

The gates of the lock system and the pumps are operated by electricity, the control of which energy is well understood by us.In fact, we are centuries ahead of your Earth people in the knowledge of the use of Electro-magnetic energy.(More will be given on the subject of Electricity in a laterCHAPTER.)Another source of mystery to your astronomers has been the appearance of triangular dark spots at the origin of some of the Martian canals.These have been referred to by your astronomer Lowell as "Carets," named so by reason of their peculiar shape.These so-called"Carets" are the thoughtful provision for the impounding of a season's supply of water.In other words they are in part a lock system for raising water to the level of some of the main canals, and embrace also a prodigious pumping system.

These so-called "Carets," as the telescope will show, are located at the edge of some of what appear to you as very dark areas on our planet.These dark areas are Mars' old sea bottoms, and in many instances have been utilized by our engineers as natural reservoirs for water.Their convenient location near the Poles has provided ideal facilities for the preservation of an adequate supply of water.

The construction of Mars' gigantic Canal system, planetary in its extent, might seem to your Earth people an impossible task.And it might prove so to your Earth dwellers should you undertake a similar project in the ages to come when your seas dry up, though it must be remembered that gravity on Mars, compared with your Earth, is as 38 to 100.Excavations of large waterways then becomes a comparatively easy task.We have no high mountains on Mars; in fact, none exceeding 3,000 feet in altitude.Owing to the difference in gravity the angle of repose on Mars is nearly acute as against 45 degrees on your Earth, which permits of almost perpendicular walls to the canals and lessens the danger of landslides and cave-ins.But above all, the biggest advantage enjoyed by us in the construction of large public enterprises, such as are embraced by our Canal system, is the solidarity and unity of purpose on the part of the Martian people.As Love rules our planet no internal dissension or public misunderstanding exists among its people to retard any undertaking that is necessary for the good of all.It is lamentable that the dwellers on your Earth are divided against one another.Not only are your false ideals of racial, sociological and religious distinctions a bar to your Spiritual and material progress, but your political and economic falsities are as millstones around your necks, which will ultimately lead you to destruction unless you, as a people, retrace your steps and go back to the pathway pointed out by Christ the Master 2,000 years ago, when He came to your Earth with a message from the Most High. The pathway isLOVE which leads to a true understanding of God and the Kingdom referred to by Christ.

The Martian canals, as telescopic observation will prove in almost all cases, follow straight lines.When necessary, mountains have been cut through down to a proper level.Where the canals cross depressions or old sea-bottoms, immense aqueducts have been constructed of solid stone and concrete in such a manner that the water, in most cases, flows to its destination by gravity.

That this has been a stupendous task may be more readily imagined when it is known that the width of the main canals averages from one to twenty miles.This announcement might seem to many unreasonable, but it must be remembered that the volume of water distributed over 212,000,000 square miles of territory is immense.You might ask where this large volume of water comes from.

The POLAR CAPS! During the Martian winter these extend down nearly to the equator, and cover about five-sevenths of the planet's surface when at maximum; and as the snowfall averages from six inches at the edge of the caps to 50 feet at and near the actual Poles, some idea may be gained of the amount of moisture taken care of by these artificial waterways.Ten feet of snow will make 12 inches of water, so there exists on Mars an ample supply for all purposes.

(NOTE--The question as to why many of the canals germinate has been a perplexing one to our astronomers.Lowell observed that many of the main canals germinated a short time after the commencement of the Martian summer, and for a time it was thought that the phenomena might be an optical illusion, and the latter theory was considered seriously by some observers until the double canals were actually photographed at the Flagstaff observatory, but the cause of the doubling was never solved until the receipt of these revelations.)

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