

Thou hast wedded as thou never shouldst have done in defiance of all right, and thou hast incurred, my daughter, the wrath of the great mother by disregarding her sacrifices. Oh! mighty is the virtue in dress of dappled fawn-skin, in ivy green that twineth round a sacred thyrsus, in whirling tambourines struck as they revolve in air in tresses wildly streaming for the revelry of Bromius, and likewise in the sleepless vigils of the goddess, when the moon looks down and sheds her radiance o'er the scene. Thou wert confident in thy charms alone.

(HELEN comes out of the palace alone.)


My friends, within the palace all goes well for us; for the daughter of Proteus, who is privy to our stealthy scheme, told her brother nothing when questioned as to my husband's coming, but for my sake declared him dead and buried. Most fortunate it is my lord hath had the luck to get these weapons; for he is now himself clad in the harness he was to plunge into the sea, his stalwart arm thrust through the buckler's strap, and in his right hand a spear, on pretence of joining in homage to the dead. He hath girded himself most serviceably for the fray, as if to triumph o'er a host of barbarian foes when once we are aboard yon oared ship; instead of his rags from the wreck hath he donned the robes I gave for his attire, and I have bathed his limbs in water from the stream, a bath he long hath wanted. But I must be silent, for from the house comes forth the man who thinks he has me in his power, prepared to be his bride; and thy goodwill I also claim and thy strict silence, if haply, when we save ourselves, we may save thee too some day.

(THEOCLYMENUS and MENELAUS enter, with a train of attendants bearing the offerings for the funeral rites.)THEOCLYMENUSAdvance in order, servants, as the stranger hath directed, bearing the funeral gifts the sea demands. But thou, Helen, if thou wilt not misconstrue my words, be persuaded and here abide; for thou wilt do thy husband equal service whether thou art present or not. For I am afraid that some sudden shock of fond regret may prompt thee to plunge into the swollen tide, in an ecstasy of gratitude toward thy former husband; for thy grief for him, though he is lost, is running to excess.


O my new lord, needs must I honour him with whom I first shared married joys; for I could even die with my husband, so well I loved him; yet how could he thank me, were I to share death's doom with him?

Still, let me go and pay his funeral rites unto the dead in person.

The gods grant thee the boon I wish and this stranger too, for the assistance he is lending here! And thou shalt find in me a wife fit to share thy house, since thou art rendering kindness to Menelaus and to me; for surely these events are to some good fortune tending. But now appoint someone to give us a ship wherein to convey these gifts, that I may find thy kindness made complete.

THEOCLYMENUS (to an attendant)

Go thou, and furnish them with a Sidonian galley of fifty oars and rowers also.


Shall not he command the ship who is ordering the funeral?


Most certainly; my sailors are to obey him.


Repeat the order, that they may clearly understand thee.


I repeat it, and will do so yet again if that is thy pleasure.


Good luck to thee and to me in my designs!


Oh! waste not thy fair complexion with excessive weeping.


This day shall show my gratitude to thee.


The state of the dead is nothingness; to toil for them is vain.


In what I say, this world, as well as that, hath share.


Thou shalt not find in me a husband at all inferior to Menelaus.


With thee have I no fault to find; good luck is all I need.


That rests with thyself, if thou show thyself a loving wife to me.


This is not a lesson I shall have to learn now, to love my friends.


Is it thy wish that I should escort thee in person with active aid?


God forbid! become not thy servant's servant, O king!


Up and away! I am not concerned with customs which the race of Pelops holds. My house is pure, for Menelaus did not die here; go some one now and bid my vassal chiefs bring marriage-offerings to my palace; for the whole earth must re-echo in glad accord the hymn of my wedding with Helen, to make men envious. Go, stranger, and pour into the sea's embrace these offerings to Helen's former lord, and then speed back again with my bride, that after sharing with me her marriage-feast thou mayst set out for home, or here abide in happiness.

(THEOCLYMENUS and his retinue enter the palace.)MENELAUSO Zeus, who art called the father of all and god of wisdom, look down on us and change our woe to joy! Lend us thy ready help, as we seek to drag our fortunes up the rugged hill; if with but thy finger-tip thou touch us, we shall reach our longed-for goal.

Sufficient are the troubles we ere this have undergone. Full oft have I invoked you gods to near my joys and sorrows; I do not deserve to be for ever unhappy, but to advance and prosper. Grant me but this one boon, and so will ye crown my future with blessing.

(MENELAUS, HELEN and their train of attendants depart.)CHORUS (singing)strophe 1

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  • The Jungle Tales of Tarzan

    The Jungle Tales of Tarzan

  • 讨厌鬼小气鬼和爱哭鬼


  • TFBOYS王俊凯,她与众不同


  • 重生超级大亨


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  • 野蛮娇妻养成记


  • 叱咤风云的军事家(2)


  • 网游之骷髅召唤师


  • 那纯然灵透的眼神


  • 爬行人


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