

Presently Ghanim bin Ayyub,the Distraught,the Thrall o'Love,heard them mention the name of Kut al-Kulub;whereupon life returned to him,emaciated and withered as he was and he raised his head from the pillow and cried aloud,'O Kut al-Kulub!'She looked at him and made certain it was he and shrieked rather than said,'Yes,O my beloved!''Draw near to me;'said he,and she replied,'Surely thou art Ghanim bin Ayyub?';and he rejoined 'I am indeed!'Hereupon a swoon came upon her;and,as soon as Ghanim's mother and his sister Fitnah heard these words,both cried out 'O our joy''and fainted clean away. When they all recovered,Kut al-Kulub exclaimed 'Praise be to Allah who hath brought us together again and who hath reunited thee with thy mother and thy sister!'And she related to him all that had befallen her with the Caliph and said 'I have made known the truth to the Commander of the Faithful,who believed my words and was pleased with thee;and now he desireth to see thee,'adding,'He hath given me to thee.'Thereat he rejoiced with extreme joy,when she said,'Quit not this place till I come back'and,rising forthwith,betook herself to her palace. There she opened the chest which she had brought from Ghanim's house and,taking out some of the diners,gave them to the Syndic saying,'Buy with this money for each of them four complete suits of the finest stuffs and twenty kerchiefs,and else beside of whatsoever they require;'after which she carried all three to the baths and had them washed and bathed and made ready for them consommes,and galangale-water and cider against their coming out. When they left the Hammam,they put on the new clothes,and she abode with them three days feeding them with chicken meats and bouillis,and making them drink sherbert of sugar candy. After three days their spirits returned;and she carried them again to the baths,and when they came out and had changed their raiment,she led them back to the Syndic's house and left them there,whilst she returned to the palace and craved permission to see the Caliph.

When he ordered her to come in,she entered and,kissing the ground between his hands,told him the whole story and how her lord,Ghanim bin Ayyub,yclept the Distraught,the Thrall o'Love,and his mother and sister were now in Baghdad. When the Caliph heard this,he turned to the eunuchs and said,'Here with Ghanim to me.'So Ja'afar went to fetch him;but Kut al-Kulub forewent him and told Ghanim,'The Caliph hath sent to fetch thee before him,'and charged him to show readiness of tongue and firmness of heart and sweetness of speech. Then she robed him in a sumptuous dress and gave him diners in plenty,saying,'Be lavish of largesse to the Caliph's household as thou goest in to him.'Presently Ja'afar,mounted on his Nubian mule,came to fetch him;and Ghanim advanced to welcome the Wazir and,wishing him long life,kissed the ground before him. Now the star of his good fortune had risen and shone brightly;and Ja'afar took him;and they ceased not faring together,he and the Minister,till they went in to the Commander of the Faithful. When he stood in the presence,he looked at the Wazirs and Emirs and Chamberlains,and Viceroys and Grandees and Captains,and then at the Caliph.

Hereupon he sweetened his speech and his eloquence and,bowing his head to the ground,broke out in these extempore couplets,'May that Monarch's life span a mighty span,Whose lavish of largesse all Empyrean! lieges scan:

None other but he shall be Kaysar highs,Lord of lordly hall and of haught Divan:

Kings lay their gems on his threshold-dust As they bow and salam to the mighty man;

And his glances foil them and all recoil,Bowing beards aground and with faces wan:

Yet they gain the profit of royal grace,The rank and station of high Earth's plain is scant for thy world of men,Camp there in Kay wan's[135] Empyrean!

May the King of Kings ever hold thee dear;Be counsel shine and right steadfast plan Till thy justice spread o'er the wide spread earth And the near and the far be of equal worth.'

When he ended his improvisation the Caliph was pleased by it and marvelled at the eloquence of his tongue and the sweetness of his speech,--And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased to say her permitted say.

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