

Some consolation, however, appeared to be derived from the assiduous attentions of Mr.T--, who personally admired Lady Holberton; at least he professed to do so, though some persons accused him of interested views, and aiming at her album rather than herself.But although his attentions were received, yet nothing could afford full consolation.At length, all other means failing, at the end of a month, it was proposed that two persons, mutual friends of Lady Holberton and Miss Rowley, should call on the latter lady, and appeal privately to her sense of honor, to restore the autograph if it were actually in her possession.This plan was finally agreed on; but the very day it was to have been carried into execution, Miss Rowley left town for an excursion in Finland.

As for myself, I was also on the wing, and left London about the same time.The parting with Lady Holberton was melancholy; she was much depressed, and the physicians had recommended the waters of Wiesbaden.Mr.T-- was also preparing for an excursion to Germany; and he was suspected of vascillating {sic} in his Butlerite views, brought over by Lady Holberton's tears and logic.

Returning to London, some three months later, I found many of my former acquaintainces {sic} were absent; but Lady Holberton, Miss Rowley, and Mr.T-- were all in town again.The day after I arrived- -it was Tuesday the 20th of August--as I was walking along Piccadilly, about five o'clock in the afternoon, my eye fell on the windows of Mr.Thorpe's great establishment.I was thinking over his last catalogue of autographs, when I happened to observe a plain, modest-looking young girl casting a timid glance at the door.There was something anxious and hesitating in her manner, which attracted my attention.Accustomed, like most Americans, to assist a woman in any little difficulty, and with notions better suited perhaps to the meridian of Yankee-land than that of London, I asked if she were in any trouble.How richly was I rewarded for the act ofgood- nature! She blushed and courtesied {sic}.

{Tuesday, 20th of August = does this date the final composition of "The Lumley Autograph" or of its setting? August 20 fell on a Tuesday in 1844 and 1850}

"Please, sir, is it true that they pay money for old letters at this place?" "They do--have you any thing of the kind to dispose of?"Judge of my gratification, my amazement, when she produced the Lumley Autograph!

Of course I instantly took it, at her own price--only half a guinea-- and I further gave her Lady Holberton's address, that she might claim the liberal reward promised far the precious letter.Tears came into the poor child's eyes when she found what awaited her, and I may as well observe at once that this young girl proved to be the daughter of a poor bed-ridden artisan of Clapham, who had seen better days, but was then in great want.It is an ill-wind that blows no good luck, and the contest for the Lumley Autograph was a great advantage to the poor artisan and his family.The girl had picked up the paper early one morning, in a road near Clapham, as she was going to her work; Lady Holberton gave her a handful of guineas as the promised reward--a sum by the bye just double in amount what the poor poet had received for his best poem--and she also continued to look after the family in their troubles.

But to return to the important document itself.Never can I forget the expressive gratitude that beamed on the fine countenance of Lady Holberton when I restored it once more to her possession.She rapidly recovered her health and spirits, and it was generally reported that seizing this favorable moment, Mr.T-- had offered himself and his collection, and that both had been graciously accepted.Miss Rowley called and a sort of paix platree was made up between the ladies.A cargo of American autographs arrived containing the letter of the Cherokee editor, the sign- manual of governors and colonels without number, and I even succeeded in obtaining epistles from several noted rowdies, especially to gratify the ladies.Lady Holberton made her selection, and the rest were divided between Miss Rowley and Mr.T--.Joy at the recovery of the Lumley Autograph seemed to diffuse an unusual spirit of harmony amongcollectors; many desirable exchanges were brought about and things looked charmingly.Alas, how little were we prepared for what ensued!

{paix platree = patched-up peace (French)}

  • 题故居


  • 善俗要义


  • The Crimson Fairy Book

    The Crimson Fairy Book

  • 续易牙遗意


  • 婴童百问


  • 致自己随那个女孩失去的心脏


  • 真仙世界


  • 守护者之谜


  • 何处无涯


  • 情债下辈子再爱你


  • 药界宏图


  • 微风吹过的夏天水瓶座


  • 五魔戒


  • 大话武侠世界


  • 御灵诸界

