

The society was formed for the purpose of reading discourses or dissertations, and making observations on the subjects of them, and of discussing questions proposed and sanctioned." The subjects of the discourses and questions shall be philosophical; all grammatical, historical, and philological discussions being conceived to be foreign to the design of this society .And philosophical matters are understood to comprehend every principle of science, which may be deduced by just and lawful induction from the phenomena either of the human mind, or of the material world; all observations and experiments that may furnish materials for such inductions; the examination of false schemes of philosophy and false methods of philosophizing; the subserviency of philosophy to arts, the principles they borrow from it, and the means of carrying them to their perfection."It is interesting to notice that so many of the speculations of the Aberdeen philosophers, afterwards given to the world in their published writings, were first laid before this society.Thus Dr.Reid, on May 24, 1758, intimates that the subject of his discourse at next meeting (June 13) is to be " The philosophy of the mind in general, and particularly on the perceptions we have by sight." In 1760, he gives an analysis of the senses, and a discourse on the sense of touch.On Jan.26, 1762, he read a discourse at the laying down of the office of president, on " Euclid's definitions and axioms." On Oct.11, 1762, Dr.Reid read a discourse, which the society approved of; but he declined inserting it, in regard he proposed soon to send it to the press, along with the other discourses he had read before the society.

Gerard, too, discourses on his own subjects, from 1758to 1771, and reads a series of papers on genius, and a paper on the effect of the passions on the association of our ideas.Between 1761 and 1768, be inquires: " What is peculiar to those Operations of the Mind of which we can form some Ideas, and what distinguishes them from other Operations of the Mind of which we can form no Ideas? " He writes on the Principles which determine our Degrees of Approbation in the Fine Arts; upon the " Characters of Poetical Imagination; " upon the " Difference between Common Sense and Reason; " and he gives a series of papers on the "Universality and Immutability of the Moral Sentiment." From 1761 to 1767, Dr.Campbell reads papers on " Eloquence; " on " The Relation of Eloquence to Logic; on " The Dependence of Eloquence on Grammar." {229}

The other members take up cognate subjects.Traill takes "An Abstract of a Discourse of M.Rousseau, of the Sourse of the Inequality among Mankind." Mr.

Gordon treats of "Memory and its Influence in forming Characters among Men; " on the " Origin of Polytheism;" on the Universal Belief in a Deity; on the " Existence and Perfections of the Supreme Being; " on " Language; " and on the "Alphabet." Farquhar reads on the " Imagination," and a " Particular Providence." Dr.David Skene has a paper on "The Different Branches of Philosophy," particularly "The Study of the Nature and Philosophy of the Mind." Dr.Gregory discourses on "The Usefulness of Natural Philosophy" on The Prolongation of Human Life;" "The Retardation of Old Age;and "The Foundation of Taste in Music." Mr.Ross takes up "The Use of the Leaves of Plants;" and "The Methods of Classing Plants." Professor Stuart writes on the "Nature of Evidence" on "Mathematical Evidence;" on the "Evidence of Experience;" and "Moral Evidence." Dr.George Skene reads on "The Abuse of Mechanical Reasoning in Natural Philosophy."Mr.Traill discourses on " The Arrangement and Evidence of Mathematics;" and Dunbar, on "The Union of King's and Marischal Colleges," on " The Equality of Mankind," and "The Influence of Place and Climate upon Human Affairs." Dr.

David Skene has a paper on "Happiness." Surely there is proof here of great intellectual activity, and of the keen interest felt in a wide range of subjects.

Most of the topics discussed turn round the various departments of mental science and speculative philosophy.

But it will be seen, from the list of questions propounded for discussion, that they travelled over other fields.Many of the discussions had a special reference to the new sceptical philosophy; so that Reid could write to Hume, March 18,1763: ,Your friendly adversaries, Drs.Campbell and Gerard, as well as Dr.Gregory, return their compliments to you, respectfully.A little philosophical society here, of which all three are members, is much indebted to you for its entertainment.Your company would, although we are all good Christians, be more acceptable than that of Athanasius; and since we cannot have you upon the bench, you are brought oftener than any other man, to the bar; accused and defended, with great zeal, but without bitterness.If you write no more in morals, politics, or metaphysics, I am afraid we shall be at a loss for subjects."

  • Just David

    Just David

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