

"Ah!" I exclaimed bitterly. "So that was all that interested you!

No, there was no more foul play that I know of; and if there was, Idon't care. Nothing matters to me but one thing. Now that you know what that is, I hope you're satisfied."It was no way to speak to one's host. Yet I felt that he had pressed me unduly. I hated myself for my final confidence, and his want of sympathy made me hate him too. In my weakness, however, I was the natural prey of violent extremes. His hand flew out to me. He was about to speak. A moment more and I had doubtless forgiven him. But another sound came instead and made the pair of us start and stare.

It was the soft shutting of some upstairs door.

"I thought we had the house to ourselves?" cried I, my miserable nerves on edge in an instant.

"So did I," he answered, very pale. "My servants must have come back. By the Lord Harry, they shall hear of this!"He sprang to a door, I heard his feet clattering up some stone stairs, and in a trice he was running along the gallery overhead;in another I heard him railing behind some upper door that he had flung open and banged behind him; then his voice dropped, and finally died away. I was left some minutes in the oppressively silent hall, shaken, startled, ashamed of my garrulity, aching to get away. When he returned it was by another of the many closed doors, and he found me awaiting him, hat in hand. He was wearing his happiest look until he saw my hat.

"Not going?" he cried. "My dear Cole, I can't apologize sufficiently for my abrupt desertion of you, much less for the cause. It was my man, just come in from the show, and gone up the back way. I accused him of listening to our conversation. Of course he denies it; but it really doesn't matter, as I'm sorry to say he's much too 'fresh' (as they call it down here) to remember anything to-morrow morning. Ilet him have it, I can tell you. Varlet! Caitiff! But if you bolt off on the head of it, I shall go back and sack him into the bargain!"I assured him I had my own reasons for wishing to retire early. He could have no conception of my weakness, my low and nervous condition of body and mind; much as I had enjoyed myself, he must really let me go. Another glass of wine, then? Just one more? No, I had drunk too much already. I was in no state to stand it. And I held out my hand with decision.

Instead of taking it he looked at me very hard.

"The place doesn't suit you," said he. "I see it doesn't, and I'm devilish sorry! Take my advice and try something milder; now do, to-morrow; for I should never forgive myself if it made you worse instead of better; and the air is too strong for lots of people."I was neither too ill nor too vexed to laugh outright in his face.

  • 一池秋莲


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  • 让秘密定格在这个夏天


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  • 从女大学生至千万富豪:闪亮高跟鞋


    一个刚刚走出校门的女大学生,如何迅速成为与老总比肩的大型集团公司顶层人物?一个一文不名的普通女孩,如何在几年时间便凭借自身能力聚敛千万财富?一个初尝爱情滋味的青春少女,如何在爱情与事业中抉择、在信任与流言中生存?打击、欺骗、挫折,鼓励、支持、回报—— 一个平凡人变为骄子的现代神话,一个小人物走向成功的风雨历程。 一个偶然机会,林小雨进入一家大型国有事业型施工单位。从懵懂无知到逐渐融入社会洪流,凭借她的勤奋、踏实、自信与好运气,在公司取得了骄人的成绩。可天有不测风云,原来成绩并不是职场生存的唯一法则,人际关系的黑暗面将她打入无底深渊……
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