

Herein, too, lies the harmlessness of Chaucer's fun. Its harmlessness, to wit, for those who are able to read him in something like the spirit in which he wrote--never a very easy achievement with regard to any author, and one which the beginner and the young had better be advised to abstain from attempting with Chaucer in the overflow of his more or less unrestrained moods. At all events, the excuse of gaiety of heart--the plea of that vieil esprit Gaulois which is so often, and very rarely without need, invoked in an exculpatory capacity by modern French criticism--is the best defence ever made for Chaucer's laughable irregularities, either by his apologists or by himself. "Men should not,"he says, and says very truly, "make earnest of game." But when he audaciously defends himself against the charge of impropriety by declaring that he must tell stories IN CHARACTER, and coolly requests any person who may find anything in one of his tales objectionable to turn to another:--For he shall find enough, both great and small Of storial thing that toucheth gentleness, Likewise morality and holiness;Blame ye not me, if ye should choose amiss--

we are constrained to shake our heads at the transparent sophistry of the plea, which requires no exposure. For Chaucer knew very well how to give life and colour to his page without recklessly disregarding bounds the neglect of which was even in his day offensive to many besides the "PRECIOUS folk" of whom he half derisively pretends to stand in awe. In one instance he defeated his own purpose; for the so-called "Cook's Tale of Gamelyn" was substituted by some earlier editor for the original "Cook's Tale," which has thus in its completed form become a rarity removed beyond the reach of even the most ardent of curiosity hunters.

Fortunately, however, Chaucer spoke the truth when he said that from this point of view he had written very differently at different times; no whiter pages remain than many of his.

But the realism of Chaucer is something more than exuberant love of fun and light-hearted gaiety. He is the first great painter of character, because he is the first great observer of it among modern European writers. His power of comic observation need not be dwelt upon again, after the illustrations of it which have been incidentally furnished in these pages. More especially with regard to the manners and ways of women, which often, while seeming so natural to women themselves, appear so odd to male observers, Chaucer's eye was ever on the alert. But his works likewise contain passages displaying a penetrating insight into the minds of men, as well as a keen eye for their manners, together with a power of generalising, which, when kept within due bonds, lies at the root of the wise knowledge of humankind so admirable to us in our great essayists, from Bacon to Addison and his modern successors. How truly, for instance, in "Troilus and Cressid," Chaucer observes on the enthusiastic belief of converts, the "strongest-faithed" of men, as he understands! And how fine is the saying as to the suspiciousness characteristic of lewd, (i.e. ignorant,) people, that to things which are made more subtly Than they can in their lewdness comprehend, they gladly give the worst interpretation which suggests itself! How appositely the "Canon's Yeoman" describes the arrogance of those who are too clever by half; "when a man has an over-great wit," he says, "it very often chances to him to misuse it"! And with how ripe a wisdom, combined with ethics of true gentleness, the honest "Franklin," at the opening of his "Tale," discourses on the uses and the beauty of long-suffering:--For one thing, sires, safely dare I say, That friends the one the other must obey, If they will longe holde company.

Love will not be constrained by mastery.

When mastery comes, the god of love anon Beateth his wings--and, farewell! he is gone.

Love is a thing as any spirit free.

Women desire, by nature, liberty, And not to be constrained as a thrall, And so do men, if I the truth say shall.

Look, who that is most patient in love, He is at his advantage all above.

A virtue high is patience, certain, Because it vanquisheth, as clerks explain, Things to which rigour never could attain.

For every word men should not chide and plain;Learn ye to suffer, or else, so may I go, Ye shall it learn, whether ye will or no.

For in this world certain no wight there is Who neither doth nor saith some time amiss.

Sickness or ire, or constellation, Wine, woe, or changing of complexion, Causeth full oft to do amiss or speak.

For every wrong men may not vengeance wreak:

After a time there must be temperance With every wight that knows self-governance.

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