

'Traitorous thieves!' muttered the old man in his beard, and went along the stalls, looking for his own black charger.Having found him, he returned to saddle first the king's.But the maid had already the saddle upon him, and so girt that the colonel could thrust no finger tip between girth and skin.He left her to finish what she had so well begun, and went and made ready his own.He then chose for the princess a great red horse, twenty years old, which he knew to possess every equine virtue.This and his own he led to the palace, and the maid led the king's.

The king and Curdie stood in the court, the king in full armour of silvered steel, with a circlet of rubies and diamonds round his helmet.He almost leaped for joy when he saw his great white charger come in, gentle as a child to the hand of the housemaid.

But when the horse saw his master in his armour, he reared and bounded in jubilation, yet did not break from the hand that held him.Then out came the princess attired and ready, with a hunting knife her father had given her by her side.They brought her mother's saddle, splendent with gems and gold, set it on the great red horse, and lifted her to it.But the saddle was so big, and the horse so tall, that the child found no comfort in them.

'Please, King Papa,' she said, 'can I not have my white pony?'

'I did not think of him, little one,' said the king.'Where is he?'

'In the stable,' answered the maid.'I found him half starved, the only horse within the gates, the day after the servants were driven out.He has been well fed since.'

'Go and fetch him,' said the king.

As the maid appeared with the pony, from a side door came Lina and the forty-nine, following Curdie.

'I will go with Curdie and the Uglies,' cried the princess; and as soon as she was mounted she got into the middle of the pack.

So out they set, the strangest force that ever went against an enemy.The king in silver armour sat stately on his white steed, with the stones flashing on his helmet; beside him the grim old colonel, armed in steel, rode his black charger; behind the king, a little to the right, Curdie walked afoot, his mattock shining in the sun; Lina followed at his heel; behind her came the wonderful company of Uglies; in the midst of them rode the gracious little Irene, dressed in blue, and mounted on the prettiest of white ponies; behind the colonel, a little to the left, walked the page, armed in a breastplate, headpiece, and trooper's sword he had found in the palace, all much too big for him, and carrying a huge brass trumpet which he did his best to blow; and the king smiled and seemed pleased with his music, although it was but the grunt of a brazen unrest.Alongside the beasts walked Derba carrying Barbara - their refuge the mountains, should the cause of the king be lost;as soon as they were over the river they turned aside to ascend the Cliff, and there awaited the forging of the day's history.Then first Curdie saw that the housemaid, whom they had all forgotten, was following, mounted on the great red horse, and seated in the royal saddle.

Many were the eyes unfriendly of women that had stared at them from door and window as they passed through the city; and low laughter and mockery and evil words from the lips of children had rippled about their ears; but the men were all gone to welcome the enemy, the butchers the first, the king's guard the last.And now on the heels of the king's army rushed out the women and children also, to gather flowers and branches, wherewith to welcome their conquerors.

About a mile down the river, Curdie, happening to look behind him, saw the maid, whom he had supposed gone with Derba, still following on the great red horse.The same moment the king, a few paces in front of him, caught sight of the enemy's tents, pitched where, the cliffs receding, the bank of the river widened to a little plain.

  • 校草狠坏:恶魔,别吃我


  • 我为你涉江而过


  • 倾世流年:捡个师兄做郎君


  • 墨色宁夜


  • 逍遥圣仙


  • 月光蔷薇:公主的华丽逆袭


  • 二零一五狂想曲


  • 重生空间之彼岸花开


  • 异界灵月公主


    “江湖”一词似乎永远是人们兴奋和无奈的话题,身处江湖的端木琎却心系着另外一片土地。因为她身份的特殊,她能够从小拥有这种感应:感应自己并非如今这个端木琎,感应自己属于另外一片土地。不过,在现实这片土地上,有让她难以割舍的友情。端木府的大小姐端木琎,这个地方所有人包括她自己,都知道她并非端木员外亲生,因此她的身份是一个谜,也没有人想去揭开这个谜,因为这一家人视她为己出。她从小到大的四个好朋友:钟离索逸,钟离府员外的独女,生性好斗,不喜诗书,本性善良;吕柔,外地逃难至此,家中无父无母,更无兄弟姐妹,性格沉稳,靠行医为生;韩风,文武双全,气宇轩昂,同样是韩府员外的独子;曾羽,曾府大少爷,不善诗书善武艺,足智多谋,性格放荡不羁。五人同年生,乃家中独子,从小认识到大,对彼此甚是了解。 五个人在江湖上也颇有名号,江湖人称:“冰简”,“冰”,乃冷酷之意,从不对外人有过分的亲近热情;“简”,形容其行事干净利落,不拖泥带水。“冰简”二字同样给人以冷傲之感。五人关系甚为密切,五家人来往也很亲善,比亲兄弟姐妹有过之而不及。由于五人行事作风不拘一格,好打抱不平,因此招来邪门歪派的排挤,誓要除之而后快!在一场居心策划的阴谋追杀中,四个好朋友竟死于非命!痛断肝肠的端木琎誓要报仇雪耻!在报仇后便独自一人去寻找自己的真实身份,终于在另外一个世界找回了自己的能力和使命,孤独地在那个地方冷酷地生存了一段日子:杀妖!失去朋友和亲人的她在和自己的守护神相遇后,发现了自己原来是平妖国的灵月公主,但国家已毁,亲人已逝,这个毁灭的罪魁祸首就是她要斩除的最后恶魔,原来这才是她也是她的族人的最终使命:除魔。于是和守护神及一帮妖精开始了除魔之道。恶魔消失的同时,她为此付出的代价就是失去了所有至亲至爱的人,天下太平,她已无所求了,朋友和亲人的身影,应该是会永远伴随她左右的,在所有美好记忆的那片土地上,最后只留下她孤独却已不悲伤的身影独自守候着自己称为“异界”的那块净土。
  • 妖孽凤凰:妞,给爷笑个呗

