

They drew away from the colliery region, over the curve of the hill, into the purer country of the other side, towards Willey Green.Still the faint glamour of blackness persisted over the fields and the wooded hills, and seemed darkly to gleam in the air.It was a spring day, chill, with snatches of sunshine.Yellow celandines showed out from the hedge-bottoms, and in the cottage gardens of Willey Green, currant-bushes were breaking into leaf, and little flowers were coming white on the grey alyssum that hung over the stone walls.

Turning, they passed down the high-road, that went between high banks towards the church.There, in the lowest bend of the road, low under the trees, stood a little group of expectant people, waiting to see the wedding.

The daughter of the chief mine-owner of the district, Thomas Crich, was getting married to a naval officer.

`Let us go back,' said Gudrun, swerving away.`There are all those people.'

And she hung wavering in the road.

`Never mind them,' said Ursula, `they're all right.They all know me, they don't matter.'

`But must we go through them?' asked Gudrun.

`They're quite all right, really,' said Ursula, going forward.And together the two sisters approached the group of uneasy, watchful common people.

They were chiefly women, colliers' wives of the more shiftless sort.They had watchful, underworld faces.

The two sisters held themselves tense, and went straight towards the gate.The women made way for them, but barely sufficient, as if grudging to yield ground.The sisters passed in silence through the stone gateway and up the steps, on the red carpet, a policeman estimating their progress.

`What price the stockings!' said a voice at the back of Gudrun.A sudden fierce anger swept over the girl, violent and murderous.She would have liked them all annihilated, cleared away, so that the world was left clear for her.How she hated walking up the churchyard path, along the red carpet, continuing in motion, in their sight.

`I won't go into the church,' she said suddenly, with such final decision that Ursula immediately halted, turned round, and branched off up a small side path which led to the little private gate of the Grammar School, whose grounds adjoined those of the church.

Just inside the gate of the school shrubbery, outside the churchyard, Ursula sat down for a moment on the low stone wall under the laurel bushes, to rest.Behind her, the large red building of the school rose up peacefully, the windows all open for the holiday.Over the shrubs, before her, were the pale roofs and tower of the old church.The sisters were hidden by the foliage.

Gudrun sat down in silence.Her mouth was shut close, her face averted.

She was regretting bitterly that she had ever come back.Ursula looked at her, and thought how amazingly beautiful she was, flushed with discomfiture.

But she caused a constraint over Ursula's nature, a certain weariness.

Ursula wished to be alone, freed from the tightness, the enclosure of Gudrun's presence.

`Are we going to stay here?' asked Gudrun.

`I was only resting a minute,' said Ursula, getting up as if rebuked.

`We will stand in the corner by the fives-court, we shall see everything from there.'

For the moment, the sunshine fell brightly into the churchyard, there was a vague scent of sap and of spring, perhaps of violets from off the graves.Some white daisies were out, bright as angels.In the air, the unfolding leaves of a copper-beech were blood-red.

Punctually at eleven o'clock, the carriages began to arrive.There was a stir in the crowd at the gate, a concentration as a carriage drove up, wedding guests were mounting up the steps and passing along the red carpet to the church.They were all gay and excited because the sun was shining.

Gudrun watched them closely, with objective curiosity.She saw each one as a complete figure, like a character in a book, or a subject in a picture, or a marionette in a theatre, a finished creation.She loved to recognise their various characteristics, to place them in their true light, give them their own surroundings, settle them for ever as they passed before her along the path to the church.She knew them, they were finished, sealed and stamped and finished with, for her.There was none that had anything unknown, unresolved, until the Criches themselves began to appear.Then her interest was piqued.Here was something not quite so preconcluded.

There came the mother, Mrs Crich, with her eldest son Gerald.She was a queer unkempt figure, in spite of the attempts that had obviously been made to bring her into line for the day.Her face was pale, yellowish, with a clear, transparent skin, she leaned forward rather, her features were strongly marked, handsome, with a tense, unseeing, predative look.

Her colourless hair was untidy, wisps floating down on to her sac coat of dark blue silk, from under her blue silk hat.She looked like a woman with a monomania, furtive almost, but heavily proud.

Her son was of a fair, sun-tanned type, rather above middle height, well-made, and almost exaggeratedly well-dressed.But about him also was the strange, guarded look, the unconscious glisten, as if he did not belong to the same creation as the people about him.Gudrun lighted on him at once.There was something northern about him that magnetised her.In his clear northern flesh and his fair hair was a glisten like sunshine refracted through crystals of ice.And he looked so new, unbroached, pure as an arctic thing.Perhaps he was thirty years old, perhaps more.His gleaming beauty, maleness, like a young, good-humoured, smiling wolf, did not blind her to the significant, sinister stillness in his bearing, the lurking danger of his unsubdued temper.`His totem is the wolf,' she repeated to herself.

  • 海天一梦


  • 耿耿和于怀的那些年


  • 福妻驾到


  • 与君长伴


  • 旋风少女之花之落


  • 烈火雄心之遇见


  • 无敌馆主


  • 天武大陆:暮色游侠笔记


  • 恶生


  • 牡丹园

