

`Why, because with electricity,' Levin interrupted again, `every time you rub tar against wool, a certain phenomenon is manifested; but in this case it does not happen every time, and so it follows it is not a natural phenomenon.'

Feeling probably that the conversation was taking a tone too serious for a drawing room, Vronsky made no rejoinder, but by way of trying to change the conversation, he smiled brightly, and turned to the ladies.

`Do let us try at once, Countess,' he said; but Levin would finish saying what he thought.

`I think,' he went on, `that this attempt of the spiritualists to explain their miracles as some sort of new natural force is most futile.

They boldly talk of spiritual force, and then try to subject it to material experiment.'

Everyone was waiting for him to finish, and he felt this.

`Why, I think you would be a first-rate medium,' said Countess Nordstone, `there's something enthusiastic about you.'

Levin opened his mouth, was about to say something, reddened, and said nothing.

`Do let us try table turning at once, please,' said Vronsky. `Princess, will you allow it?

And Vronsky stood up, looking about for a little table.

Kitty got up to fetch a table, and, as she passed, her eyes met Levin's. She felt for him with her whole heart, the more because she was pitying him for a suffering of which she was herself the cause. `If you can forgive me, forgive me,' said her eyes, `I am so happy.'

`I hate them all, and you, and myself,' his eyes responded, and he took up his hat. But he was not destined to escape. just as they were arranging themselves round the table, and Levin was on the point of retiring, the old Prince came in, and, after greeting the ladies, addressed Levin.

`Ah!' he began joyously. `Been here long, my boy? I didn't even know you were in town. Very glad to see you.' The old Prince embraced Levin, and, talking to him, did not observe Vronsky, who had risen, and was calmly waiting till the Prince should turn to him.

Kitty felt how grievous her father's cordiality was to Levin after what had happened. She saw, too, how coldly her father responded at last to Vronsky's bow, and how Vronsky looked with amiable perplexity at her father, trying and failing to understand how and why anyone could be hostilely disposed toward him, and she flushed.

`Prince, let us have Constantin Dmitrievich,' said Countess Nordstone, `we want to try an experiment.'

`What experiment? Table turning? Well, you must excuse me, ladies and gentlemen, but to my mind it is better fun to play the ring game,'

said the old Prince, looking at Vronsky, and guessing that it had been his suggestion. `There's some sense in that, anyway.'

Vronsky looked wonderingly at the Prince with his firm eyes, and, with a faint smile, began immediately talking to Countess Nordstone of the great ball that was to come off next week.

`I hope you will be there?' he said to Kitty. As soon as the old Prince turned away from him, Levin slipped out unnoticed, and the last impression he carried away with him of that evening was the smiling, happy face of Kitty answering Vronsky's inquiry about the ball.

[Next Chapter] [Table of Contents]

TOLSTOY: Anna Karenina Part 1, Chapter 15[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] Chapter 15 At the end of the evening Kitty told her mother of her conversation with Levin, and in spite of all the pity she felt for Levin, she was glad at the thought that she had received a proposal. She had no doubt that she had acted rightly. But after she had gone to bed, she could not sleep for a long while. One impression pursued her relentlessly. It was Levin's face, with his scowling brows, and his kind eyes looking out in dark dejection below them, as he stood listening to her father, and glancing at her and at Vronsky. And she felt so sorry for him that tears came into her eyes.

But immediately she thought of the man for whom she had given him up. She vividly recalled his manly, firm face, his noble calmness, and the good nature so conspicuous toward everyone. She remembered the love for her of the man she loved, and once more all was gladness in her soul, and she lay on the pillow smiling with happiness. `I'm sorry, I'm sorry; but what could I do? It's not my fault,' she said to herself; but an inner voice told her otherwise. Whether she felt remorse at having captivated Levin, or at having refused him, she did not know. But her happiness was poisoned by doubts. `Lord, have pity on us; Lord, have pity, Lord, have pity!' she said over to herself till she fell asleep.

Meanwhile there took place below, in the Prince's little study, one of the scenes so often repeated between the parents on account of their favorite daughter.

`What? I'll tell you what!' shouted the Prince, brandishing his arms, and at once wrapping his squirrel-lined dressing gown round him again.

`That you've no pride, no dignity; that you're disgracing, ruining your daughter by this vulgar, stupid matchmaking!'

`But, really, for mercy's sake, Prince, what have I done?' said the Princess, almost crying.

She, pleased and happy after her conversation with her daughter, had gone to the Prince to say good night as usual, and though she had no intention of telling him of Levin's proposal and Kitty's refusal, still she hinted to her husband that she fancied things were practically settled with Vronsky, and would be definitely so as soon as his mother arrived.

And thereupon, at those words, the Prince had all at once flown into a passion, and begun to use unseemly language.

`What have you done? I'll tell you what. First of all, you're trying to allure an eligible gentleman, and all Moscow will be talking of it, and with good reason. If you have evening parties, invite everyone, don't pick out the possible suitors. Invite all these whelps [so the Prince styled the youths of Moscow]; engage a piano player, and let them dance - and not as you did tonight: only the wooers, and doing your matching.

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