

In the era of Bummei [1469-1486]there was a young samurai called Tomotada in the service of Hatakeyama Yoshimune,the Lord of Noto (1).Tomotada was a native of Echizen (2);but at an early age he had been taken,as page,into the palace of the daimyo of Noto,and had been educated,under the supervision of that prince,for the profession of arms.As he grew up,he proved himself both a good scholar and a good soldier,and continued to enjoy the favor of his prince.Being gifted with an amiable character,a winning address,and a very handsome person,he was admired and much liked by his samurai-comrades.

When Tomotada was about twenty years old,he was sent upon a private mission to Hosokawa Masamoto,the great daimyo of Kyoto,a kinsman of Hatakeyama Yoshimune.Having been ordered to journey through Echizen,the youth requested and obtained permission to pay a visit,on the way,to his widowed mother.

It was the coldest period of the year when he started;and,though mounted upon a powerful horse,he found himself obliged to proceed slowly.The road which he followed passed through a mountain-district where the settlements were few and far between;and on the second day of his journey,after a weary ride of hours,he was dismayed to find that he could not reached his intended halting-place until late in the night.He had reason to be anxious;--for a heavy snowstorm came on,with an intensely cold wind;and the horse showed signs of exhaustion.But in that trying moment,Tomotada unexpectedly perceived the thatched room of a cottage on the summit of a near hill,where willow-trees were growing.With difficulty he urged his tired animal to the dwelling;and he loudly knocked upon the storm-doors,which had been closed against the wind.An old woman opened them,and cried out compassionately at the sight of the handsome stranger:"Ah,how pitiful!--a young gentleman traveling alone in such weather!...Deign,young master,to enter."

Tomotada dismounted,and after leading his horse to a shed in the rear,entered the cottage,where he saw an old man and a girl warming themselves by a fire of bamboo splints.They respectfully invited him to approach the fire;and the old folks then proceeded to warm some rice-wine,and to prepare food for the traveler,whom they ventured to question in regard to his journey.Meanwhile the young girl disappeared behind a screen.Tomotada had observed,with astonishment,that she was extremely beautiful,--though her attire was of the most wretched kind,and her long,loose hair in disorder.He wondered that so handsome a girl should be living in such a miserable and lonesome place.

The old man said to him:--

"Honored Sir,the next village is far;and the snow is falling thickly.The wind is piercing;and the road is very bad.Therefore,to proceed further this night would probably be dangerous.Although this hovel is unworthy of your presence,and although we have not any comfort to offer,perhaps it were safer to remain to-night under this miserable roof...We would take good care of your horse."

Tomotada accepted this humble proposal,--secretly glad of the chance thus afforded him to see more of the young girl.Presently a coarse but ample meal was set before him;and the girl came from behind the screen,to serve the wine.She was now reclad,in a rough but cleanly robe of homespun;and her long,loose hair had been neatly combed and smoothed.As she bent forward to fill his cup,Tomotada was amazed to perceive that she was incomparably more beautiful than any woman whom he had ever before seen;and there was a grace about her every motion that astonished him.But the elders began to apologize for her,saying:"Sir,our daughter,Aoyagi,[1]has been brought up here in the mountains,almost alone;and she knows nothing of gentle service.We pray that you will pardon her stupidity and her ignorance."Tomotada protested that he deemed himself lucky to be waited upon by so comely a maiden.He could not turn his eyes away from her --though he saw that his admiring gaze made her blush;--and he left the wine and food untasted before him.The mother said:"Kind Sir,we very much hope that you will try to eat and to drink a little,--though our peasant-fare is of the worst,--as you must have been chilled by that piercing wind."Then,to please the old folks,Tomotada ate and drank as he could;but the charm of the blushing girl still grew upon him.He talked with her,and found that her speech was sweet as her face.Brought up in the mountains as she might have been;--but,in that case,her parents must at some time been persons of high degree;for she spoke and moved like a damsel of rank.Suddenly he addressed her with a poem --which was also a question --inspired by the delight in his heart:--

"Tadzunetsuru,Hana ka tote koso,Hi wo kurase,Akenu ni otoru Akane sasuran?"

["Being on my way to pay a visit,I found that which I took to be a flower:therefore here I spend the day...Why,in the time before dawn,the dawn-blush tint should glow --that,indeed,I know not."][2]

Without a moment's hesitation,she answered him in these verses:--"Izuru hi no Honomeku iro wo Waga sode ni Tsutsumaba asu mo Kimiya tomaran."

[If with my sleeve I hid the faint fair color of the dawning sun,--then,perhaps,in the morning my lord will remain."][3]

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