These were followed by a car drawn by four horses: on it, under a heavy pall, lay a coffin; behind it rode a man in plain black clothes, carrying his hat in his hand.Sapt uncovered, and we stood waiting, Flavia keeping by me and laying her hand on my arm.
"It is one of the gentlemen killed in the quarrel, I expect,"she said.
I beckoned to a groom.
"Ride and ask whom they escort," I ordered.
He rode up to the servants, and I saw him pass on to the gentleman who rode behind.
"It's Rupert of Hentzau," whispered Sapt.
Rupert it was, and directly afterwards, waving to the procession to stand still, Rupert trotted up to me.He was in a frock-coat, tightly buttoned, and trousers.He wore an aspect of sadness, and he bowed with profound respect.Yet suddenly he smiled, and I smiled too, for old Sapt's hand lay in his left breast-pocket, and Rupert and I both guessed what lay in the hand inside the pocket.
"Your Majesty asks whom we escort," said Rupert."It is my dear friend, Albert of Lauengram.""Sir," said I, "no one regrets the unfortunate affair more than I.
My ordinance, which I mean to have obeyed, is witness to it.""Poor fellow!, said Flavia softly, and I saw Rupert's eyes flash at her.Whereat I grew red; for, if I had my way, Rupert Hentzau should not have defiled her by so much as a glance.Yet he did it and dared to let admiration be seen in his look.
"Your Majesty's words are gracious," he said."I grieve for my friend.
Yet, sire, others must soon lie as he lies now.""It is a thing we all do well to remember, my lord," I rejoined.
"Even kings, sire," said Rupert, in a moralizing tone;and old Sapt swore softly by my side.
"It is true," said I."How fares my brother, my lord?""He is better, sire."
"I am rejoiced."
"He hopes soon to leave for Strelsau, when his health is secured.""He is only convalescent then?"
"There remain one or two small troubles," answered the insolent fellow, in the mildest tone in the world.
"Express my earnest hope," said Flavia, "that they may soon cease to trouble him.""Your Royal Highness's wish is, humbly, my own," said Rupert, with a bold glance that brought a blush to Flavia's cheek.
I bowed; and Rupert, bowing lower, backed his horse and signed to his party to proceed.With a sudden impulse, I rode after him.
He turned swiftly, fearing that, even in the presence of the dead and before a lady's eyes, I meant him mischief.
"You fought as a brave man the other night," I said.
"Come, you are young, sir.If you will deliver your prisoner alive to me, you shall come to no hurt."He looked at me with a mocking smile; but suddenly he rode nearer to me.
"I'm unarmed," he said; "and our old Sapt there could pick me off in a minute.""I'm not afraid," said I.
"No, curse you!" he answered."Look here, I made you a proposal from the duke once.""I'll hear nothing from Black Michael," said I.
"Then hear one from me." He lowered his voice to a whisper.
"Attack the Castle boldly.Let Sapt and Tarlenheim lead.""Go on," said I.
"Arrange the time with me."
"I have such confidence in you, my lord!""Tut! I'm talking business now.Sapt there and Fritz will fall; Black Michael will fall--""What!"