

In the city, no one knew that one-half of the Cossacks had gone in pursuit of the Tatars.From the tower of the town hall the sentinel only perceived that a part of the waggons had been dragged into the forest; but it was thought that the Cossacks were preparing an ambush--a view taken by the French engineer also.Meanwhile, the Koschevoi's words proved not unfounded, for a scarcity of provisions arose in the city.According to a custom of past centuries, the army did not separate as much as was necessary.They tried to make a sortie; but half of those who did so were instantly killed by the Cossacks, and the other half driven back into the city with no results.But the Jews availed themselves of the opportunity to find out everything; whither and why the Zaporozhtzi had departed, and with what leaders, and which particular kurens, and their number, and how many had remained on the spot, and what they intended to do; in short, within a few minutes all was known in the city.

The besieged took courage, and prepared to offer battle.Taras had already divined it from the noise and movement in the city, and hastened about, making his arrangements, forming his men, and giving orders and instructions.He ranged the kurens in three camps, surrounding them with the waggons as bulwarks--a formation in which the Zaporozhtzi were invincible--ordered two kurens into ambush, and drove sharp stakes, broken guns, and fragments of spears into a part of the plain, with a view to forcing the enemy's cavalry upon it if an opportunity should present itself.When all was done which was necessary, he made a speech to the Cossacks, not for the purpose of encouraging and freshening up their spirits--he knew their souls were strong without that--but simply because he wished to tell them all he had upon his heart.

"I want to tell you, brother gentles, what our brotherhood is.You have heard from your fathers and grandfathers in what honour our land has always been held by all.We made ourselves known to the Greeks, and we took gold from Constantinople, and our cities were luxurious, and we had, too, our temples, and our princes--the princes of the Russian people, our own princes, not Catholic unbelievers.But the Mussulmans took all; all vanished, and we remained defenceless; yea, like a widow after the death of a powerful husband: defenceless was our land as well as ourselves! Such was the time, comrades, when we joined hands in a brotherhood: that is what our fellowship consists in.There is no more sacred brotherhood.The father loves his children, the mother loves her children, the children love their father and mother; but this is not like that, brothers.The wild beast also loves its young.But a man can be related only by similarity of mind and not of blood.There have been brotherhoods in other lands, but never any such brotherhoods as on our Russian soil.It has happened to many of you to be in foreign lands.You look: there are people there also, God's creatures, too; and you talk with them as with the men of your own country.But when it comes to saying a hearty word--you will see.No! they are sensible people, but not the same;the same kind of people, and yet not the same! No, brothers, to love as the Russian soul loves, is to love not with the mind or anything else, but with all that God has given, all that is within you.Ah!"said Taras, and waved his hand, and wiped his grey head, and twitched his moustache, and then went on: "No, no one else can love in that way! I know that baseness has now made its way into our land.Men care only to have their ricks of grain and hay, and their droves of horses, and that their mead may be safe in their cellars; they adopt, the devil only knows what Mussulman customs.They speak scornfully with their tongues.They care not to speak their real thoughts with their own countrymen.They sell their own things to their own comrades, like soulless creatures in the market-place.The favour of a foreign king, and not even a king, but the poor favour of a Polish magnate, who beats them on the mouth with his yellow shoe, is dearer to them than all brotherhood.But the very meanest of these vile men, whoever he may be, given over though he be to vileness and slavishness, even he, brothers, has some grains of Russian feeling; and they will assert themselves some day.And then the wretched man will beat his breast with his hands; and will tear his hair, cursing his vile life loudly, and ready to expiate his disgraceful deeds with torture.Let them know what brotherhood means on Russian soil! And if it has come to the point that a man must die for his brotherhood, it is not fit that any of them should die so.No! none of them.It is not a fit thing for their mouse-like natures."Thus spoke the hetman; and after he had finished his speech he still continued to shake his head, which had grown grey in Cossack service.

All who stood there were deeply affected by his speech, which went to their very hearts.The oldest in the ranks stood motionless, their grey heads drooping.Tears trickled quietly from their aged eyes; they wiped them slowly away with their sleeves, and then all, as if with one consent, waved their hands in the air at the same moment, and shook their experienced heads.For it was evident that old Taras recalled to them many of the best-known and finest traits of the heart in a man who has become wise through suffering, toil, daring, and every earthly misfortune, or, though unknown to them, of many things felt by young, pure spirits, to the eternal joy of the parents who bore them.

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