

With this understanding, the old woman retraced her steps to her own dwelling.

Had Mrs. Miller been of a different character and not surrounded by slavery, she could scarcely have been unhappy in such a home as hers. Just at the edge of the city, and sheltered by large poplar-trees was the old homestead in which she resided. There was a splendid orchard in the rear of the house, and the old weather-beaten sweep, with "the moss-covered bucket" at its end, swung majestically over the deep well. The garden was scarcely to be equalled. Its grounds were laid out in excellent taste, and rare exotics in the greenhouse made it still more lovely.

It was a sweet autumn evening, when the air breathed through the fragrant sheaves of grain, and the setting sun, with his golden kisses, burnished the rich clusters of purple grapes, that Henry and Gertrude were seen approaching the house on foot; it was nothing more than a pleasant walk. Oh, how Gertrude's heart beat as she seated herself, on their arrival!

The beautiful parlor, surrounded on all sides with luxury and taste, with the sun creeping through the damask curtains, added a charm to the scene. It was in this room that Gertrude had been introduced to Henry, and the pleasant hours that she had spent there with him rushed unbidden on her memory. It was here that, in former days, her beautiful countenance had made her appearance as fascinating and as lovely as that of Cleopatra's. Her sweet, musical voice might have been heard in every part of the house, occasionally thrilling you with an unexpected touch. How changed the scene! Her pale and wasted features could not be lighted up by any thoughts of the past, and she was sorrowful at heart.

As usual, the servants in the kitchen were in ecstasies at the announcement that "Miss Gerty," as they called their young mistress, was in the house, for they loved her sincerely. Gertrude had saved them from many a flogging, by interceding for them, when her mother was in one of her uncontrollable passions. Dinah, the cook, always expected Miss Gerty to visit the kitchen as soon as she came, and was not a little displeased, on this occasion, at what she considered her young mistress's neglect. Uncle Tony, too, looked regularly for Miss Gerty to visit the green house, and congratulate him on his superiority as a gardener.

When tea was over, Mrs. Miller dismissed the servants from the room, then told her son-in-law what she had witnessed the previous night, and demanded for her daughter that Isabella should be immediately sent out of the State, and to be sure that the thing would be done, she wanted him to give her the power to make such disposition of the woman and child as she should think best.

Gertrude was Mrs. Miller's only child, and Henry felt little like displeasing a family upon whose friendship he so much depended, and, no doubt, long wishing to free himself from Isabella, he at once yielded to the demands of his mother-in-law. Mr. Miller was a mere cipher about his premises. If any one came on business connected with the farm, he would invariably say, "Wait tin I see my wife," and the wife's opinion was sure to be law in every case.

Bankrupt in character, and debauched in body and mind, with seven mulatto children who claimed him as their father, he was badly prepared to find fault with his son-in-law. It was settled that Mrs. Miller should use her own discretion in removing Isabella from her little cottage, and her future disposition. With this understanding Henry and Gertrude returned home. In the deep recesses of his heart the young man felt that he would like to see his child and its mother once more; but fearing the wrath of his mother-in-law, he did not dare to gratify his inclination. He had not the slightest idea of what would become of them; but he well knew that the old woman would have no mercy on them.

  • 萌娘神奇宝贝


  • 绝世空间之女王崛起


  • 权谋天下之弃女不善


  • TFBOYS之男神住我家


  • 紫电天霜


  • 重生闲人难做


  • 踏天封神


  • 帝龙斩


  • 为子成婚,宠后要休夫


    (又名:平女皇后):古灵精怪的她,穿越千年,难道就只为了找个未曾谋面的男人成亲吗?NO,答应的是傻子,想要儿子,自己搞定!可这个孩子也太……东家的脸青了,西家的东西砸了,南家……拐个老实相公来管管,可无妻的他,竟然有数不清的老婆+小妾!平民咋了,敢骗我,照样休夫! 看着那个他的缩小版,微服出巡的他忽然觉得头皮发麻,他可是堂堂的一国之主,怎么会有遗漏在外的龙种?该死的,这个小孩是从哪里来的?那个女人怎么这么的眼熟?他现在就缺太子、皇后,拐回去,好像不错…… 【下部】可爱刁蛮的公主,高高兴兴的回宫,才知道……她有婚约?什么?还是娃娃亲?YYD,想我可爱聪明古灵精怪的无敌美女小公主,怎么会有个什么娃娃亲未婚夫?而且,更更可恶的是,那个男人竟然叫色浩?色浩,还好色呢!公主我不干了,我要逃婚!逃出皇宫,逃出京城,怎么说也要自己选个相公,实在不行,就和娘一样,来个先斩后奏,奉子成婚!不过,这外面帅哥也太多了吧?帅哥们,想娶我,也要看你们的本事!非np(下部从第十三卷开始)             
  • 重生之影后自强

