

"Where am I?" I exclaimed, looking round and examining the strange faces, and the strange apartment which met my view. "Bekhusm!"said the apothecary. "Silence! Gahagan Sahib is in the hands of those who know his valor, and will save his life.""Know my valor, slave? Of course you do," said I; "but the fort--the garrison--the elephant--Belinda, my love--my darling--Macgillicuddy--the scoundrelly mutineers--the deal bo-- . . . ."I could say no more; the painful recollections pressed so heavily upon my poor shattered mind and frame, that both failed once more.

I fainted again, and I know not how long I lay insensible.

Again, however, I came to my senses: the pothukoor applied restoratives, and after a slumber of some hours I awoke, much refreshed. I had no wound; my repeated swoons had been brought on (as indeed well they might) by my gigantic efforts in carrying the elephant up a steep hill a quarter of a mile in length. Walking, the task is bad enough: but running, it is the deuce; and I would recommend any of my readers who may be disposed to try and carry a dead elephant, never, on any account, to go a pace of more than five miles an hour.

Scarcely was I awake, when I heard the clash of arms at my door (plainly indicating that sentinels were posted there), and a single old gentleman, richly habited, entered the room. Did my eyes deceive me? I had surely seen him before. No--yes--no--yes--it WAS he: the snowy white beard, the mild eyes, the nose flattened to a jelly, and level with the rest of the venerable face, proclaimed him at once to be--Saadut Alee Beg Bimbukchee, Holkar's prime vizier; whose nose, as the reader may recollect, his Highness had flattened with his kaleawn during my interview with him in the Pitan's disguise. I now knew my fate but too well--I was in the hands of Holkar.

Saadut Alee Beg Bimbukchee slowly advanced towards me, and with a mild air of benevolence, which distinguished that excellent man (he was torn to pieces by wild horses the year after, on account of a difference with Holkar), he came to my bedside, and taking gently my hand, said, "Life and death, my son, are not ours. Strength is deceitful, valor is unavailing, fame is only wind--the nightingale sings of the rose all night--where is the rose in the morning?

Booch, booch! it is withered by a frost. The rose makes remarks regarding the nightingale, and where is that delightful song-bird?

Penabekhoda, he is netted, plucked, spitted, and roasted! Who knows how misfortune comes? It has come to Gahagan Gujputi!""It is well," said I, stoutly, and in the Malay language. "Gahagan Gujputi will bear it like a man.""No doubt--like a wise man and a brave one; but there is no lane so long to which there is not a turning, no night so black to which there comes not a morning. Icy winter is followed by merry spring-time--grief is often succeeded by joy."

"Interpret, O riddler!" said I; "Gahagan Khan is no reader of puzzles--no prating mollah. Gujputi loves not words, but swords.""Listen, then, O Gujputi: you are in Holkar's power.""I know it."

"You will die by the most horrible tortures to-morrow morning.""I dare say."

"They will tear your teeth from your jaws, your nails from your fingers, and your eyes from your head.""Very possibly."

"They will flay you alive, and then burn you.""Well; they can't do any more."

"They will seize upon every man and woman in yonder fort,"--it was not then taken!--"and repeat upon them the same tortures.""Ha! Belinda! Speak--how can all this be avoided?""Listen. Gahagan loves the moon-face called Belinda.""He does, Vizier, to distraction."

"Of what rank is he in the Koompani's army?"

"A captain."

"A miserable captain--oh shame! Of what creed is he?""I am an Irishman, and a Catholic."

"But he has not been very particular about his religious duties?""Alas, no."

"He has not been to his mosque for these twelve years?""'Tis too true."

"Hearken now, Gahagan Khan. His Highness Prince Holkar has sent me to thee. You shall have the moon-face for your wife--your second wife, that is;--the first shall be the incomparable Puttee Rooge, who loves you to madness;--with Puttee Rooge, who is the wife, you shall have the wealth and rank of Bobbachy Bahawder, of whom his Highness intends to get rid. You shall be second in command of his Highness's forces. Look, here is his commission signed with the celestial seal, and attested by the sacred names of the forty-nine Imaums. You have but to renounce your religion and your service, and all these rewards are yours."He produced a parchment, signed as he said, and gave it to me (it was beautifully written in Indian ink: I had it for fourteen years, but a rascally valet, seeing it very dirty, WASHED it, forsooth, and washed off every bit of the writing). I took it calmly, and said, "This is a tempting offer. O Vizier, how long wilt thou give me to consider of it?"After a long parley, he allowed me six hours, when I promised to give him an answer. My mind, however, was made up--as soon as he was gone, I threw myself on the sofa and fell asleep.

. . . . . .

At the end of the six hours the Vizier came back: two people were with him; one, by his martial appearance, I knew to be Holkar, the other I did not recognize. It was about midnight.

"Have you considered?" said the Vizier as he came to my couch.

  • 黑洞频率


  • 封海大陆


  • 钻石甜宠:试婚男神么么哒


  • 圣洁王冠


  • 心赋注


  • 藐世邪神


  • 断朔望


  • 望梅谣:凤妃傲天下


  • 周六上午的口才课


  • 我和我的鬼姐姐

