

For a day or two the whole village was a chattering turmoil over Frau Brandt's case and over the mysterious calamity that had overtaken the mob, and at her trial the place was crowded.She was easily convicted of her blasphemies, for she uttered those terrible words again and said she would not take them back.When warned that she was imperiling her life, she said they could take it in welcome, she did not want it, she would rather live with the professional devils in perdition than with these imitators in the village.They accused her of breaking all those ribs by witchcraft, and asked her if she was not a witch? She answered scornfully:

"No.If I had that power would any of you holy hypocrites be alive five minutes? No; I would strike you all dead.Pronounce your sentence and let me go; I am tired of your society."So they found her guilty, and she was excommunicated and cut off from the joys of heaven and doomed to the fires of hell; then she was clothed in a coarse robe and delivered to the secular arm, and conducted to the market-place, the bell solemnly tolling the while.We saw her chained to the stake, and saw the first film of blue smoke rise on the still air.

Then her hard face softened, and she looked upon the packed crowd in front of her and said, with gentleness:

"We played together once, in long-agone days when we were innocent little creatures.For the sake of that, I forgive you."We went away then, and did not see the fires consume her, but we heard the shrieks, although we put our fingers in our ears.When they ceased we knew she was in heaven, notwithstanding the excommunication; and we were glad of her death and not sorry that we had brought it about.

One day, a little while after this, Satan appeared again.We were always watching out for him, for life was never very stagnant when he was by.

He came upon us at that place in the woods where we had first met him.

Being boys, we wanted to be entertained; we asked him to do a show for us.

"Very well," he said; "would you like to see a history of the progress of the human race? --its development of that product which it calls civilization?"We said we should.

So, with a thought, he turned the place into the Garden of Eden, and we saw Abel praying by his altar; then Cain came walking toward him with his club, and did not seem to see us, and would have stepped on my foot if Ihad not drawn it in.He spoke to his brother in a language which we did not understand; then he grew violent and threatening, and we knew what was going to happen, and turned away our heads for the moment; but we heard the crash of the blows and heard the shrieks and the groans; then there was silence, and we saw Abel lying in his blood and gasping out his life, and Cain standing over him and looking down at him, vengeful and unrepentant.

Then the vision vanished, and was followed by a long series of unknown wars, murders, and massacres.Next we had the Flood, and the Ark tossing around in the stormy waters, with lofty mountains in the distance showing veiled and dim through the rain.Satan said:

"The progress of your race was not satisfactory.It is to have another chance now."The scene changed, and we saw Noah overcome with wine.

Next, we had Sodom and Gomorrah, and "the attempt to discover two or three respectable persons there," as Satan described it.Next, Lot and his daughters in the cave.

Next came the Hebraic wars, and we saw the victors massacre the survivors and their cattle, and save the young girls alive and distribute them around.

Next we had Jael; and saw her slip into the tent and drive the nail into the temple of her sleeping guest; and we were so close that when the blood gushed out it trickled in a little, red stream to our feet, and we could have stained our hands in it if we had wanted to.

Next we had Egyptian wars, Greek wars, Roman wars, hideous drenchings of the earth with blood; and we saw the treacheries of the Romans toward the Carthaginians, and the sickening spectacle of the massacre of those brave people.Also we saw Caesar invade Britain--"not that those barbarians had done him any harm, but because he wanted their land, and desired to confer the blessings of civilization upon their widows and orphans," as Satan explained.

Next, Christianity was born.Then ages of Europe passed in review before us, and we saw Christianity and Civilization march hand in hand through those ages, "leaving famine and death and desolation in their wake, and other signs of the progress of the human race," as Satan observed.

And always we had wars, and more wars, and still other wars--all over Europe, all over the world."Sometimes in the private interest of royal families," Satan said, "sometimes to crush a weak nation; but never a war started by the aggressor for any clean purpose--there is no such war in the history of the race.""Now," said Satan, "you have seen your progress down to the present, and you must confess that it is wonderful--in its way.We must now exhibit the future."He showed us slaughters more terrible in their destruction of life, more devastating in their engines of war, than any we had seen.

"You perceive," he said, "that you have made continual progress.Cain did his murder with a club; the Hebrews did their murders with javelins and swords; the Greeks and Romans added protective armor and the fine arts of military organization and generalship; the Christian has added guns and gunpowder; a few centuries from now he will have so greatly improved the deadly effectiveness of his weapons of slaughter that all men will confess that without Christian civilization war must have remained a poor and trifling thing to the end of time."Then he began to laugh in the most unfeeling way, and make fun of the human race, although he knew that what he had been saying shamed us and wounded us.No one but an angel could have acted so; but suffering is nothing to them; they do not know what it is, except by hearsay.

  • 嘉定镇江志


  • 马自然金丹口诀


  • 备倭记


  • 受箓次第法信仪


  • 东朝纪


  • 你我间的火花


  • 金妆


  • 神符鬼泣


  • 中国传统健身术


    本书根据中国传统武术和传统气功健身锻炼方法以及作者本人多年教学实践经验,精选出简单易学实用的22种健身方法介绍给广大读者。 内容丰富,通俗易懂,插图精美直观,方法简单易学,实用安全有效,强身健美,防病治病。 本书可供喜欢健身的广大男女老少读者阅读和学练。
  • 福妻驾到


  • 御剑天下


  • 百变王妃:魅惑妖笙


  • 霸道男神溺宠傲娇妻


  • 老婆,不要跑!


    深海公司的总裁宗司翰,是所有女人梦寐以求的男人。容貌上等,身材一流,家世显赫,追求女人的时候舌灿如花,对女伴出手大方。只是,和他交往的女人,最久也只会持续一个月。不管是骨感名模还是千金小姐,从来没有人可以留住他的心。家世普通长相平平的席若素,一个刚刚失业的岁“老”女人。 父母同事眼里的乖乖女,在相亲的第十二次,在餐厅遇到了和女伴吃饭的宗司翰。两个性格完全南辕北辙的人,相信彼此不会有交集。
  • 穿越风和雨

