

Kitty danced in the first couple, and luckily for her she had not to talk because Korsunsky was all the time running about, overseeing his demesne. Vronsky and Anna were sitting almost opposite her. She saw them with her farsighted eyes, and saw them, too, close by when they met in the figures, and the more she saw of them the more convinced was she that her unhappiness was consummated. She saw that they felt themselves alone in this crowded room. And on Vronsky's face, always so firm and independent, she saw the look that had struck her, of bewilderment and humble submissiveness, like the expression of an intelligent dog when it has done wrong.

Anna smiled - and her smile was reflected by him. She grew thoughtful - and he became serious. Some supernatural force drew Kitty's eyes to Anna's face. She was charming in her simple black dress; charming were her round arms with their bracelets; charming was her firm neck with its thread of pearls; charming the straying curls of her loose hair; charming the graceful, light movements of her little feet and hands, charming was that lovely face in its animation - yet there was something terrible and cruel in her charm.

Kitty admired her more than ever, and more and more acute did her suffering grow. Kitty felt crushed, and her face showed it. When Vronsky caught sight of her, coming upon her in the mazurka, he did not at once recognize her, so changed was she.

`Delightful ball!' he said to her, merely for the sake of saying something.

`Yes,' she answered.

In the middle of the mazurka, repeating a complicated figure, newly invented by Korsunsky, Anna came forward into the center of the circle, chose two gentlemen, and summoned Kitty and another lady. Kitty gazed at her in dismay as she went up. Anna looked at her with drooping eyelids, and smiled, pressing her hand. But, noticing that Kitty only responded to her smile by a look of despair and amazement, she turned away from her, and began gaily talking to the other lady.

`Yes, there is something uncanny, devilish and charming about her,' said Kitty to herself.

Anna did not want to stay for supper, but the master of the house began urging her.

`Nonsense, Anna Arkadyevna,' said Korsunsky placing her bare hand upon his coat sleeve. `I've such an idea for a cotillon! Un bijou!'

And he moved gradually on, trying to draw her along with him.

Their host smiled approvingly.

`No, I'm not going to stay,' answered Anna, smiling, but, in spite of her smile, both Korsunsky and the master of the house saw from her resolute tone that she would not stay.

`No; why, as it is, I have danced more at your ball in Moscow than I have all the winter in Peterburg,' said Anna, looking round at Vronsky, who stood near her. `I must rest a little before my journey.'

`Are you definitely going tomorrow then?' asked Vronsky.

`Yes, I suppose so,' answered Anna, as though wondering at the boldness of his question; but the irrepressible, quivering brilliance of her eyes and her smile set him on fire as she said it.

Anna Arkadyevna did not stay to supper, but went home.

[Next Chapter] [Table of Contents]

TOLSTOY: Anna Karenina Part 1, Chapter 24[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] Chapter 24 `Yes, there must be something disgusting, repulsive about me,' reflected Levin, as he left the Shcherbatsky's, and set out on foot for his brother's lodgings. `And I don't get on with other people. Pride, they say. No, Ihaven't even pride. If I had any pride, I should not have put myself in such a position.' And he pictured to himself Vronsky, happy, good-natured, clever and calm - certainly never placed in the awful position in which he had been that evening. `Yes, she was bound to choose him. It must be so, and I cannot complain of anyone or anything. I am myself to blame.

What right had I to imagine she would care to join her life to mine? Who am I, and what am I? A nobody, not wanted by anyone, nor of use to anybody.'

And he recalled his brother Nikolai, and dwelt with pleasure on the thought of him. `Isn't he right in saying that everything in the world is bad and vile? And are we fair in our judgment, present and past, of brother Nikolai?

Of course, from the point of view of Procophii, seeing him in a torn cloak and tipsy, he's a despicable person. But I know him differently. I know his soul, and know that we are alike. And I, instead of going to seek him out, went out to dinner, and then came here.' Levin walked up to a lamppost, read his brother's address, which was in his pocketbook, and called a cabby.

All the long way to his brother's Levin vividly recalled all the facts, familiar to him, of his brother Nikolai's life. He remembered how his brother, while at the university, and for a year afterward, had, in spite of the jeers of his companions, lived like a monk, strictly observing all religious rites, services and fasts, and avoiding every sort of pleasure - especially women. And now, afterward, he had all at once broken out: had associated with the most horrible people, and rushed into the most senseless debauchery.

  • The Gaming Table

    The Gaming Table

  • 送王昌龄


  • Hunted Down

    Hunted Down

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  • 多罗的雨季


  • 误闯心间紫茉莉


  • 紫苏求仙记


  • 看见美人鱼的眼泪


  • 王者荣耀之最怕大乔的突然关心


  • 灵渺星轴之时之砂


  • 青藤之时


  • 仙与冼寻


  • 蓝绕梦雪


  • 云水禅

