

"WE'LL have to carry them in," said Mr.Bobbsey, as he looked in the rear of the auto, and saw his two little twins fast asleep on the dog's back.

"I'll take 'em," said Sam kindly."Many a time I'se carried 'em in offen de porch when dey falled asleep.I'll carry 'em in."And he did, first taking Flossie, and then Freddie.Then he and Dinah brought in the bundles and valises, while Nan and Bert and Mr.and Mrs.Bobbsey followed, having bidden goodnight to Mr.Blake, and thanking him for the ride.

"Where - where are we?" asked Flossie, rubbing her eyes and looking around the room which she had not seen in some months.

"An' - an' where's our dog?" demanded Freddie.

"Oh, bless your hearts - that dog!" cried Mamma Bobbsey."Sam took him out in the barn.You may see him in the morning, if he doesn't run away in the night."The twins looked worried over this suggestion, until Sam said:

"Oh, I locked him up good an' proper in a box stall; 'deed an' I did, Mrs.Bobbsey.He won't get away tonight.""That's - good," murmured Freddie, and then he fell asleep again.

Soon the little twins were undressed and put to bed; Nan and Bert soon followed, but Mr.and Mrs.Bobbsey stayed up a little later to talk over certain matters.

"It's good to be home again," said Mr.Bobbsey, as he looked about the rooms of the town house.

"Yes, but we had a delightful summer," spoke his wife, "and the children are so well.The country was delightful, and so was the seashore.But I think I, too, am glad to be back.It will be quite a task, though, to get the children ready for school.Flossie and Freddie will go regularly now, I suppose, and with Nan and Bert in a higher class, it means plenty of work.""I suppose so," said her husband.

"But Dinah is a great help," went on Mrs.Bobbsey, for she did not mean to complain.Flossie and Freddie had tried a few days in the kindergarten class at school, but Flossie said she did not like it, and, as Freddie would not go without her, their parents had taken them both out in the Spring.

"There will be plenty of time to start them in the Fall," said Mrs.Bobbsey, and so it had been arranged.And now the four twins were all to attend the same school, which would open in about a week.

Flossie and Freddie were both up early the next morning, and, scarcely halfdressed, they hurried out to the barn.

"Whar yo' chillers gwine?" demanded Dinah, as she prepared to get breakfast.

"Out to see our dog," answered Freddie."Is Sam around?""Yes, he's out dere somewheres, washin' de carriage.But don't yo' let dat dog bite yo'.""We won't," said Freddie.

"He wouldn't bite anyhow," declared Flossie.

Sam opened the box stall for them, and out bounced the big white dog, barking in delight, and almost knocking down the twins, so glad was he to see them.

"What shall we call him?" asked Freddie."Maybe we'd better name him Snoop, like our cat.I guess Snoop is gone forever.""No, we mustn't call him Snoop," said Flossie, "for some day our cat might come back, and he'd want his own name again.We'll call our dog Snap, 'cause see how bright his eyes snap.Then if our cat comes back we'll have Snoop and Snap.""That's a good name," decided Freddie, after thinking it over."Snoop and Snap.I wonder how we can make this dog stand on his hind legs like he did before?""Bert snapped his fingers and he did it," suggested Flossie."But maybe he'll do it now if you just ask him to."Freddie tried to snap his fingers, but they were too short and fat.Then he patted the dog an the head and said:

"Stand up!"

At once the dog, with a bark, did so.He sat up on his hind legs and then walked around.Both the children laughed.

"I wonder if he can do any other tricks?" asked Flossie.

"I'm going to try," said her brother."What trick do you want him to do?""Make him lie down and roll over."

  • 花痴精灵爱上王


  • 重生之名门小萌妻


  • 唐城一梦


  • 泣情珠


  • 神兵小将之天心永恋


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  • 新约战记


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  • 花千骨之忘川水,忘于情


  • 惑颜:多面公子双面妻

