs the livery of a system of life; they belonged to one thought, their looks said the same word, their faces breathed a gentle resignation, a provoking quietude.

"Is it an indiscretion, madame," said Godefroid, "to ask the names of these gentlemen? I am ready to explain my life; can I know as much of theirs as custom will allow?""That gentleman," said Madame de la Chanterie, motioning to the tall, thin man, "is Monsieur Nicolas; he is a colonel of gendarmerie, retired with the rank of brigadier-general.And this," she added, looking towards the stout little man, "is a former councillor of the royal courts of Paris, who retired from the magistracy in 1830.His name is Monsieur Joseph.Though you have only been with us one day, Iwill tell you that in the world Monsieur Nicolas once bore the name of the Marquis de Montauran, and Monsieur Joseph that of Lecamus, Baron de Tresnes; but for us, as for the world, those names no longer exist.

These gentlemen are without heirs; they only advance by a little the oblivion which awaits their names; they are simply Monsieur Nicolas and Monsieur Joseph, as you will be Monsieur Godefroid."As he heard those names,--one so celebrated in the annals of royalism by the catastrophe which put an end to the uprising of the Chouans;the other so revered in the halls of the old parliament of Paris,--Godefroid could not repress a quiver.He looked at these relics of the grandest things of the fallen monarchy,--the /noblesse/ and the law,--and he could see no movement of the features, no change in the countenance, that revealed the presence of a worldly thought.Those men no longer remembered, or did not choose to remember, what they had been.This was Godefroid's first lesson.

"Each of your names, gentlemen, is a whole history in itself," he said respectfully.

"Yes, the history of my time,--ruins," replied Monsieur Joseph.

"You are in good company," said Monsieur Alain.

The latter can be described in a word: he was the small bourgeois of Paris, the worthy middle-class being with a kindly face, relieved by pure white hair, but made insipid by an eternal smile.

As for the priest, the Abbe de Veze, his presence said all.The priest who fulfils his mission is known by the first glance he gives you, and by the glance that others who know him give to him.

That which struck Godefroid most forcibly at first was the profound respect which the four lodgers manifested for Madame de la Chanterie.

They all seemed, even the priest, in spite of the sacred character his functions gave him, to regard her as a queen.Godefroid also noticed their sobriety.Each seemed to eat only for nourishment.Madame de la Chanterie took, as did the rest, a single peach and half a bunch of grapes; but she told her new lodger, as she offered him the various dishes, not to imitate such temperance.

Godefroid's curiosity was excited to the highest degree by this first entrance on his new life.When they returned to the salon after breakfast, he was left alone; Madame de la Chanterie retired to the embrasure of a window and held a little private council with her four friends.This conference, entirely devoid of animation, lasted half an hour.They spoke together in a low voice, exchanging words which each of them appeared to have thought over.From time to time Monsieur Alain and Monsieur Joseph consulted a note-book, turning over its leaves.

"See the faubourg," said Madame de la Chanterie to Monsieur Joseph, who left the house.

That was the only word Godefroid distinguished.

"And you the Saint-Marceau quarter," she continued, addressing Monsieur Nicolas."Hunt through the faubourg Saint-Germain and see if you can find what we want;" this to the Abbe de Veze, who went away immediately."And you, my dear Alain," she added, smiling at the latter, "make an examination.There, those important matters are all settled," she said, returning to Godefroid.

She seated herself in her armchair, took a little piece of linen from the table before her, and began to sew as if she were employed to do so.

Godefroid, lost in conjecture, and still thinking of a royalist conspiracy, took his landlady's remark as an opening, and he began to study her as he seated himself beside her.He was struck by the singular dexterity with which she worked.Although everything about her bespoke the great lady, she showed the dexterity of a workwoman;for every one can see at a glance, by certain manipulations, the work of a workman or an amateur.

"You do that," said Godefroid, "as if you knew the trade.""Alas!" she answered, without raising her head, "I did know it once out of necessity."Two large tears came into her eyes, and rolled down her cheeks to the linen in her hand.

"Forgive me, madame!" cried Godefroid.

Madame de Chanterie looked at her new lodger, and saw such an expression of genuine regret upon his face, that she made him a friendly sign.After drying her eyes, she immediately recovered the calmness that characterized her face, which was less cold than chastened.

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