The Blackfeet are bold enemies, and fond of hazardous exploits. The band that werehovering
about the neighborhood, finding that they had such pacific people to deal with, redoubled theirdaring. The horses being now picketed before the lodges, a number of Blackfeet scoutspenetrated
in the early part of the night into the very centre of the camp. Here they went about among thelodges
as calmly and deliberately as if at home, quietly cutting loose the horses that stood picketed bythe
lodges of their sleeping owners. One of these prowlers, more adventurous than the rest,approached
a fire round which a group of Nez Perces were gambling with the most intense eagerness. Herehe
stood for some time, muffled up in his robe, peering over the shoulders of the players, watchingthe
changes of their countenances and the fluctuations of the game. So completely engrossed werethey,
that the presence of this muffled eaves-dropper was unnoticed and, having executed his bravado,he
retired undiscovered.
Having cut loose as many horses as they could conveniently carry off, the Blackfeetscouts
rejoined their comrades, and all remained patiently round the camp. By degrees the horses,finding
themselves at liberty, took their route toward their customary grazing ground. As they emergedfrom
the camp they were silently taken possession of, until, having secured about thirty, the Blackfeetsprang on their backs and scampered off. The clatter of hoofs startled the gamblers from theirgame.
They gave the alarm, which soon roused the sleepers from every lodge. Still all was quiescent; nomarshalling of forces, no saddling of steeds and dashing off in pursuit, no talk of retribution fortheir
repeated outrages. The patience of Captain Bonneville was at length exhausted. He had playedthe
part of a pacificator without success; he now altered his tone, and resolved, if possible, to rousetheir
war spirit.
Accordingly, convoking their chiefs, he inveighed against their craven policy, and urgedthe
necessity of vigorous and retributive measures that would check the confidence and presumptionof
their enemies, if not inspire them with awe. For this purpose, he advised that a war party shouldbe
immediately sent off on the trail of the marauders, to follow them, if necessary, into the veryheart
of the Blackfoot country, and not to leave them until they had taken signal vengeance. Besidethis,
he recommended the organization of minor war parties, to make reprisals to the extent of thelosses
sustained. "Unless you rouse yourselves from your apathy," said he, "and strike some bold anddecisive blow, you will cease to be considered men, or objects of manly warfare. The verysquaws
and children of the Blackfeet will be set against you, while their warriors reserve themselves fornobler antagonists."
This harangue had evidently a momentary effect upon the pride of the hearers. After ashort
pause, however, one of the orators arose. It was bad, he said, to go to war for mere revenge. TheGreat Spirit had given them a heart for peace, not for war. They had lost horses, it was true, butthey
could easily get others from their cousins, the Lower Nez Perces, without incurring any risk;whereas, in war they should lose men, who were not so readily replaced. As to their late losses,an
increased watchfulness would prevent any more misfortunes of the kind. He disapproved,therefore,
of all hostile measures; and all the other chiefs concurred in his opinion.
Captain Bonneville again took up the point. "It is true," said he, "the Great Spirit hasgiven
you a heart to love your friends; but he has also given you an arm to strike your enemies. Unlessyou
do something speedily to put an end to this continual plundering, I must say farewell. As yet Ihave
sustained no loss; thanks to the precautions which you have slighted; but my property is toounsafe
here; my turn will come next; I and my people will share the contempt you are bringing uponyourselves, and will be thought, like you, poor-spirited beings, who may at any time beplundered with
The conference broke up with some signs of excitement on the part of the Indians. Earlythe
next morning, a party of thirty men set off in pursuit of the foe, and Captain Bonneville hoped tohear a good account of the Blackfeet marauders. To his disappointment, the war party camelagging
back on the following day, leading a few old, sorry, broken-down horses, which the free-bootershad
not been able to urge to sufficient speed. This effort exhausted the martial spirit, and satisfied thewounded pride of the Nez Perces, and they relapsed into their usual state of passive indifference. [Return to Contents].