Peter thanked her for her counsel, and was careful to do exactly all the old woman had told him.On the eighth morning he reached a fire so large that he could see nothing else on either side, but when he struck it with the napkins it parted, and stood on each hand like a wall.As he rode through the opening he threw the cakes behind him.From each cake there sprang a huge dog, and he gave them the names of World's-weight, Ironstrong, and Quick-ear.They bayed with joy at the sight of him, and as Peter turned to pat them, he beheld Eisenkopf at the edge of the fire, but the opening had closed up behind Peter, and he could not get through.
'Stop, you promise-breaker,' shrieked he; 'you have slipped through my hands once, but wait till I catch you again!'
Then he lay down by the fire and watched to see what would happen.
When Peter knew that he had nothing more to fear from Eisenkopf, he rode on slowly till he came to a small white house.Here he entered and found himself in a room where a gray-haired woman was spinning and a beautiful girl was sitting in the window combing her golden hair.
'What brings you here, my son?' asked the old woman.
'I am seeking for a place, mother,' answered Peter.
'Stay with me, then, for I need a servant,' said the old woman.
'With pleasure, mother,' replied he.
After that Peter's life was a very happy one.He sowed and ploughed all day, except now and then when he took his dogs and went to hunt.And whatever game he brought back the maiden with the golden hair knew how to dress it.
One day the old woman had gone to the town to buy some flour, and Peter and the maiden were left alone in the house.They fell into talk, and she asked him where his home was, and how he had managed to come through the fire.Peter then told her the whole story, and of his striking the flames with the three napkins as he had been told to do.The maiden listened attentively and wondered in herself whether what he said was true.So after Peter had gone out to the fields, she crept up to his room and stole the napkins and then set off as fast as she could to the fire by a path she knew of over the hill.
At the third blow she gave the flames divided, and Eisenkopf, who had been watching and hoping for a chance of this kind, ran down the opening and stood before her.At this sight the maiden was almost frightened to death, but with a great effort she recovered herself and ran home as fast as her legs would carry her, closely pursued by Eisenkopf.Panting for breath she rushed into the house and fell fainting on the floor; but Eisenkopf entered behind her, and hid himself in the kitchen under the hearth.
Not long after, Peter came in and picked up the three napkins which the maiden had dropped on the threshold.He wondered how they got there, for he knew he had left them in his room; but what was his horror when he saw the form of the fainting girl lying where she had dropped, as still and white as if she had been dead.He lifted her up and carried her to her bed, where she soon revived, but she did not tell Peter about Eisenkopf, who had been almost crushed to death under the hearth-stone by the body of World's-weight.