

"Not like me were my father and mother.They longed for their kind and sought ever for means to regain their place among them.There came a time when my father, driven by his longing, ventured forth to Ruszark, seeking friends to help him regain that place--for these who obey me obeyed not him as they obey me; nor would he have marched them--as I shall--upon Ruszark if they had obeyed him.

"Cherkis caught him.And Cherkis waited, knowing well that my mother would follow.For Cherkis knew not where to seek her, nor where they had lain hid, for between his city and here the mountains are great, unscalable, and the way through them is cunningly hidden; by chance alone did my mother's mother and those who fled with her discover it: And though they tortured him, my father would not tell.And after a while forthwith those who still remained of hers stole out with my mother to find him.

They left me here with Yuruk.And Cherkis caught my mother."The proud breasts heaved, the eyes shot forth visible flames.

"My father was flayed alive and crucified," she said.

"His skin they nailed to the City's gates.And when Cherkis had had his will with my mother he threw her to his soldiers for their sport.

"All of those who went with them he tortured and slew --and he and his laughed at their torment.But one there was who escaped and told me--me who was little more than a budding maid.He called on me to bring vengeance --and he died.A year passed--and I am not like my mother and my father--and I forgot--dwelling here in the great tranquillities, barred from and having no thought for men and their way.

"AIE, AIE!" she cried; "woe to me that I could forget!

But now I shall take my vengeance--I, Norhala, will stamp them flat--Cherkis and his city of Ruszark and everything it holds! I, Norhala, and my servants shall stamp them into the rock of their valley so that none shall know that they have been! And would that I could meet their gods with all their powers that I might break them, too, and stamp them into the rock under the feet of my servants!"She threw out white arms.

Why had Yuruk lied to me? I wondered as I watched her.

The Disk had not slain her mother.Of course! He had lied to play upon our terrors; had lied to frighten us away.

The wailings were rising in a sustained crescendo.One of the slaying stars slipped over the chamber floor, folded its points and glided out the door.

"Come!" commanded Norhala, and led the way.The second star closed, followed us.We stepped over the threshold.

For one astounded, breathless moment we paused.In front of us reared a monster--a colossal, headless Sphinx.

Like forelegs and paws, a ridge of pointed cubes, and globes thrust against each side of the canyon walls.

Between them for two hundred feet on high stretched the breast.

And this was a shifting, weaving mass of the Metal Things; they formed into gigantic cuirasses, giant bucklers, corselets of living mail.From them as they moved--nay, from all the monster--came the wailings.Like a headless Sphinx it crouched--and as we stood it surged forward as though it sprang a step to greet us.

"HAI!" shouted Norhala, battle buglings ringing through the golden voice."HAI! my companies!"Out from the summit of the breast shot a tremendous trunk of cubes and spinning globes.And like a trunk it nuzzled us, caught us up, swept us to the crest.An instant I tottered dizzily; was held; stood beside Norhala upon a little, level twinkling eyed platform; upon her other side swayed Drake.

Now through the monster I felt a throbbing, an eager and impatient pulse.I turned my head.Still like some huge and grotesque beast the back of the clustered Things ran for half a mile at least behind, tapering to a dragon tail that coiled and twisted another full mile toward the Pit.And from this back uprose and fell immense spiked and fan-shaped ruffs, thickets of spikes, whipping knouts of bristling tentacles, fanged crests.They thrust and waved, whipped and fell constantly; and constantly the great tail lashed and snapped, fantastic, long and living.

"HAI!" shouted Norhala once more.From her lifted throat came again the golden chanting--but now a relentless, ruthless song of slaughter.

Up reared the monstrous bulk.Into it ran the dragon tail.Into it poured the fanged and bristling back.

Up, up we were thrust--three hundred feet, four hundred, five hundred.Over the blue globe of Norhala's house bent a gigantic leg.Spiderlike out from each side of the monster thrust half a score of others.

Overhead the dawn began to break.Through it with ever increasing speed we moved, straight to the line of the cliffs behind which lay the city of the armored men--and Ruth and Ventnor.

  • Told After Supper

    Told After Supper

  • 石药尔雅


  • The University of Hard Knocks

    The University of Hard Knocks

  • 佛说木槵经


  • 天史


  • 呆萌少女面瘫男


  • 侠路重逢


  • 大爱晚成,卯上天价老婆


  • 重生之前朝修仙


  • 周凯的英雄联盟之路


  • 马鸣菩萨传


  • 静心咒


  • 璇之影


  • 记一次青春


  • 白云的日常生活

