

"They came long before dusk," she said."By the night before Yuruk had won to Ruszark, the city of Cherkis;and long before dawn they were on their way hither.This the black dog I slew told me.""But Yuruk was with us here at dawn yesterday," I gasped.

"A night has passed since then," she said, "and another night is almost gone."Stunned, I considered this.If this were true--and not for an instant did I doubt her--then not for a few hours had we lain there at the foot of the living wall in the Hall of the Cones--but for the balance of that day and that night, and another day and part of still another night.

"What does she say?" Drake stared anxiously into my whitened face.I told him.

"Yes." Norhala spoke again."The dusk before the last dusk that has passed I returned to my house.The maid was there and sorrowing.She told me you had gone into the valley, prayed me to help you and to bring you back.Icomforted her, and something of--the peace--I gave her;but not all, for she fought against it.A little we played together, and I left her sleeping.I sought you and found you also sleeping.I knew no harm would come to you, and I went my ways--and forgot you.Then I came here again --and found Yuruk and these the maid had slain."The great eyes flashed.

"Now do I honor the maid for the battle that she did,"she said, "though how she slew so many strong men I do not know.My heart goes out to her.And therefore when I bring her back she shall no more be plaything to Norhala, but sister.And with you it shall be as she wills.

And woe to those who have taken her!"

She paused, listening.From without came a rising storm of thin wailings, insistent and eager.

"But I have an older vengeance than this to take," the golden voice tolled somberly."Long have I forgotten--and shame I feel that I had forgot.So long have I forgotten all hatreds, all lusts, all cruelty--among--these--"She thrust a hand forth toward the hidden valley."Forgot --dwelling in the great harmonies.Save for you and what has befallen I would never have stirred from them, I think.

But now awakened, I take that vengeance.After it is done"--she paused--"after it is over I shall go back again.For this awakening has in it nothing of the ordered joy I love--it is a fierce and slaying fire.I shall go back--"The shadow of her far dreaming flitted over, softened the angry brilliancy of her eyes.

"Listen, you two!" The shadow of dream fled."Those that I am about to slay are evil--evil are they all, men and women.Long have they been so--yea, for cycles of suns.

And their children grow like them--or if they be gentle and with love for peace they are slain or die of heartbreak.

All this my mother told me long ago.So no more children shall be born from them either to suffer or to grow evil."Again she paused, nor did we interrupt her musing.

"My father ruled Ruszark," she said at last."Rustum he was named, of the seed of Rustum the Hero even as was my mother.They were gentle and good, and it was their ancestors who built Ruszark when, fleeing from the might of Iskander, they were sealed in the hidden valley by the falling mountain.

"Then there sprang from one of the families of the nobles--Cherkis.Evil, evil was he, and as he grew he lusted for rule.On a night of terror he fell upon those who loved my father and slew; and barely had my father time to fly from the city with my mother, still but a bride, and a handful of those loyal to him.

"They found by chance the way to this place, hiding in the cleft which is its portal.They came, and they were taken by--Those who are now my people.Then my mother, who was very beautiful, was lifted before him who rules here and she found favor in his sight and he had built for her this house, which now is mine.

"And in time I was born--but not in this house.Nay--in a secret place of light where, too, are born my people."She was silent.I shot a glance at Drake.The secret place of light--was it not that vast vault of mystery, of dancing orbs and flames transmuted into music into which we had peered and for which sacrilege, I had thought, had been thrust from the City? And did in this lie the explanation of her strangeness? Had she there sucked in with her mother's milk the enigmatic life of the Metal Hordes, been transformed into half human changeling, become true kin to them? What else could explain--"My mother showed me Ruszark," her voice, taking up once more her tale, checked my thoughts."Once when Iwas little she and my father bore me through the forest and through the hidden way.I looked upon Ruszark--a great city it is and populous, and a caldron of cruelty and of evil.

  • 霸道校草的甜心小萝莉


  • 谦谦拇指


  • 天火神尊


  • 一纸风华可堪回首


  • 天地寻道


  • 99度宠爱帝少的一号小新娘


  • 梦回千转——浮生未歇


  • 鹿勋之生生世世


  • 天上的仙树


  • 沉浮曲

