"Phooh!" said Joel a few mornings after the emptying of the little brown house into the big one, when he and Van were rehearsing for the fiftieth time all the points of the eventful night, "phooh! if I'd been here they wouldn't got away, I guess!""What would you have done?" asked Van, bristling up at this reflection on their courage, and squaring up to him. "What would you have done, Joel Pepper?""I'd a-pitched right into 'em--like--everything!" said Joel valiantly;"and a-caught 'em! Yes, every single one of the Bunglers!""The what?" said Van, bursting into a loud laugh.
"The Bunglers," said Joel with a red face. "That's what you said they were, anyway," he added positively.
"I said Burglars," said Van, doubling up with amusement, while Joel stood, a little sturdy figure, regarding him with anything but a sweet countenance.
"Well anyway, I'd a-caught 'em, so there!" he said, as Van at last showed signs of coming out of his fit of laughter, and got up and wiped his eyes.
"How'd you caught 'em?" asked Van, scornfully surveying the square little country figure before him. "You can't hit any.
"Can't?" said Joel, the black eyes flashing volumes, and coming up in front of Van. "You better believe I can, Van Whitney!""Come out in the back yard and try then," said Van hospitably, perfectly delighted at the prospect, and flying alone towards the door. "Come right out and try.""All right!" said Joel, following sturdily, equally delighted to show his skill.
"There," said Van, taking off his jacket, and ffinging it on the grass, while Joel immediately followed suit with his little homespun one. "Now we can begin perfectly splendid! I won't hit hard," he added patronizingly, as both boys stood ready.
"Hit as hard as you've a-mind to," said Joel, "I'm a-going to.""Oh, you may," said Van politely, "because you're company. All right--now!"So at it they went. Before very many minutes were over, Van relinquished all ideas of treating his company with extra consideration, and was only thinking how he could possibly hold his own with the valiant little country lad. Oh, if he could only be called to his lessons--anything that would summon him into the house! Just then a window above their heads was suddenly thrown up, and his mamma's voice in natural surprise and distress called quickly: "Children what are you doing? Oh, Van, how could you!"Both contestants turned around suddenly. Joel looked up steadily.
"We're a-hitting, ma'am; he said I couldn't, and so we came out and--""Oh, Vanny," said Mrs. Whitney reproachfully, "to treat a little guest in this way!""I wanted to," said Joel cheerfully; "twas great fun. Let's begin again, Van!""We mustn't," said Van, readily giving up the charming prospect, and beginning to edge quickly towards the house. "Mamma wouldn't like it you know. He hits splendidly, mamma," he added generously, looking up. "He does really.""And so does Van," cried Joel, his face glowing at the praise.
"We'll come out every day," he added slipping into his jacket, and turning enthusiastically back to Van.
"And perhaps he could have pitched into the Burglars," finished Van, ignoring the invitation, and tumbling into his jacket with alarming speed.
"I know I could!" cried Joel, scampering after him into the house.
"If I'd only a-been here!"
"Where's Ben?" said Van, bounding into the hail, and flinging himself down on one of the chairs. "Oh dear, I'm so hot! Say, Joe, where do you s'pose Ben is?""I don't know," replied Joel, who didn't even puff.
"I saw him a little while ago with master Percy," said Jane, who was going through the hall.
"There now! and they've gone off somewhere," cried Van in extreme irritation, and starting up quickly. "I know they have.
Which way did they go, Jane? And how long ago?""Oh, I don't know," replied Jane carelessly, "half an hour maybe;and they didn't go nowhere as I see, at least they were talking at the door, and I was going up-stairs.""Right here?" cried Van, and stamping with his foot to point out the exact place; "at this door, Jane?""Yes, yes," said Jane; "at that very door," and then she went into the dining-room to her work.
"Oh dear me!" cried Van, and flying out on the veranda, he began to peer wildly up and down the drive. "And they've gone to some splendid place, I know, and wouldn't tell us. That's just like Percy!"he added vindictively, "he's always stealing away! don't you see 'em, Joel? oh, do come out and look!""'Tisn't any use," said Joel coolly, sitting down on the chair Van had just vacated, and swinging his feet comfortably; "they're miles away if they've been gone half an hour. I'm goin' up-stairs," and he sprang up, and energetically pranced to the stairs.
"They aren't up-stairs!" screamed Van, in scorn, bounding into the hall. "Don't go; I know that they've gone down to the museum!""The what?" exclaimed Joel, nearly at the top, peering over the railing. "What's that you said--what is it?""A museum," shouted Van, "and it's a perfectly elegant place, Joel Pepper, and Percy knows I like to go; and now he's taken Ben off;and he'll show him all the things! and they'll all be old when I take him--and--and--oh! I hope the snakes will bite him!" he addcd, trying to think of something bad enough.
"Do they have snakes there?" asked Joel, staring.
"Yes, they do," snapped out Van. "They have everything!""Well, they shan't bite Ben!" cried Joel in terror. "Oh! do you suppose they will?" and he turned right straight around on the stairs, and looked at Van.
"No," said Van, "they won't bite--what's the matter, Joe?""Oh, they may," said Joel, his face working, and screwing both fists into his eyes; at last he burst right out into a torrent of sobs.
"Oh, don't let 'em Van--don't!"
"Why, they can't," said Van in an emphatic voice, running up the stairs to Joel's side, frightened to death at his tears.