"Le joyeulx temps passe souloit estre occasion que je faisoie de plaisants diz et gracieuses chanconnetes et ballades. Mais je me suis mis a faire cette traittie d'affliction contre ma droite nature . . . et suis content de l'avoir prinse, car mes douleurs me semblent en estre allegees."--Le Romant de Troilus.
To all old Friends; to all who dwell Where Avon dhu and Avon gel Down to the western waters flow Through valleys dear from long ago;To all who hear the whisper'd spell Of Ken; and Tweed like music swell Hard by the Land Debatable, Or gleaming Shannon seaward go, -To all old Friends!
To all that yet remember well What secrets Isis had to tell, How lazy Cherwell loiter'd slow Sweet aisles of blossom'd May below -Whate'er befall, whate'er befell, To ALL old Friends.