

"It must have been stolen--basely stolen--on the evening of my party.Oh! why did I so foolishly exhibit it among so many people, and collectors among them, too! Never again will I admit more than one collector at a time into the room with my album!" she exclaimed with energy.

I was shocked; surely Lady Holberton did not conceive it possible that any of her guests could be guilty of such base conduct?

"How little you know them! But it is that, Mr.Howard, which has interested me in your favor--you have so much naivete, and ignorance of the moral turpitude of the old world, that I feel convinced you never could be guilty of such an action yourself."I assured Lady Holberton that in this respect she only did me justice; and, in fact, a theft of the kind she alluded to appeared to me all but incredible.

"Remember that it was only the other day that -- lost his invaluable album; remember that last winter Madame de -- had all her notes on botanical subjects stolen from her own portfolio--and I could mention a dozen instances of the same wickedness."These facts were already known to me, but I had forgotten them.I remarked with a glow of national pride, that we certainly were much morevirtuous in these matters across the ocean; in America we are much above pilfering autographs; when we do steal, it is by the volume--we seize all an author's stock in trade at one swoop, and without condescending to say even, thank ye, for it.

{author's stock in trade = though ostensibly referring to the stealing of autographs, Susan Fenimore Cooper is also clearly referring to the widespread pirating of British and other foreign literary works by American publishers, in the absence of international copyright laws-- which not only cheated the authors, but made life difficult for American authors expecting to be paid for their creations}

"So I have always understood, Mr.Howard--and I felt that my album was safe with you," observed Lady Holberton, with tears in her eyes.

Wishing to relieve this distress, I proposed advertising for the lost treasure--applying to the police.

Lady Holberton smiled through her tears, as she assured me that the police, old and new, had been enlisted in her service an hour after the discovery of her loss, while communications had been opened with the municipal governments of Brussels, Paris, and Vienna, on the same subject.

{police, old and new = the first modern English police force had been established in 1829 by Sir Robert Peel -- from which the British nickname of "bobby" for policeman.}

"And have you no clue, no suspicions?--your servants--your maid?" The aspersion on her household was indignantly repelled.

"You will readily believe, Mr.Howard, that a collector, the owner of such an album as I have the honor of possessing, is particularly careful as to whom she admits into her family.I will vouch for all about me; still I have suspicions--but--"I begged her to speak, if she thought I could be of the least assistance."Yes, I will trust my son's friend.Mr.Howard, I here solemnly accuseTheodosia Rowley of having stolen the Lumley Autograph!"The dignity of manner, the concentrated passion of expression, the strength of emphasis with which Lady Holberton spoke, would have done honor to a Siddons.The natural start of horror and amazement on my part,was also, no doubt, very expressive--for I was speechless with surprise."I see you do not credit this," continued the lady.

But thought, like a flash of lightning, had already recalled some circumstances of the last evening at Holberton-House.I did credit the accusation, and immediately informed Lady Holberton of what I had observed, but forgotten, until reminded of the facts by her own remarks.I had seen Miss Rowley, bending low over the album at a moment when some one was telling an exceedingly humorous story which engrossed the attention of the rest of the company.

"Could she have had an accomplice?" cried the lady, with dashing eyes.

I knew nothing on that point.But, I added, that soon after Miss Rowley had left the room very quietly; and as I followed her to fulfill another engagement, she had started, turned pale, and betrayed much nervousness, scarcely allowing me to assist her to her carriage, although we left the house at the same instant.

Lady Holberton's suspicions were now confirmed beyond a doubt."And yet it seems incredible that any lady should be guilty of suchconduct!" I exclaimed, almost repenting having allowed the previous remarks to pass my lips."Miss Rowley is undoubtedly a woman of principle--or good moral standing.""Moral standing!--principle!" exclaimed Lady Holberton, bitterly."Yes, where an autograph is concerned, Theodosia Rowley has all the principle of a Magpie "{Magpie = European bird known for stealing and hiding small bright objects.}

Whatever might have been the fact, it was clear at least that Lady Holberton's opinion was now unalterably made up."Remember, she is a Butlerite!" added the lady, thus putting the last touch to the circumstantial evidence against Miss Rowley.

Weeks passed by.The advertisements remained unanswered.The police could give no information.Lady Holberton was in despair; the physicians declared that her health must eventually give way under the anxiety and disappointment consequent upon this melancholy affair.Muchsympathy was felt for the afflicted lady; even Miss Rowley called often to condole, but she was never admitted.

"I could not see the crocodile!" exclaimed Lady Holberton, quite thrown off her guard one day, by the sight of Miss Rowley's card which she threw into the fire.

  • 嗨,校草大人


  • 六·六班的糗事


  • 魔法世界的剑仙


  • 混沌舞台


  • 狼王至尊


  • 逆天战神


  • 召唤传奇生物


  • 特风谍云


  • 想要把你抱紧


  • 凯源玺与溪馨韵的爱的邂逅

