

`But you used to say you'd never wear European dress again,' he said, gazing on Levin's new suit, obviously cut by a French tailor. `So!

I see: a new phase.'

Levin suddenly blushed, not as grown men blush, slightly, without being themselves aware of it, but as boys blush, feeling that they are ridiculous through their shyness, and consequently ashamed of it, and blushing still more, almost to the point of tears. And it was so strange to see this sensible, manly face in such a childish plight, that Oblonsky left off looking at him.

`Oh, where shall we meet? You know I want very much to talk to you,' said Levin.

Oblonsky seemed to ponder.

`I'll tell you what: let's go to Gurin's to lunch, and there we can talk. I am free till three.'

`No,' answered Levin, after an instant's thought, `I have another visit to make.'

`All right, then, let's dine together.'

`Dine together? But I have nothing very particular - just a word or two, a question; then a little chatting.'

`Well, let's have your word or two right now - and we'll talk it over in the course of the dinner.'

`Well, it's this,' said Levin, `however - it's of no importance.'

His face suddenly assumed an expression of anger from the effort he was making to surmount his shyness.

`What are the Shcherbatskys doing? Everything as it used to be?'

he said.

Stepan Arkadyevich, who had long known that Levin was in love with his sister-in-law, Kitty, gave a hardly perceptible smile, and his eyes sparkled merrily.

`You've said your word or two, but I can't answer in a few words, because... Excuse me for just a minute....'

A secretary came in, with respectful familiarity and the modest consciousness, characteristic of every secretary, of superiority to his chief in the knowledge of affairs; he went up to Oblonsky with some papers, and began, under pretense of asking a question, to explain some objection.

Stepan Arkadyevich, without hearing him out, laid his hand genially on the secretary's sleeve.

`No, you do as I told you,' he said, smoothing his remark with a smile, and with a brief explanation of his view of the matter he moved away the papers, and said: `So do it that way, if you please, Zakhar Nikitich.'

The secretary retired in confusion. During the consultation with the secretary Levin had completely recovered from his embarrassment. He was standing with elbows on the back of a chair, and on his face was a look of ironical attention.

`I don't understand it - I don't understand it,' he said.

`What don't you understand?' said Oblonsky, smiling just as cheerfully, and picking up a cigarette. He expected some queer outburst from Levin.

`I don't understand what you are doing,' said Levin, shrugging his shoulders. `How can you be serious about it?'

`Why not?'

`Why, because there's nothing in it.'

`You think so - yet we're overwhelmed with work.'

`On paper. But, there, you've a gift for it,' added Levin.

`That's to say, you think there's a lack of something in me?'

`Perhaps so,' said Levin. `But all the same I admire your grandeur, and am proud to have such a great person as a friend. You've not answered my question, though,' he went on, with a desperate effort looking Oblonsky straight in the face.

`Oh, that's all very well. You wait a bit, and you'll come to this yourself. It's very nice for you to have three thousand dessiatinas in the Karazinsky district, and such muscles, and the freshness of a girl of twelve; still you'll be one of us one day. Yes, as to your question, there is no change, but it's a pity you've been away so long.'

`Oh, why so?' Levin queried, frightened.

`Oh, nothing,' responded Oblonsky. `We'll talk it over. But what's brought you up to town?'

`Oh, we'll talk about that, too, later on,' said Levin, reddening again up to his ears.

`All right. I see,' said Stepan Arkadyevich. `I should ask you to come to us, you know, but my wife's not quite well. But I'll tell you what: if you want to see them, they're sure now to be at the Zoological Gardens from four to five. Kitty skates. You drive along there, and I'll come and fetch you, and we'll go and dine somewhere together.'

`Capital. So good-by till then.'

`Now mind, you'll forget - I know you! - or rush off home to the country!' Stepan Arkadyevich called out laughing.

`No, truly!'

And Levin went out of the room, recalling only when he was in the doorway that he had forgotten to take leave of Oblonsky's colleagues.

`That gentleman must be a man of great energy,' said Grinevich, when Levin had gone away.

`Yes, my dear sir,' said Stepan Arkadyevich, nodding his head, `he's a lucky fellow! Three thousand dessiatinas in the Karazinsky district;everything before him; and what youth and vigor! Not like some of us.'

`But why are you complaining, Stepan Arkadyevich?'

`Why, it goes hard with me, very bad,' said Stepan Arkadyevich with a heavy sigh.

[Next Chapter] [Table of Contents]

TOLSTOY: Anna Karenina Part 1, Chapter 06[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] Chapter 6 When Oblonsky asked Levin what had brought him to town, Levin blushed, and was furious with himself for blushing, because he could not answer:

`I have come to make your sister-in-law a proposal,' though that was solely what he had come for.

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