

I won't name her, but you all know who I mean.""Sure we do," interjected Cooley warmly. "Queen! That's what she is.""Here's ~to~ her," continued Mr. Pedlow. "Here's to her--brightest and best--and no heel-taps! And now let's set down over in the corner and take it easy. It ain't hardly five o'clock yet, and we can set here comfortable, gittin' ready for dinner, until half-past six, anyway."Whereupon the four seated themselves about a tabouret in the corner, and, a waiter immediately bringing them four fresh glasses from the bar, Mellin began to understand what Mr. Pedlow meant by "gittin'

ready for dinner." The burden of the conversation was carried almost entirely by the Honorable Chandler, though Cooley, whose boyish face was deeply flushed, now and then managed to interrupt by talking louder than the fat man. Mr. Sneyd sat silent.

"Good ole Sneyd," said Pedlow. "~He~ never talks, jest saws wood.

Only Britisher I ever liked. Plays cards like a goat.""He played a mighty good game on the steamer," said Cooley warmly.

"I don't care what he did on the steamer, he played like a goat the only time ~I~ ever played with him. You know he did. I reckon you was ~there!~""Should say I ~was~ there! He played mighty well--""Like a goat," reiterated the fat man firmly.

"Nothing of the sort. You had a run of hands, that was all. Nobody can go against the kind of luck you had that night; and you took it away from Sneyd and me in rolls. But we'll land you pretty soon, won't we, ole Sneydie?""We sh'll have a shawt at him, at least," said the Englishman.

"Perhaps he won't want us to try," young Cooley pursued derisively.

"Perhaps he thinks I play like a goat, too!"Mr. Pedlow threw back his head and roared. "Give me somep'n easy!

You don't know no more how to play a hand of cards than a giraffe does. I'll throw in all of my Blue Gulch gold-stock--and it's worth eight hundred thousand dollars if it's worth a cent--I'll put it up against that tin automobile of yours, divide chips even and play you freeze-out for it. You play cards? Go learn hop-scotch!""You wait!" exclaimed the other indignantly. "Next time we play we'll make you look so small you'll think you're back in Congress!"At this Mr. Pedlow again threw back his head and roared, his vast body so shaken with mirth that the glass he held in his hand dropped to the floor.

"There," said Cooley, "that's the second Martini you've spilled.

You're two behind the rest of us."

"What of it?" bellowed the fat man. "There's plenty comin', ain't there? Four more, Tommy, and bring cigars. Don't take a cent from none of these Indians. Gentlemen, your money ain't good here. Iown this bar, and this is my night."Mellin had begun to feel at ease, and after a time--as they continued to sit--he realized that his repugnance to Mr. Pedlow was wearing off;he felt that there must be good in any one whom Madame de Vaurigard liked. She had spoken of Pedlow often on their drives; he was an "eccentric," she said, an "original." Why not accept her verdict?

Besides, Pedlow was a man of distinction and force; he had been in Congress; he was a millionaire; and, as became evident in the course of a long recital of the principal events of his career, most of the great men of the time were his friends and proteges.

"'Well, Mack,' says I one day when we were in the House together"--(thus Mr. Pedlow, alluding to the late President McKinley)--"'Mack,'

says I, 'if you'd drop that double standard business'--he was waverin' toward silver along then--'I don't know but I might git the boys to nominate you fer President.' 'I'll think it over,' he says --'I'll think it over.' You remember me tellin' you about that at the time, don't you, Sneyd, when you was in the British Legation at Washin'ton?""Pahfictly," said Mr. Sneyd, lighting a cigar with great calmness.

"'Yes,' I says, 'Mack,' I says, "if you'll drop it, I'll turn in and git you the nomination.'""Did he drop it?" asked Mellin innocently.

Mr. Pedlow leaned forward and struck the young man's knee a resounding blow with the palm of his hand.

"He was ~nominated~, wasn't he?"

"Time to dress," announced Mr. Sneyd, looking at his watch.

"One more round first," insisted Cooley with prompt vehemence.

"Let's finish with our first toast again. Can't drink that too often."This proposition was received with warmest approval, and they drank standing. "Brightest and best!" shouted Mr. Pedlow.

"Queen! What she is!" exclaimed Cooley.

~"Ma belle Marquise!"~ whispered Mellin tenderly, as the rim touched his lips.

A small, keen-faced man, whose steady gray eyes were shielded by tortoise-rimmed spectacles, had come into the room and now stood quietly at the bar, sipping a glass of Vichy. He was sharply observant of the party as it broke up, Pedlow and Sneyd preceding the younger men to the corridor, and, as the latter turned to follow, the stranger stepped quickly forward, speaking Cooley's name.

"What's the matter?"

"Perhaps you don't remember me. My name's Cornish. I'm a newspaper man, a correspondent." (He named a New York paper.) "I'm down here to get a Vatican story. I knew your father for a number of years before his death, and I think I may claim that he was a friend of mine.""That's good," said the youth cordially. "If I hadn't a fine start already, and wasn't in a hurry to dress, we'd have another.""You were pointed out to me in Paris," continued Cornish. "I found where you were staying and called on you the next day, but you had just started for the Riviera." He hesitated, glancing at Mellin.

"Can you give me half a dozen words with you in private?""You'll have to excuse me, I'm afraid. I've only got about ten minutes to dress. See you to-morrow.""I should like it to be as soon as possible," the journalist said seriously. "It isn't on my own account, and I--""All right. You come to my room at ten t'morrow morning?""Well, if you can't possibly make it to-night," said Cornish reluctantly. "I wish--""Can't possibly."And Cooley, taking Mellin by the arm, walked rapidly down the corridor. "Funny ole correspondent," he murmured. "What do ~I~know about the Vatican?"

  • 我来听你的演唱会


  • 吾魔.


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  • 花月痕


  • 星光璀璨:华丽的落幕


  • 机警


  • 鉴宝迷雾


    尔虞我诈的骗术,丧心病狂的杀戮,飞蛾扑火的自灭,波澜壮阔的心灵震撼,雌雄宝石究竟花落谁家?继《鉴宝疑云》之后,鉴宝风暴越演越烈…… 传世珍宝失窃,蛛丝马迹和含糊不清的犯罪动机就如同一个个线头,千丝万缕、复杂凌乱。当黑白两道和国外恐怖势力寻宝大战愈演愈烈之时,一段尘封几十年的旧上海往事浮出水面,惊天大秘密也将呼之欲出……谁才是雌雄宝石失窃案的主谋?谁才该是站在被告席上的元凶?雌雄宝石又将花落谁家?
  • 大迁徙之殇

