Once upon a time there lived a poor man who had more children than bread to feed them with.However, they were strong and willing, and soon learned to make themselves of use to their father and mother, and when they were old enough they went out to service, and everyone was very glad to get them for servants, for they worked hard and were always cheerful.Out of all the ten or eleven, there was only one who gave his parents any trouble, and this was a big lazy boy whose name was Tiidu.Neither scoldings nor beatings nor kind words had any effect on him, and the older he grew the idler he got.He spent his winters crouching close to a warm stove, and his summers asleep under a shady tree; and if he was not doing either of these things he was playing tunes on his flute.
One day he was sitting under a bush playing so sweetly that you might easily have mistaken the notes for those of a bird, when an old man passed by.'What trade do you wish to follow, my son?' he asked in a friendly voice, stopping as he did so in front of the youth.
'If I were only a rich man, and had no need to work,' replied the boy, 'I should not follow any.I could not bear to be anybody's servant, as all my brothers and sisters are.'
The old man laughed as he heard this answer, and said: 'But I do not exactly see where your riches are to come from if you do not work for them.Sleeping cats catch no mice.He who wishes to become rich must use either his hands or his head, and be ready to toil night and day, or else--'
But here the youth broke in rudely:
'Be silent, old man! I have been told all that a hundred times over;and it runs off me like water off a duck's back.No one will ever make a worker out of me.'
'You have one gift,' replied the old man, taking no notice of this speech, 'and if you would only go about and play the pipes, you would easily earn, not only your daily bread, but a little money into the bargain.Listen to me; get yourself a set of pipes, and learn to play on them as well as you do on your flute, and wherever there are men to hear you, I promise you will never lack money.'
'But where am I to get the pipes from?' asked the youth.
'Blow on your flute for a few days,' replied the old man, 'and you will soon be able to buy your pipes.By-and-by I will come back again and see if you have taken my advice, and whether you are likely to grow rich.' And so saying he went his way.
Tiidu stayed where he was a little longer, thinking of all the old man had told him, and the more he thought the surer he felt that the old man was right.He determined to try whether his plan would really bring luck; but as he did not like being laughed at he resolved not to tell anyone a word about it.So next morning he left home--and never came back! His parents did not take his loss much to heart, but were rather glad that their useless son had for once shown a little spirit, and they hoped that time and hardship might cure Tiidu of his idle folly.
For some weeks Tiidu wandered from one village to another, and proved for himself the truth of the old man's promise.The people he met were all friendly and kind, and enjoyed his flute-playing, giving him his food in return, and even a few pence.These pence the youth hoarded carefully till he had collected enough to buy a beautiful pair of pipes.Then he felt himself indeed on the high road to riches.Nowhere could pipes be found as fine as his, or played in so masterly a manner.Tiidu's pipes set everybody's legs dancing.
Wherever there was a marriage, a christening, or a feast of any kind, Tiidu must be there, or the evening would be a failure.In a few years he had become so noted a piper that people would travel far and wide to hear him.
One day he was invited to a christening where many rich men from the neighbouring town were present, and all agreed that never in all their lives had they heard such playing as his.They crowded round him, and praised him, and pressed him to come to their homes, declaring that it was a shame not to give their friends the chance of hearing such music.Of course all this delighted Tiidu, who accepted gladly, and left their houses laden with money and presents of every kind; one great lord clothed him in a magnificent dress, a second hung a chain of pearls round his neck, while a third handed him a set of new pipes encrusted in silver.As for the ladies, the girls twisted silken scarves round his plumed hat, and their mothers knitted him gloves of all colours, to keep out the cold.
Any other man in Tiidu's place would have been contented and happy in this life; but his craving for riches gave him no rest, and only goaded him day by day to fresh exertions, so that even his own mother would not have known him for the lazy boy who was always lying asleep in one place or the other.