

Under it, like hills ensorcelled, the rocky walls about it seemed to flatten.They glowed and all at once pressed forward like gigantic slices of palest emerald jade, translucent, illumined, as though by a circlet of little suns shining behind them.

The light faded, robes of deepest amethyst dropped around the mountain's mighty shoulders.And then from every snow and glacier-crowned peak, from minaret and pinnacle and towering turret, leaped forth a confusion of soft peacock flames, a host of irised prismatic gleamings, an ordered chaos of rainbows.

Great and small, interlacing and shifting, they ringed the valley with an incredible glory--as if some god of light itself had touched the eternal rocks and bidden radiant souls stand forth.

Through the darkening sky swept a rosy pencil of living light; that utterly strange, pure beam whose coming never fails to clutch the throat of the beholder with the hand of ecstasy, the ray which the Tibetans name the Ting-Pa.

For a moment this rosy finger pointed to the east, then arched itself, divided slowly into six shining, rosy bands;began to creep downward toward the eastern horizon where a nebulous, pulsing splendor arose to meet it.

And as we watched I heard a gasp from Drake.And it was echoed by my own.

For the six beams were swaying, moving with ever swifter motion from side to side in ever-widening sweep, as though the hidden orb from which they sprang were swaying like a pendulum.

Faster and faster the six high-flung beams swayed--and then broke--broke as though a gigantic, unseen hand had reached up and snapped them!

An instant the severed ends ribboned aimlessly, then bent, turned down and darted earthward into the welter of clustered summits at the north and swiftly were gone, while down upon the valley fell night.

"Good God!" whispered Drake."It was as though something reached up, broke those rays and drew them down--like threads."

"I saw it." I struggled with bewilderment."I saw it.But I never saw anything like it before," I ended, most inadequately.

"It was PURPOSEFUL," he whispered."It was DELIBERATE.

As though something reached up, juggled with the rays, broke them, and drew them down like willow withes.""The devils that dwell here!" quavered Chiu-Ming.

"Some magnetic phenomenon." I was half angry at myself for my own touch of panic."Light can be deflected by passage through a magnetic field.Of course that's it.


"I don't know." Drake's tone was doubtful indeed."It would take a whale of a magnetic field to have done THAT--it's inconceivable." He harked back to his first idea."It was so--so DAMNED deliberate," he repeated.

"Devils--" muttered the frightened Chinese.

"What's that?" Drake gripped my arm and pointed to the north.A deeper blackness had grown there while we had been talking, a pool of darkness against which the mountain summits stood out, blade-sharp edges faintly luminous.

A gigantic lance of misty green fire darted from the blackness and thrust its point into the heart of the zenith;following it, leaped into the sky a host of the sparkling spears of light, and now the blackness was like an ebon hand, brandishing a thousand javelins of tinseled flame.

"The aurora," I said.

"It ought to be a good one," mused Drake, gaze intent upon it."Did you notice the big sun spot?"I shook my head.

"The biggest I ever saw.Noticed it first at dawn this morning.Some little aurora lighter--that spot.I told you --look at that!" he cried.

The green lances had fallen back.The blackness gathered itself together--then from it began to pulse billows of radiance, spangled with infinite darting swarms of flashing corpuscles like uncounted hosts of dancing fireflies.

Higher the waves rolled--phosphorescent green and iridescent violet, weird copperous yellows and metallic saffrons and a shimmer of glittering ash of rose--then wavered, split and formed into gigantic, sparkling, marching curtains of splendor.

A vast circle of light sprang out upon the folds of the flickering, rushing curtains.Misty at first, its edges sharpened until they rested upon the blazing glory of the northern sky like a pale ring of cold flame.And about it the aurora began to churn, to heap itself, to revolve.

Toward the ring from every side raced the majestic folds, drew themselves together, circled, seethed around it like foam of fire about the lip of a cauldron, and poured through the shining circle as though it were the mouth of that fabled cavern where old Aeolus sits blowing forth and breathing back the winds that sweep the earth.

Yes--into the ring's mouth the aurora flew, cascading in a columned stream to earth.Then swiftly, a mist swept over all the heavens, veiled that incredible cataract.

"Magnetism?" muttered Drake."I guess NOT!""It struck about where the Ting-Pa was broken and seemed drawn down like the rays," I said.

"Purposeful," Drake said."And devilish.It hit on all my nerves like a--like a metal claw.Purposeful and deliberate.There was intelligence behind that.""Intelligence? Drake--what intelligence could break the rays of the setting sun and suck down the aurora?""I don't know," he answered.

"Devils," croaked Chiu-Ming."The devils that defied Buddha--and have grown strong--""Like a metal claw!" breathed Drake.

Far to the west a sound came to us; first a whisper, then a wild rushing, a prolonged wailing, a crackling.Agreat light flashed through the mist, glowed about us and faded.Again the wailing, the vast rushing, the retreating whisper.

Then silence and darkness dropped embraced upon the valley of the blue poppies.

  • 东度记


  • 长生殿


  • 璇矶图


  • 蚓窍集


  • 谈龙录


  • 狐女不修仙


  • 叛逆的鲁路修之王之影


  • 世界奇妙物语


  • 血的彼之岸


  • 萌贱宗主


  • 扑倒殿下


  • EXO明星系列之梦想


  • 只赢不输


  • 异界之不灭神君


  • 官德修养读本

