

HELEN.Still that voice went on, and I saw Wreford take up the dead man's gun.Then Hubert got upon his feet, and went tottering along, so feebly, so dreadfully--but before he could reach and stop him, Wreford fired at the man who was crying.And Hubert called out: "You brute!" and fell right down.And when Wreford saw him lying there, he began to moan and sob, but Hubert never stirred.Then it all got black again--and I could see a dark woman--thing creeping, first to the man without a head; then to Wreford; then to Hubert, and it touched him, and sprang away.And it cried out: "A-ai-ah!" [Pointing out at the mist] Look! Out there! The dark things!

KATHERINE.[Putting her arms round her] Yes, dear, yes! You must have been looking at the mist.

HELEN.[Strangely calm] He's dead!

KATHERINE.It was only a dream.

HELEN.You didn't hear that cry.[She listens] That's Stephen.

Forgive me, Kit; I oughtn't to have upset you, but I couldn't help coming.

She goes out, KATHERINE, into whom her emotion seems to have passed, turns feverishly to the window, throws it open and leans out.MORE comes in.


Catching sight of her figure in the window, he goes quickly to her.

KATHERINE.Ah! [She has mastered her emotion.

MORE.Let me look at you!

He draws her from the window to the candle-light, and looks long at her.

MORE.What have you done to your hair?


MORE.It's wonderful to-night.

[He takes it greedily and buries his face in it.]

KATHERINE.[Drawing her hair away] Well?

MORE.At last!

KATHERINE.[Pointing to OLIVE's room] Hssh!

MORE.How is she?

KATHERINE.All right.

MORE.And you?

[KATHERINE shrugs her shoulders.]

MORE.Six weeks!

KATHERINE.Why have you come?


KATHERINE.You begin again the day after tomorrow.Was it worth while?


KATHERINE.It makes it harder for me, that's all.

MORE.[Staring at her] What's come to you?

KATHERINE.Six weeks is a long time to sit and read about your meetings.

MORE.Put that away to-night.[He touches her] This is what travellers feel when they come out of the desert to-water.

KATHERINE.[Suddenly noticing the cut on his forehead] Your forehead! It's cut.

MORE.It's nothing.

KATHERINE.Oh! Let me bathe it!

MORE.No, dear! It's all right.

KATHERINE.[Turning away] Helen has just been telling me a dream she's had of Hubert's death.

MORE.Poor child!

KATHERINE.Dream bad dreams, and wait, and hide oneself--there's been nothing else to do.Nothing, Stephen--nothing!

MORE.Hide? Because of me?


MORE.[With a movement of distress] I see.I thought from your letters you were coming to feel----.Kit! You look so lovely!

[Suddenly he sees that she is crying, and goes quickly to her.]

MORE.My dear, don't cry! God knows I don't want to make things worse for you.I'll go away.

She draws away from him a little, and after looking long at her, he sits down at the dressing-table and begins turning over the brushes and articles of toilet, trying to find words.

MORE.Never look forward.After the time I've had--I thought--tonight--it would be summer--I thought it would be you--and everything!

While he is speaking KATHERINE has stolen closer.She suddenly drops on her knees by his side and wraps his hand in her hair.

He turns and clasps her.


KATHERINE.Ah! yes! But-to-morrow it begins again.Oh! Stephen!

How long--how long am I to be torn in two? [Drawing back in his arms] I can't--can't bear it.

MORE.My darling!

KATHERINE.Give it up! For my sake! Give it up! [Pressing closer to him] It shall be me--and everything----MORE.God!

KATHERINE.It shall be--if--if----

MORE.[Aghast] You're not making terms? Bargaining? For God's sake, Kit!

KATHERINE.For God's sake, Stephen!

MORE.You!--of all people--you!


[For a moment MORE yields utterly, then shrinks back.]

MORE.A bargain! It's selling my soul!

He struggles out of her arms, gets up, and stands without speaking, staring at her, and wiping the sweat from his forehead.KATHERINE remains some seconds on her knees, gazing up at him, not realizing.Then her head droops; she too gets up and stands apart, with her wrapper drawn close round her.It is as if a cold and deadly shame had come to them both.Quite suddenly MORE turns, and, without looking back, feebly makes his way out of the room.When he is gone KATHERINE drops on her knees and remains there motionless, huddled in her hair.


  • 人间鬼判


  • 苍破天,梦回连


  • 绝宠傲娇小狼妻


  • 来世与君共华发


  • 少女蜕变:霸道BOOS的高冷妻


  • 逆袭女配之我才是女王


  • 医妃很忙:王爷,快吃药


  • 美女的绝品高手


  • 十二月夜


  • 感染者联盟

