


WHEN Miss Notman assumed the post of housekeeper in Lady Loring's service, she was accurately described as "a competent and respectable person"; and was praised, with perfect truth, for her incorruptible devotion to the interests of her employers.On its weaker side, her character was represented by the wearing of a youthful wig, and the erroneous conviction that she still possessed a fine figure.The ruling idea in her narrow little mind was the idea of her own dignity.Any offense offered in this direction oppressed her memory for days together, and found its way outward in speech to any human being whose attention she could secure.

At five o'clock, on the day which followed his introduction to Romayne, Father Benwell sat drinking his coffee in the housekeeper's room--to all appearance as much at his ease as if he had known Miss Notman from the remote days of her childhood.Anew contribution to the housekeeper's little library of devotional works lay on the table; and bore silent witness to the means by which he had made those first advances which had won him his present position.Miss Notman's sense of dignity was doubly flattered.She had a priest for her guest, and a new book with the reverend gentleman's autograph inscribed on the title-page.

"Is your coffee to your liking, Father?"

"A little more sugar, if you please."

Miss Notman was proud of her hand, viewed as one of the meritorious details of her figure.She took up the sugar-tongs with suavity and grace; she dropped the sugar into the cup with a youthful pleasure in ministering to the minor desires of her illustrious guest."It is so good of you, Father, to honor me in this way," she said--with the appearance of sixteen super-induced upon the reality of sixty.

Father Benwell was an adept at moral disguises of all kinds.On this occasion he wore the disguise of pastoral simplicity."I am an idle old man at this hour of the afternoon," he said."I hope I am not keeping you from any household duties?""I generally enjoy my duties," Miss Notman answered."To-day, they have not been so agreeable as usual; it is a relief to me to have done with them.Even my humble position has its trials."Persons acquainted with Miss Notman's character, hearing these last words, would have at once changed the subject.When she spoke of "her humble position," she invariably referred to some offense offered to her dignity, and she was invariably ready to state the grievance at full length.Ignorant of this peculiarity, Father Benwell committed a fatal error.He inquired, with courteous interest, what the housekeeper's "trials" might be.

"Oh, sir, they are beneath your notice!" said Miss Notman modestly."At the same time, I should feel it an honor to have the benefit of your opinion--I should so like to know that you do not altogether disapprove of my conduct, under some provocation.

You see, Father, the whole responsibility of ordering the dinners falls on me.And, when there is company, as there is this evening, the responsibility is particularly trying to a timid person like myself.""A large dinner party, Miss Notman?"

"Oh, dear, no! Quite the reverse.Only one gentleman--Mr.


Father Benwell set down his cup of coffee, half way to his lips.

He at once drew the correct conclusion that the invitation to Romayne must have been given and accepted after he had left the picture gallery.That the object was to bring Romayne and Stella together, under circumstances which would rapidly improve their acquaintance, was as plain to him as if he had heard it confessed in so many words.If he had only remained in the gallery, he might have become acquainted with the form of persuasion used to induce a man so unsocial as Romayne to accept an invitation."Ihave myself to blame," he thought bitterly, "for being left in the dark.""Anything wrong with the coffee?" Miss Notman asked anxiously.

He rushed on his fate.He said, "Nothing whatever.Pray go on."Miss Notman went on.

"You see, Father, Lady Loring was unusually particular about the dinner on this occasion.She said, 'Lord Loring reminds me that Mr.Romayne is a very little eater, and yet very difficult to please in what he does eat.' Of course I consulted my experience, and suggested exactly the sort of dinner that was wanted under the circumstances.I wish to do her ladyship the utmost justice.

She made no objection to the dinner in itself.On the contrary, she complimented me on what she was pleased to call my ready invention.But when we came next to the order in which the dishes were to be served--" Miss Notman paused in the middle of the sentence, and shuddered over the private and poignant recollections which the order of the dishes called up.

By this time Father Benwell had discovered his mistake.He took a mean advantage of Miss Notman's susceptibilities to slip his own private inquiries into the interval of silence.

"Pardon my ignorance," he said; "my own poor dinner is a matter of ten minutes and one dish.I don't understand a difference of opinion on a dinner for three people only; Lord and Lady Loring, two; Mr.Romayne, three--oh! perhaps I am mistaken? Perhaps Miss Eyrecourt makes a fourth?""Certainly, Father!"

"A very charming person, Miss Notman.I only speak as a stranger.

  • 大乘稻芉经随听疏决


  • 老父云游始末


  • 庚道集


  • 璞山蒋公政训


  • 负暄野录


  • 十步蛇


  • 白色眷恋


  • 小花仙之枫韩恋


  • 电影世界抓鬼人


  • 星韵雪缘


  • 冷面危情


  • 火澜


  • 那年那枫那仁


  • 大雪无痕


  • 异能术士

