

her husband, a youth of three years older, clean-shaven, light-haired, quiet-mannered; Miss Elizabeth Carpenter, who resembled her brother in the characteristics of good-looks, vivacious disposition and curly hair; an attendant satellite of the masculine persuasion called Morton; and last of all the girl whom Thorpe had already so variously encountered and whom he now met as Miss Hilda Farrand.Besides these were Ginger, a squab negro built to fit the galley of a yacht; and hree Indian guides.They inhabited tents, which made quite a little encampment.

Thorpe was received with enthusiasm.Wallace Carpenter's stories of his woods partner, while never doing more than justice to the truth, had been of a warm color tone.One and all owned a lively curiosity to see what a real woodsman might be like.When he proved to be handsome and well mannered, as well as picturesque, his reception was no longer in doubt.

Nothing could exceed his solicitude as to their comfort and amusement.

He inspected personally the arrangement of the tents, and suggested one or two changes conducive to the littler comforts.This was not much like ordinary woods-camping.The largest wall-tent contained three folding cots for the women, over which, in the daytime, were flung bright-colored Navajo blankets.Another was spread on the ground.Thorpe later, however, sent over two bear skins, which were acknowledgedly an improvement.To the tent pole a mirror of size was nailed, and below it stood a portable washstand.The second tent, devoted to the two men, was not quite so luxurious; but still boasted of little conveniences the true woodsman would never consider worth the bother of transporting.The third, equally large, was the dining tent.The other three, smaller, and on the A tent order, served respectively as sleeping rooms for Ginger and the Indians, and as a general store-house for provisions and impedimenta.

Thorpe sent an Indian to Camp One for the bearskins, put the rest to digging a trench around the sleeping tents in order that a rain storm might not cause a flood, and ordered Ginger to excavate a square hole some feet deep which he intended to utilize as a larder.

Then he gave Morton and Cary hints as to the deer they wished to capture, pointed out the best trout pools, and issued advice as to the compassing of certain blackberries, not far distant.

Simple things enough they were to do--it was as though a city man were to direct a newcomer to Central Park, or impart to him a test for the destinations of trolley lines--yet Thorpe's new friends were profoundly impressed with his knowledge of occult things.The forest was to them, as to most, more or less of a mystery, unfathomable except to the favored of genius.A man who could interpret it, even a little, into the speech of everyday comfort and expediency possessed a strong claim to their imaginations.When he had finished these practical affairs, they wanted him to sit down and tell them more things,to dine with them, to smoke about their camp fire in the evening.But here they encountered a decided check.Thorpe became silent, almost morose.He talked in monosyllables, and soon went away.They did not know what to make of him, and so were, of course, the more profoundly interested.The truth was, his habitual reticence would not have permitted a great degree of expansion in any case, but now the presence of Hilda made any but an attitude of hushed waiting for her words utterly impossible to him.He wished well to them all.If there was anything he could do for them, he would gladly undertake it.But he would not act the lion nor tell of his, to them, interesting adventures.

However, when he discovered that Hilda had ceased visiting the clump of pines near the pole trail, his desire forced him back among these people.He used to walk in swiftly at almost any time of day, casting quick glances here and there in search of his divinity.

"How do, Mrs.Cary," he would say."Nice weather.Enjoying yourself?"On receiving the reply he would answer heartily, "That's good!"and lapse into silence.When Hilda was about he followed every movement of hers with his eyes, so that his strange conduct lacked no explanation nor interpretation, in the minds of the women at least.Thrice he redeemed his reputation for being an interesting character by conducting the party on little expeditions here and there about the country.Then his woodcraft and resourcefulness spoke for him.They asked him about the lumbering operations, but he seemed indifferent.

"Nothing to interest you," he affirmed."We're just cutting roads now.You ought to be here for the drive."To him there was really nothing interesting in the cutting of roads nor the clearing of streams.It was all in a day's work.

Once he took them over to see Camp One.They were immensely pleased, and were correspondingly loud in exclamations.Thorpe's comments were brief and dry.After the noon dinner he had the unfortunate idea of commending the singing of one of the men.

"Oh, I'd like to hear him," cried Elizabeth Carpenter."Can't you get him to sing for us, Mr.Thorpe?"Thorpe went to the men's camp, where he singled out the unfortunate lumber-jack in question.

"Come on, Archie," he said."The ladies want to hear you sing."The man objected, refused, pleaded, and finally obeyed what amounted to a command.Thorpe reentered the office with triumph, his victim in tow.

"This is Archie Harris," he announced heartily."He's our best singer just now.Take a chair, Archie."The man perched on the edge of the chair and looked straight out before him.

"Do sing for us, won't you, Mr.Harris?" requested Mrs.Cary in her sweetest tones.

The man said nothing, nor moved a muscle, but turned a brick-red.

An embarrassed silence of expectation ensued.

"Hit her up, Archie," encouraged Thorpe.

"I ain't much in practice no how," objected the man in a little voice, without moving.

"I'm sure you'll find us very appreciative," said Elizabeth Carpenter.

  • 倪石陵书


  • 定命录


  • 述学


  • 先进遗风


  • 钦定词谱


  • 超然沟通(影响你一生的成功励志书)


  • 买个江山当皇上


  • 至尊神刀


  • 紫玄大帝


  • 无序之瞳


  • 翻滚吧,我的少女时代


  • 修仙高手在校园


  • 专属甜心:恶魔少爷别惹我


  • 异瞳世界


  • 绯红女巫

