

"Do what you will, or what you must," I said."I think God shows His purposes to such as you.My part is lighter; for your ring shall be on my finger and your heart in mine, and no touch save of your lips will ever be on mine.So, may God comfort you, my darling!"There struck on our ears the sound of singing.The priests in the chapel were singing masses for the souls of those who lay dead.They seemed to chant a requiem over our buried joy, to pray forgiveness for our love that would not die.The soft, sweet, pitiful music rose and fell as we stood opposite one another, her hands in mine.

"My queen and my beauty!" said I.

"My lover and true knight!" she said."Perhaps we shall never see one another again.Kiss me, my dear, and go!"I kissed her as she bade me; but at the last she clung to me, whispering nothing but my name, and that over and over again --and again--and again; and then I left her.

Rapidly I walked down to the bridge.Sapt and Fritz were waiting for me.Under their directions I changed my dress, and muffling my face, as I had done more than once before, I mounted with them at the door of the Castle, and we three rode through the night and on to the breaking day, and found ourselves at a little roadside station just over the border of Ruritania.The train was not quite due, and I walked with them in a meadow by a little brook while we waited for it.

They promised to send me all news; they overwhelmed me with kindness--even old Sapt was touched to gentleness, while Fritz was half unmanned.I listened in a kind of dream to all they said.

"Rudolf! Rudolf! Rudolf!" still rang in my ears--a burden of sorrow and of love.At last they saw that I could not heed them, and we walked up and down in silence, till Fritz touched me on the arm, and I saw, a mile or more away, the blue smoke of the train.

Then I held out a hand to each of them.

"We are all but half-men this morning," said I, smiling.

"But we have been men, eh, Sapt and Fritz, old friends?

We have run a good course between us."

"We have defeated traitors and set the King firm on his throne,"said Sapt.

Then Fritz von Tarlenheim suddenly, before I could discern his purpose or stay him, uncovered his head and bent as he used to do, and kissed my hand; and as I snatched it away, he said, trying to laugh:

"Heaven doesn't always make the right men kings!"Old Sapt twisted his mouth as he wrung my hand.

"The devil has his share in most things," said he.

The people at the station looked curiously at the tall man with the muffled face, but we took no notice of their glances.

I stood with my two friends and waited till the train came up to us.

Then we shook hands again, saying nothing; and both this time--and, indeed, from old Sapt it seemed strange--bared their heads, and so stood still till the train bore me away from their sight.

So that it was thought some great man travelled privately for his pleasure from the little station that morning; whereas, in truth it was only I, Rudolf Rassendyll, an English gentleman, a cadet of a good house, but a man of no wealth nor position, nor of much rank.They would have been disappointed to know that.

Yet had they known all they would have looked more curiously still.

For, be I what I might now, I had been for three months a King, which, if not a thing to be proud of, is at least an experience to have undergone.Doubtless I should have thought more of it, had there not echoed through the air, from the towers of Zenda that we were leaving far away, into my ears and into my heart the cry of a woman's love--"Rudolf! Rudolf! Rudolf!"Hark! I hear it now!

  • 盛夏堇年


  • 穿越之煜王爷的调皮王妃


  • 我的21岁美女校花


  • 万界独舞


  • 转世平凡之轮回的宿命


  • 回首茶几


  • 蛤蟆吞天


  • 穿越女遭遇滥桃花:红颜醉江山


  • 春兰秋菊


  • 相思谋:妃常难娶

