

"I am a friend of Elizabeth Carpenter, who is Wallace Carpenter's sister, who I believe is Mr.Harry Thorpe's partner."She paused as though for comment.The young man opposite was occupied in many other more important directions.Some moments later the words trickled into his brain, and some moments after that he realized their meaning.

"We wrote Mr.Harry Thorpe that we were about to descend on his district with wagons and tents and Indians and things, and asked him to come and see us.""Ah, heart o' mine, what clear, pure eyes she has! How they look at a man to drown his soul!"Which, even had it been spoken, was hardly the comment one would have expected.

The girl looked at him for a moment steadily, then smiled.The change of countenance brought Thorpe to himself, and at the same moment the words she had spoken reached his comprehension.

"But I never received the letter.I'm so sorry," said he."It must be at the mill.You see, I've been up in the woods for nearly a month.""Then we'll have to forgive you."

"But I should think they would have done something for you at the mill---""Oh, we didn't come by way of your mill.We drove from Marquette.""I see," cried Thorpe, enlightened."But I'm sorry I didn't know.

I'm sorry you didn't let me know.I suppose you thought I was still at the mill.How did you get along? Is Wallace with you?""No," she replied, dropping her hands and straightening her erect figure."It's horrid.He was coming, and then some business came up and he couldn't get away.We are having the loveliest time though.I do adore the woods.Come," she cried impatiently, sweeping aside to leave a way clear, "you shall meet my friends."Thorpe imagined she referred to the rest of the tenting party.He hesitated.

"I am hardly in fit condition," he objected.

She laughed, parting her red lips."You are extremely picturesque just as you are," she said with rather embarrassing directness."Iwouldn't have you any different for the world.But my friends don't mind.They are used to it." She laughed again.

Thorpe crossed the pole trail, and for the first time found himself by her side.The warm summer odors were in the air, a dozen lively little birds sang in the brush along the rail, the sunlight danced and flickered through the openings.

Then suddenly they were among the pines, and the air was cool, the vista dim, and the bird songs inconceivably far away.

The girl walked directly to the foot of a pine three feet through, and soaring up an inconceivable distance through the still twilight.

"This is Jimmy," said she gravely."He is a dear good old rough bear when you don't know him, but he likes me.If you put your ear close against him," she confided, suiting the action to the word, "you can hear him talking to himself.This little fellow is Tommy.

I don't care so much for Tommy because he's sticky.Still, I like him pretty well, and here's Dick, and that's Bob, and the one just beyond is Jack.""Where is Harry?" asked Thorpe.

"I thought one in a woods was quite sufficient," she replied with the least little air of impertinence.

"Why do you name them such common, everyday names?" he inquired.

"I'll tell you.It's because they are so big and grand themselves, that it did not seem to me they needed high-sounding names.What do you think?" she begged with an appearance of the utmost anxiety.

Thorpe expressed himself as in agreement.As the half-quizzical conversation progressed, he found their relations adjusting themselves with increasing rapidity.He had been successively the mystic devotee before his vision, the worshipper before his goddess; now he was unconsciously assuming the attitude of the lover before his mistress.It needs always this humanizing touch to render the greatest of all passions livable.

And as the human element developed, he proved at the same time greater and greater difficulty in repressing himself and greater and greater fear of the results in case he should not do so.He trembled with the desire to touch her long slender hand, and as soon as his imagination had permitted him that much he had already crushed her to him and had kissed passionately her starry face.

Words hovered on his lips longing for flight.He withheld them by an effort that left him almost incoherent, for he feared with a deadly fear lest he lose forever what the vision had seemed to offer to his hand.

So he said little, and that lamely, for he dreaded to say too much.

To her playful sallies he had no riposte.And in consequence he fell more silent with another boding--that he was losing his cause outright for lack of a ready word.

He need not have been alarmed.A woman in such a case hits as surely as a man misses.Her very daintiness and preciosity of speech indicated it.For where a man becomes stupid and silent, a woman covers her emotions with words and a clever speech.Not in vain is a proud-spirited girl stared down in such a contest of looks; brave deeds simply told by a friend are potent to win interest in advance; a straight, muscular figure, a brown skin, a clear, direct eye, a carriage of power and acknowledged authority, strike hard at a young imagination; a mighty passion sweeps aside the barriers of the heart.Such a victory, such a friend, such a passion had Thorpe.

And so the last spoken exchange between them meant nothing; but if each could have read the unsaid words that quivered on the other's heart, Thorpe would have returned to the Fighting Forty more tranquilly, while she would probably not have returned to the camping party at all for a number of hours.

"I do not think you had better come with me," she said."Make your call and be forgiven on your own account.I don't want to drag you in at my chariot wheels.""All right.I'll come this afternoon," Thorpe had replied.

"I love her, I must have her.I must go--at once," his soul had cried, "quick--now--before I kiss her!""How strong he is," she said to herself, "how brave-looking; how honest! He is different from the other men.He is magnificent."Chapter XLI


  • 静学文集


  • 过眼录


  • 听秋声馆词话


  • 西使记


  • 佛说观弥勒菩萨上生兜率天经


  • 十年天路


  • 那一年的风花雪月


  • 福妻驾到


  • S女出没,注意!(一一向前冲)


    中国版的电台金三顺故事。灰姑娘的奋斗故事,嘻嘻哈哈,调侃言情。爱情永远是一个梦想,来看看周一一的版本有何不同。\r周一一本是购物频道主持人,被好友撬掉男友后,挥泪告别荧屏,误打误撞来到一个快要倒闭的999电台,她遇到了同事马路,他们毕生的梦想就是打倒全城最红的1088电台,但是,这怎么可能?\r更要命的是,周一一遇到了一个无礼的男人,而他,居然就是1088最红的男DJ——好戏开始了…… \r
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  • 另一个自己之你的影子


  • 英雄联盟之疾风剑豪


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