But Hero went straight home, woke his wife Virtue, and told her all that the Goddess of the Earth had said.And his wife said: "My dear, if so much depends on it, wake the boy and tell him." Then Hero woke the little boy, told him all, and said: "My boy, if you are sacrificed to the Dreadful Goddess, our king will live.If not, he will die in three days."And the boy was true to his name.Without fear and without hesitation he said: "My dear father, I am a lucky boy if the king lives at the cost of my life.Besides, that would pay for the food we have eaten.Why then delay? Take me quickly and sacrifice me to the goddess.May the king's evil fate be averted by my death!" And Hero was delighted and congratulated him, saying: "Well said! You are indeed my son."So Hero's wife Virtue and his daughter Heroic went through the night with Hero and Trusty to the temple of the Dreadful Goddess.The king too followed them, disguised and unnoticed.Then the father took Trusty from his shoulder in the presence of the goddess.And Trusty worshipped thegoddess, and bravely saluted her, and said: "O Goddess, by the sacrifice of my head may the king live another hundred years and rule a thornless kingdom."And as he prayed, Hero cut off his head and offered it to the Dreadful Goddess, saying: "May the king live at the cost of my son's life!" Then a voice cried from heaven: "O Hero, who else is devoted to his master as you are? You have given life and royal power to the king at the cost of your only son, and such a son." All this the king himself saw and heard.
Then Hero's daughter Heroic kissed the lips of her dead brother, and was blinded with sorrow, and her heart broke, and she died.
Then Hero's wife Virtue said: "My dear, we have done our duty by the king.And you see how my daughter died of grief.So now I say: What good is life to me without my children? I was a fool before.I should have given my own head to save the king.So now permit me to burn myself at once."And when she insisted, Hero said: "Do so.What happiness is there in a life of constant mourning for your children? And as for your giving your own life instead, do not grieve about that.If there had been any other way, I should of course have given my life.So wait a moment.I will build you a funeral pile out of these logs." So he built the pile and lighted it.
And Virtue fell at her husband's feet, then worshipped the Dreadful Goddess, and prayed: "O Goddess, may I have the same husband in another life, and may this same King Shudraka be saved at the cost of my son's life." And she died in the blazing fire.
Then Hero thought: "I have done my duty by the king, as the heavenly voice admitted.And I have paid for the king's food which I have eaten.So now why should I want to live alone? It is not right for a man like me to go on living at the expense of all the family which I ought to support.Why should I not please the goddess by sacrificing myself?"So Hero first approached the goddess with a hymn of praise: "O Demon-slayer! Saviour! Devil-killer! Trident-holder! Joy of the wise! Protectress of the universe! Victory to thee, O best of mothers, whose feet the world adores! O fearless refuge of the pious! Kali of the dreadful ornaments! Honour and glory to thee, O kindly goddess! Be pleased toaccept the sacrifice of my head in behalf of King Shudraka." Then he suddenly cut off his own head with his dagger.