

HES. Faith, I had very little confidence in mine own constancy, if I durst not meet a man: but, brother Prospero, this motion of yours savours of an old knight adventurer's servant, methinks.

PROS. What's that, sister?

HES. Marry, of the squire.

PROS. No matter, Hesperida, if it did, I would be such an one for my friend, but say, will you go?

HES. Brother, I will, and bless my happy stars.


CLEM. Why, what villainy is this, my man gone on a false message, and run away when he has done, why, what trick is there in it, trow! 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

THO. How! Is my wife gone forth, where is she, sister!

HES. She's gone abroad with Piso.

THO. Abroad with Piso? Oh, that villain dors me, He hath discovered all unto my wife, Beast that I was to trust him: whither went she?

HES. I know not, sir.

PROS. I'll tell you, brother, whither I suspect she's gone.

THO. Whither, for God's sake!

PROS. To Cob's house, I believe: but keep my counsel.

THO. I will, I will, to Cob's house! Doth she haunt Cob's?

She's gone with a purpose now to cuckold me, With that lewd rascal, who to win her favour, Hath told her all [EXIT.

CLEM. But did your mistress see my man bring him a message?

PROS. That we did, master Doctor.

CLEM. And whither went the knave?

PROS. To the tavern, I think, sir.

CLEM. What, did Thorello give him any thing to spend for the message he brought him? if he did I should commend my man's wit exceedingly if he would make himself drunk with the joy of it, farewell, lady, keep good rule, you two, I beseech you now: by God's --; marry, my man makes me laugh.


PROS. What a mad doctor is this! Come, sister, let's away.



MAT. I wonder, Signior, what they will say of my going away, ha?

BOB. Why, what should they say? but as of a discreet gentleman.

Quick, wary, respectful of natures, Fair lineaments, and that's all.

MAT. Why so, but what can they say of your beating?

BOB. A rude part, a touch with soft wood, a kind of gross battery used, laid on strongly: borne most patiently, and that's all.

MAT. Ay, but would any man have offered it in Venice?

BOB. Tut, I assure you no? you shall have there your Nobilis, your Gentilezza, come in bravely upon your reverse, stand you close, stand you firm, stand you fair, save your retricato with his left leg, come to the assaulto with the right, thrust with brave steel, defy your base wood. But wherefore do I awake this remembrance? I was bewitch'd, by Jesu: but Iwill be revenged.

MAT. Do you hear, is't not best to get a warrant and have him arrested, and brought before Doctor Clement?

BOB. It were not amiss, would we had it.


MAT. Why, here comes his man, let's speak to him.

BOB. Agreed, do you speak.

MAT. God save you, sir.

MUS. With all my heart, sir.

MAT. Sir, there is one Giuliano hath abused this gentleman and me, and we determine to make our amends by law, now if you would do us the favour to procure us a warrant, for his arrest, of your master, you shall be well considered, I assure I'faith, sir.

MUS. Sir, you know my service is my living, such favours as these gotten of my master is his only preferment, and therefore you must consider me as I may make benefit of my place.

MAT. How is that?

MUS. Faith, sir, the thing is extraordinary, and the gentleman may be of great account: yet be what he will, if you will lay me down five crowns in my hand, you shall have it, otherwise not.

MAT. How shall we do, Signior? You have no money.

BOB. Not a cross,, by Jesu.

MAT. Nor I, before God, but two pence, left of my two shillings in the morning for wine and cakes, let's give him some pawn.

BOB. Pawn? we have none to the value of his demand.

MAT. O Lord, man, I'll pawn this jewel in my ear, and you may pawn your silk stockings, and pull up your boots, they will ne'er be mist.

BOB. Well, an there be no remedy, I'll step aside and put them off.

MAT. Do you hear, sir? We have no store of money at this time, but you shall have good pawns, look you, sir, this jewel and this gentleman's silk stockings, because we would have it dispatch'd ere we went to our chambers.

MUS. I am content, sir, I will get you the warrant presently. What's his name, say you, Giuliano?

MAT. Ay, ay, Giuliano.

MUS. What manner of man is he?

MAT. A tall, big man, sir; he goes in a cloak most commonly of silk russet, laid about with russet lace.

MUS. 'Tis very good, sir.

MAT. Here, sir, here's my jewel.

BOB. And here are stockings.

MUS. Well, gentlemen, I'll procure this warrant presently, and appoint you a varlet of the city to serve it, if you'll be upon the Realto anon, the varlet shall meet you there.

MAT. Very good, sir, I wish no better.


MUS. This is rare, now will I go pawn this cloak of the doctor's man's at the broker's for a varlet's suit, and be the varlet myself, and get either more pawns, or more money of Giuliano for my arrest.

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