

[3]. Leroi, "Histoire de Versailles," Il. 21. (70,000 fixed population and 10,000 floating population according to the registers of the mayoralty.)[4]. Warroquier, "Etat de la France" (1789). The list of persons presented at court between 1779 and 1789, contains 463 men and 414women. Vol. II. p. 515.

[5]. People were run over almost every day in Paris by the fashionable vehicles, it being the habit of the great to ride very fast.

[6]. 153,222,827 livres, 10 sous, 3 deniers. ( "Souvenirs d'un page de la cour de Louis XVI.," by the Count d'Hézecques, p. 142.) - In 1690, before the chapel and the theater were constructed, it had already cost 100,000,000, (St. Simon, XII. 514. Memoirs of Marinier, clerk of the king's buildings.)[7]. Museum of Engravings, National Library. "Histoire de France par estampes," passim, and particularly the plans and views of Versailles, by Aveline; also, "the drawing of a collation given by M.

le Prince in the Labyrinth of Chantilly," Aug. 29, 1687.

[8]. Memoirs, I. 221. He was presented at court February 19, 1787.

[9]. For these details cf. Warroquier, vol. I. passim. - Archives imperiales, O1, 710 bis, the king's household, expenditure of 1771. -D'Argenson, February 25, 1752. - In 1772 three millions are expended on the installation of the Count d'Artois. A suite of rooms for Mme.

Adelaide cost 800,000 livres.

[10]. Marie Antoinette, "Correspondance secréte," by d'Arneth and Geffroy, III.192. Letter of Mercy, January 25, 1779. - Warroquier, in 1789, mentions only fifteen places in the house-hold of Madame Royale. This, along with other indications, shows the inadequacy of official statements.

[11]. The number ascertainable after the reductions of 1775 and 1776, and before those of 1787. See Warroquier, vol. I. - Necker, "Administration des Finances," II. 119.

[12]. "La Maison du Roi en 1786," colored engravings in the Museum of Engravings.

[13]. Arcchives nationales, O1, 738. Report by M. Tessier (1780), on the large and small stables. The queen's stables comprise 75vehicles and 330 horses. These are the veritable figures taken from secret manuscript reports, showing the inadequacy of official statements. The Versailles Almanach of 1775, for instance, states that there were only 335 men in the stables while we see that in reality the number was four or five times as many. - "Previous to all the reforms, says a witness, I believe that the number of the king's horses amounted to 3,000." (D'Hézecques, "Souvenirs d'un page de Louis XVI.," p. 121.

[14]. La Maison du Roi justifiée par un soldat citoyen," (1786)according to Statements published by the government. - "La future maison du roi" (1790). "The two stables cost in 1786, the larger one 4,207,606 livres, and the smaller 3,509,402 livres, a total of 7,717,058 livres, of which 486,546 were for the purchase of horses.

[15]. On my arrival at Versailles (1786), there were 150 pages, not including those of the princes of the blood who lived at Paris. Apage's coat cost 1,500 livres, (crimson velvet embroidered with gold on all the seams, and a hat with feather and Spanish point lace.)"D'Hézecques, ibid., 112.

[16]. Archives nationales, O1, 778. Memorandum on the hunting-train between 1760 and 1792 and especially the report of 1786.

[17]. Mercier, "Tableau de Paris," vol. I. p. 11; vol. V. p. 62. -D'Hézecques, ibid. 253. - "Journal de Louis XVI," published by Nicolardot, passim.

[18]. Warroquier, vol. I. passim. Household of the Queen: for the chapel 22 persons, the faculty 6. That of Monsieur, the chapel 22, the faculty 21. That of Madame, the chapel 20, the faculty 9. That of the Comte d'Artois, the chapel 20, the faculty 28. That of the Comtesse d'Artois, the chapel 19, the faculty 17. That of the Duc d'Orléans, the chapel 6, the faculty 19.

[19]. Archives national, O1, Report by M. Mesnard de Choisy, (March, 1780). - They cause a reform (August 17, 1780). - "La Maison du roi justifiée" (1789), p. 24. In 1788 the expenses of the table are reduced to 2,870,999 livres, of which 600,000 livres are appropriated to Mesdames for their table.

[20]. D'Hézecques, ibid.. 212. Under Louis XVI. there were two chair-carriers to the king, who came every morning, in velvet coats and with swords by their sides, to inspect and empty the object of their functions; this post was worth to each one 20,000 livres per annum.

[21]. In 1787, Louis XVI. either demolishes or orders to be sold, Madrid, la Muette and Choisy; his acquisitions, however, Saint-Cloud, Ile-Adam and Rambouillet, greatly surpassing his reforms.

[22]. Necker; "Compte-rendu," II. 452. - Archives nationales, 01, 738. p.62 and 64, O1 2805, O1 736. - "La Maison du roi Justifiée"(1789). Constructions in 1775, 3,924,400, in 1786, 4,000,000, in 1788, 3,077,000 livres. - Furniture in 1788, 1,700,000 livres.

[23]. Here are some of the casual expenses. (Archives nationales, O1, 2805). On the birth of the Duc de Bourgogne in 1751, 604,477livres. For the Dauphin's marriage in 1770, 1,267,770 livres. For the marriage of the Comte d'Artois in 1773, 2,016,221 livres. For the coronation in 1775, 835,862 livre,. For plays, concerts and balls in 1778, 481,744 livres, and in 1779, 382,986 livres.

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