

I ain't got none,quavered Mr.Pepper.They're all in the box in the settin'room.Oh,my godfreys mighty!What'll I do?What undertaker'll I have?Solon Tripp's the reg'lar one,but Laviny and he had a row and she said she'd come back and ha'nt me if Iever let him touch her rema--Where you goin'?DON'T LEAVE MEHERE!

The minister was going after a match,and said so.In a moment he returned with several.One of these he lit.The brimstone sputtered,burned blue and fragrant,then burst into a yellow flame.

The little room was empty.

John Ellery drew a breath of relief.Then he laughed.

Humph!he exclaimed.She's gone.

GONE?Why,she ain't nuther!Where could she go?I don't know,but she has gone--somewhere.At any rate,she's not here.Kyan rose to his feet.His alarm had changed to paralyzed astonishment.

How could she go?he repeated.That window won't open more'n six inches.Laviny ain't what you'd call fleshy,but she never could squeeze through that in this world.And I locked the door,'cause I heard the click.I--I--I--do you b'lieve in spirits,Mr.


Nonsense!Come into the sitting room,light a lamp,and let's talk it over.The lamp was found and lighted at last.Its radiance brightened the dingy sitting room.

Do you b'lieve in spirits?repeated Kyan.I've heard yarns about folks bein'spirited away,but I never took much stock in 'em.And,he added with conviction,'twould take a pretty husky spirit to handle Laviny if she had her mad up.She--Hush!hear that!The sound of wheels was heard in the lane by the front gate.Avehicle stopped.Then some one called a hurried good night.Mr.

Pepper's fear returned.

It's her!he cried.She's been ahuntin'for me.NOW I'll get it!You stand by me,Mr.Ellery.You got to.You said you would.

But how on earth did she get--

The minister motioned him to silence.

I'll stand by you,he whispered.Don't speak.Leave it to me.A step sounded on the back step.The dining-room door was hurriedly thrown open.

'Bishy,called Miss Pepper eagerly.'Bish,where are you?Here--here I be,Laviny,faltered Kyan.

His sister appeared on the threshold.She was dressed in her Sunday best,flowered poke bonnet,mitts,imitation India shawl,rustling black bombazine gown.She looked at Mr.Pepper then at the minister.

O Mr.Ellery!she exclaimed,be you here?The Reverend John admitted his presence.Miss Pepper's demeanor surprised him.She did not seem angry;indeed,she acted embarrassed and confused,as if she,and not her brother,were the guilty party.

I'm afraid I'm awful late,'Bishy,she said.Have you had your supper?Kyan was too perturbed to venture a reply.The sword above his head was quivering on its single hair and he was preparing to dodge the fall.But it did not fall.

You haven't had any supper,have you?purred Miss Pepper pityingly.It's too bad.You poor thing!you must be awful hungry.She moved across the room and kissed him.Abishai,who had prepared himself for a different sort of greeting,clutched his chair with both hands.He looked as if he might faint.The minister gazed open-mouthed.

I'm awful sorry,Mr.Ellery,gushed Lavinia,removing the bonnet.

You see,I was invited out to ride this afternoon and--and--Iwent.

She glanced at her brother,reddened--yes,almost blushed--and continued.

You know,'Bishy,she said Thankful Payne's cousin's home avisitin'her.He come about that cousin's will--the other cousin that's just died.He's a reel nice man--her live cousin is--keeps a shoe store up to Sandwich,and I used to know him years ago.

When I was over to Thankful's t'other day,him and me had quite a talk.We got speakin'of what nice drives there was around Trumet and--and--er--well,he asked me if I wouldn't like to go to ride next Sunday afternoon--that's to-day.And a ride bein'a good deal of a treat to me,I said I would.Thankful was goin',too,but--er--er--she couldn't very well.So Caleb--that's his name,you remember,'Bishy--he come round with his horse and team about ha'f past three and we started.But I'd no IDEE 'twas so late.I--I--meant to tell you I was goin','Bish,but I forgot.Kyan had listened to this recital,or explanation,or apology,with a curious succession of expressions passing over his face.He swallowed two or three times,but did not interrupt.

I'm so sorry I kept you waitin'supper,gushed Lavinia.I'll get you a good one now.Oh,well,deary me!I must be gettin'

absent-minded.I ain't asked you where you've been all the afternoon.Abishai's eyes turned beseechingly toward his promised backer.

Ellery could not resist that mute appeal.

Your brother has been with me for some time,Miss Pepper,he volunteered.

Oh,has he?Ain't that nice!He couldn't have been in better comp'ny,I'm sure.But oh,say,'Bishy!I ain't told you how nigh I come to not gettin'out at all.Just afore Mr.Payne come,I was in that spare room and--you remember I put a spring lock on that door?It was here at last.The long-dreaded explosion was imminent.

Kyan's chin shook.He braced himself for the blow.The minister prepared to come to the rescue.

Yes,went on Lavinia.I--I put a lock on that door so's I--Icould shut the room up when I wanted to.Well,when I was in there this afternoon the wind blew the door shut and--Hey?I--I never said nothin',panted Kyan.

Yes,it blew to,the lock clicked,and there I was.If I hadn't had the other key in my pocket I don't know's I wouldn't have been in there yet.That would have been a pretty mess,wouldn't it!


She laughed shrilly.The minister looked at her,then at her brother,and he,too,burst into a shout of laughter.Kyan did not laugh;yet his grip upon the chair relaxed,and over his countenance was spreading a look of relief,of hope and peace,like a clear sunrise after a stormy night.

Well,I must go and get supper,declared Lavinia.You'll forgive me for leavin'you so,won't you,'Bishy?Mr.Pepper sighed.

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