

The hysterical Mr.Pepper doubtless expected his clergyman to be almost as much upset as he was by the news of his action.But John Ellery was provokingly calm.As a matter of fact he scarcely grasped the purport of the little man's disjointed story.He had been wandering in dreamland,his head among the clouds,and the explosion of Keziah's bomb disturbed,but did not clear the air.

What will you do?he repeated.Why--er--I don't know,I'm sure.Kyan was staggered.

You don't know?he shouted.YOU don't?Then who does,for the land sakes?Didn't you tell me to lock her up?Didn't I do it 'CAUSE you told me?Didn't--didn't--He seemed to be on the verge of apoplexy.Also he had raised his voice to a yell.The minister seized him by the arm and shook him into silence.

Hush!hush!he commanded.Wait a minute.Let me understand this thing.Some one is locked up,you say.Who is it?Where--WHO is it?Ain't I tellin'you.It's Laviny.She went into that spare room where I was t'other day and I slammed the spring lock to on her.Then I grabbed the key and run.That was afore three this afternoon;now it's 'most night and I ain't dast to go home.

What'll she say when I let her out?I got to let her out,ain't I?

She can't starve to death in there,can she?And YOU told me to do it!YOU did!Oh--The apoplectic attack was once more imminent.

Stop it,Mr.Pepper,ordered Ellery.I don't remember telling you to lock your sister up,though--Why,yes,I may have said something or other,as a joke,but I didn't expect you would seriously consider doing such a thing.Ha,ha!This is the most idiotic piece of business that I ever--Be you laughin'?demanded the shocked Abishai.LAUGHIN'?Why,my godfreys mighty!Idiotic?Well,who's the idiot?'Tain't me!

I'D never have thought of such a fool trick.But you said--Hush!Let me think.Have you told anybody?TOLD anybody!I guess NOT.And nobody'll never know if they wait for me to tell 'em.Well,then,I don't see why you can't go home and--hum--I don't like to advise your telling a lie,but you might let her infer that it was an accident.OR,if you really mean to be your own master,you can tell her you did it purposely and will do it again if she ever tries the trick on you.I tell her that!I tell her!O Mr.Ellery,DON'T talk so.You don't know Laviny;she ain't like most women.If I should tell her that she'd--I don't know's she wouldn't take and horsewhip me.Or commit suicide.She's said she would afore now if--if--Nonsense!She won't do that,you needn't worry.He burst into another laugh,but checked himself,as he saw the look of absolute distress on poor Kyan's face.

Never mind,Mr.Pepper,he said.We'll think of some plan to smooth matters over.I'll go home with you now and we'll let her out together.Will you,Mr.Ellery?Will you,honest?Say,by godfreys mighty,I'd get down on my knees and thank you this minute if--if I wa'n't in such a hurry.Come right on;come quick!It was a silent procession of two that wended its way out of the pines and across the fields,by the brook and the pond,where the evening mists were rising and the frogs chanting their good-night song,through the gathering twilight shades,across the main road and up the lighthouse lane.Kyan,his mind filled with fearful forebodings,was busily trying to think of a reasonable excuse for the accidentalimprisonment of his sister.John Ellery was thinking,also,but his thoughts were not of the Peppers.

The little house was dark and still as they approached it.No welcoming light in the dining-room windows,no open door,no shrill voice demanding to know where the wandering brother had been all this everlastin'time.Even the hens had gone to roost.Abishai groaned.

Oh,dear!he wailed.I'm scart to death.Where is she?You don't cal'late she's done it,do ye?Done it?Done what?

Done the suicidin'.She said she would if--O Laviny!Hush!Be quiet.She's all right.She's in the room where you left her,of course.She couldn't get out,could she?You've got the key.Come in.They entered the house.The dining room was dark and quiet.So was the sitting room.The clock ticked,solemn and slow.Kyan clutched at his companion's arm.

I don't hear her,he whispered.You don't s'pose she HAS done it?Godfreys mighty!The gloom and mystery were having their effect,even on Mr.

Ellery's nerves.His answer also was given in a tense whisper,but with some irritation.

Hush!he murmured.Let go of my wrist.You've pinched it black and blue.Which room did you leave her in?Show me at once.Kyan's trembling knees managed to carry him to the little hall leading from the sitting room toward the ell at the side of the house.This hall was almost pitch black.The minister felt his guide's chin whisker brush his ear as the following sentence was literally breathed into it:

Here--here 'tis,panted Kyan.Here's the door.I don't hear nothin',do you?Listen!They listened.Not a sound,save the dismal tick of the clock in the room they had left.Ellery knocked on the door.

Miss Pepper,he said;Miss Pepper,are you there?Kyan caught his breath.No answer.

Miss Pepper,repeated the minister.Miss Pepper!Silence,absolute.Abishai could stand it no longer.He groaned and collapsed on his knees.

She has!he moaned.She's done it and there ain't nothin'in there but her remains.Oh,my soul!Ellery,now rather frightened himself,shook him violently.

Be quiet,you idiot!he commanded.We must go in.Give me the key.After repeated orders and accompanying shakings,Kyan produced a key.The minister snatched it from his trembling fingers,felt for the keyhole and threw the door open.The little room was almost as dark as the hall and quite as still.There was a distinct smell of old clothes and camphor.

A match,demanded Ellery.Quick!

  • 泰拉瑞亚背景故事


  • 王源,初恋的声音


  • 笔情之情终


  • 我真是阴阳眼


  • 仙侠之孟回三生


  • 修真专业


  • 美女身边有高手


  • 农门医色:田妻粉嫩嫩


  • 穿越大秦:山有扶苏


  • 魅惑众生:腹黑邪王带回家

