

He pocketed the cigarettes and his change, and turned to the door.

"Good-evening," he said pleasantly--and went out.

Jimmie Dale smiled a little curiously, a little tolerantly.As he started along the street, he heard the door of the little shop close with a sort of supercareful bang, the key turned, and the latch rattle to try the door--the little old lady was bent on making no mistake a second time!

And then the smile left Jimmie Dale's lips, his face grew strained and serious, and he broke into a run down the block to Sixth Avenue.

Here he paused for an instant--there was the elevated, the surface cars--which would be the quicker? He looked up the avenue.There was no train coming; the nearest surface car was blocks away.He bit his lips in vexation--and then with a jump he was across the street and hailing a passing taxicab that his eyes had just lighted on.

"Got a fare?" called Jimmie Dale.

"No, sir," answered the chauffeur, bumping his car to an abrupt halt.

"Good!" Jimmie Dale ran alongside, and yanked the door open."Do you know where the Palace Saloon on the Bowery is?""Yes, sir," replied the man.

Jimmie Dale held a ten-dollar bank note up before the chauffeur's eyes.

"Earn that in four minutes, then," he snapped--and sprang into the cab.

The taxicab swerved around on little better than two wheels, started on a mad dash down the Avenue--and Jimmie Dale braced himself grimly in his seat.The cab swerved again, tore across Waverly Place, circuited Washington Square, crossed Broadway, and whirled finally into the upper end of the Bowery.

Jimmie Dale spoke once--to himself--plaintively.

"It's too bad I can't let old Carruthers in on this for a scoop with his precious MORNING NEWS-ARGUS--but if I get out of it alive myself, I'll do well! Wonder if the day'll ever come when he finds out that his very dear friend and old college pal, Jimmie Dale, is the Gray Seal that he's turned himself inside out for about four years now to catch, and that he'd trade his soul with the devil any time to lay hands on! Good old Carruthers! 'The most puzzling, bewildering, delightful crook in the annals of crime'--am I?"The cab drew up at the curb.Jimmie Dale sprang out, shoved the bill into the chauffeur's hand, stepped quickly across the sidewalk, and pushed his way through the swinging doors of the Palace Saloon.

Inside leisurely and nonchalantly, he walked down past the length of the bar to a door at the rear.This opened into a passageway that led to the side entrance of the saloon on the cross street.Jimmie Dale emerged from the side entrance, crossed the street, retraced his steps to the Bowery, crossed over, and walked rapidly down that thoroughfare for two blocks.Here he turned east into the cross street; and here, once more, his pace became leisurely and unhurried.

"It's a strange coincidence, though possibly a very happy one," said Jimmie Dale, as he walked along, "that it should be on the same street as the Sanctuary--ah, this ought to be the place!"An alleyway, corresponding to the one that flanked the tenement where, as Larry the Bat, he had paid room rent as a tenant for several years, in fact, the alleyway next above it, and but a short block away, intersected the street, narrow, black, and uninviting.

Jimmie Dale, as he passed, peered down its length.

"No light--that's good!" commented Jimmie Dale to himself.Then:

"Window opens on alleyway ten feet from ground--shoe store, Russian Jew, in basement--go in front door--straight hallway--room at end--Russian Jew probably accomplice--be careful that he does not hear you moving overhead"--Jimmie Dale's mind, with that curious faculty of his, was subconsciously repeating snatches from her letter word for word, even as he noted the dimly lighted, untidy, and disorderly interior of what, from strings of leather slippers that decorated the cellarlike entrance, was evidently a cheap and shoddy shoe store in the basement of the building.

The building itself was rickety and tumble-down, three stories high, and given over undoubtedly to gregarious foreigners of the poorer class, a rabbit burrow, as it were, having a multitude of roomers and lodgers.There was nothing ominous or even secretive about it--up the short flight of steps to the entrance, even the door hung carelessly half open.

Jimmie Dale's slouch hat was pulled a little farther down over his eyes as he mounted the steps and entered the hallway.He listened a moment.A sort of subdued, querulous hubbub seemed to hum through the place, as voices, men's, women's, and children's, echoing out from their various rooms above, mingled together, and floated down the stairways in a discordant medley.Jimmie Dale stepped lightly down the length of the hall--and listened again; this time intently, with his ear to the keyhole of the door that made the end of the passage.There was not a sound from within.He tried the door, smiled a little as he reached for his keys, worked over the lock--and straightened up suddenly as his ear caught a descending step on the stairs.It was two flights up, however--and the door was unlocked now.Jimmie Dale opened it, and, like a shadow, slipped inside; and, as he locked the door behind him, smiled once more--the door lock was but a paltry makeshift at best, but INSIDE his fingers had touched a massive steel bolt that, when shot home, would yield when the door itself yielded--and not before.Without moving the bolt, he turned--and his flashlight for a moment swept the room.

"Not much like the way they describe this sort of place in storybooks!" murmured Jimmie Dale capriciously."But I get the idea.Mr.Russian Jew downstairs makes a bluff at using it for a storeroom."Again the flashlight made a circuit.Here, there, and everywhere, seemingly without any attempt at order, were piles of wooden shipping cases.Only the centre of the room was clear and empty;that, and a vacant space against the wall by the window.

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